AUIRGP4063D ,600V co-pack Automotive Trench IGBT in a TO-247AC packageapplications Suitable for a wide range of switching frequencies due toEECCGGLow V and Low Switchin ..
AUIRLL024ZTR ,Automotive Q101 55V Single N-Channel HEXFET Power MOSFET in a SOT-223 Packageapplications.Gate Drain SourceStandard PackBase Part Number Package Type Orderable Part NumberForm ..
AUIRS2110S ,Automotive High and Low Side Driver, All High Voltage Pins On One Side, Separate Logic and Power Ground, Shut-Down, High CreepageBlock Diagram 7 Input/Output Pin Equivalent Circuit Diagram 8 Lead Definitions 9 Lead Assignments 9 ..
AV101-12LF , HIP3 Variable Attenuator 0.7-1 GHz
B9NC60 , N-CHANNEL 600V - 0.6ohm - 9A - D2PAK/I2PAK PowerMesh™II MOSFET
BA00ASFP , Regulator, low drop-out type with ON/OFF switch
BA00CC0WFP , 1A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator with Shut Down Switch (Adjustable Voltage)
BA00CC0WT-V5 , 1A Low Dropout Voltage Regulator with Shut Down Switch (Adjustable Voltage)
BA00DD0WHFP , Standard Variable Output LDO Regulators with Shutdown Switch
BA00JC5W , 1.5A Secondary LDO Regulators for Local Power Supplies
600V co-pack Automotive Trench IGBT in a TO-247AC package
1ng Rectifier
Low VCE (ON) Trench IGBT Technology
Low switching losses
Maximum Junctiontemperature 175 °C
5 pS short circuit SOA
Square RBSOA
100% of the parts tested for 4X rated current (ILM)
Positive VCE (ON)Temperature co-efficient
Ultra fast soft Recovery Co-Pak Diode
Lead Free Package
High Efficiency in a wide range of applications
Vcss = 600V
IC = 60A, TC = 100°C
tsc l 5ps, TJ(max) = 175°C
VCE(on) typ. = 1.6V
q Suitable for a wide range of switching frequencies due to C E
Low VCE (ON) and Low Switching losses G
q Ruggedtransient Performance forincreased reliability TO'247AC TO'247AD
. . . AUIRGP4063D AUIRGP4063D-E
q Excellent Currentsharing In parallel operation
q Low EMI G C E
Gate Collector Emitter
Base part number Package Type Standard Pack Orderable Part Number
Form Quantity
AUIRGP4063D TO-247 Tube 25 AUI RGP4063D
AUI RGP4063D- E TO-247 Tube 25 AUI RGP4063D-E
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses beyond those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device.
These are stress ratings only; and
functional operation of the device at these or any other condition beyond those indicated in the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute-
maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability. The thermal resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured
under board mounted and still air conditions. Ambient temperature (TA) is 25°C, unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Max. Units
Vcss Collector-to-Emitter Voltage 600 V
lc @ TC = 25°C Continuous Collector Current 100
r, @ TC = 100°C Continuous Collector Current 60
(n, Pulse Collector Current, Vas = 15V 144
L, Clamped Inductive Load Current, Vas = 20V CO 192 A
Ir, @ TC = 25°C Diode Continous Forward Current 82
IF @ TC = 100°C Diode Continous Forward Current 50
Irv, Diode Maximum Forward Current Co') 192
VGE Continuous Gate-to-Emitter Voltage :20 V
Transient Gate-to-Emitter Voltage A30
Fl, © To = 25°C Maximum Power Dissipation 330 W
PD © Tc = 100°C Maximum Power Dissipation 170
Tu Operating Junction and -55 to +175
Tsm Storage Temperature Range °C
Soldering Temperature, for 10 sec. 300 (0.063 in. (1.6mm) from case)
Mounting Torque, 6-32 or M3 Screw 10 Ibf-in (1.1 N-m)
il © 2013 International Rectifier July 12, 2013
TCt) tillllIIiCtEQ6BmrDul8
Thermal Resistance
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
RoJC (IGBT) Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Case-(each IGBT) - - 0.45 °C/W
RoJC (Diode) Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Case-(each Diode) - - 0.92
Ross Thermal Resistance, Case-to-Sink (flat, greased surface) - 0.24 -
ROJA Thermal Resistance, Junction-to-Ambient (typical socket mount) - 80 -
Electrical Characteristics @ T,, = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Ref.Fig
V(BR)CES CtylecttttyE mitter Breakdown VolToge 600 - - V l/ss = 0V, k: = 150pA C9 CT6
)V(BR)CES/)TJ Temperature Coeff. of Breakdown Voltage - 0.30 - V/°C Vas = ov, IC = 1mA (25°C-175°C) cw
- 1.6 1.9 Ic = 48A, Vas = 15V, T, = 25°C 5,6,7
Vegan) Collector-to-Emitter Saturation Voltage - 1.9 - V k: = 48A, Vss = 15V, T: = 150°C 9.10.11
- 2.0 - Ic = 48A, Vss = 15V, T, = 175°C
Vauth) Gate Threshold Voltage 4.0 - 6.5 V VCE = Vas, IC = 1.4mA 9, 10,
)VeEahVJTJ Threshold Voltage temp. coefficient - -21 - mV/°C ch = Vas, lc = 1.0mA (25°C - 175°C) ll, 12
gfe Forward Transconductance - 32 - S VCE = 50V, lc = 48A, PW = 80ps
Ices Collector-to-Emitter Leakage Current - 1.0 150 PA VGE = 0V, l/cs = 600V
- 450 1000 VGE = 0V, VCE = 600V, TJ = 175°C
VFM Diode Forward Voltage Drop - 1.95 2.91 V IF = 48A 8
- 1.45 - IF = 48A, T: =175°C
lass Gate-to-Emitter Leakage Current - - t100 nA Vss = t20V
Switching Characteristics © Tu = 25°C (unless otherwise specified)
Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units Conditions Ref.Fig
ch Total Gate Charge (turn-on) - 95 140 la = 48A 24
Qge Gate-to-Emitter Charge (turn-on) - 28 42 nC Vss =15V CTI
Qgc Gate-to-Collector Charge (turn-on) - 35 53 Vcc = 400V
E0n Turn-On Switching Loss - 625 1141 lc = 48A, Vcc = 400V, Vss = 15V CT4
Eon Turn-Off Switching Loss - 1275 1481 pd Rs =10) , L = 200pH, Ls =150nH,TJ = 25°C
E10131 Total Switching Loss - 1900 2622 E nergylosses include tdl &doctsreverserecovery
tum) Turn-On delay time - 60 78 k: = 48A, Vcc = 400V, Vas = 15V CT4
t, Rise time - 40 56 ns Ra =10) , L = 200pH, Ls =150nH,TJ = 25°C
tam) Turn-Off delay time - 145 176
t, Fall time - 35 46
Eon Turn-On Switching Loss - 1625 - IC = 48A, Vcc = 400V, Vas=15V 13, 15
Eott Turn-Off Switching Loss - 1585 - pJ Ra--10) , L=200pH, Ls=150nH, T, =175°C © CT4
Etotal Total Switching Loss - 3210 - Energylosses indudetdl &dodereverserecovery WF1,WF2
tum) Turn-On delay time - 55 - Ic = 48A, Vcc = 400V, Vas = 15V 14, 16
t, Rise time - 45 - ns Rs =10) , L = 200pH, Ls =150nH CT4
tum) Turn-Off delay time - 165 - TJ = 175°C WFI
t, Fall time - 45 - WF2
Cies Input Capacitance - 3025 - pF Vss = ov 23
Coes Output Capacitance - 245 - Vcc = 30V
Cres Reverse Transfer Capacitance - 90 - f = 1 .OMhz
TJ:175°C,|C:192A 4
RBSOA Reverse Bias Safe Operating Area FULL SQUARE Vcc = 480V, Vp =600V CT2
Rg =10) ,vGE = +15V to ov
SCSOA Short Circuit Safe Operating Area 5 - - us Vcc; = 400V, Vp =600V 22, 013
Rg=10),VeE=+15Vt00V wm
Erec Reverse Recovery Energy of the Diode - 845 - pJ T, = 175°C 17, 18. 19
t,, Diode Reverse Recovery Time - 115 - ns Vcc = 400V, IF = 48A 20, 21
l, Peak Reverse Recovery Current - 4O - A Vas =15V, Hg =10) , L =200pH, LS =150nH wrs
co Vcc = 80% (VCES), VGE = 20V, L = 200pH, Rs = Ion. 6) Pulse width limited by max. junction temperature.
© This is only applied to TO-247AC package. © Referto AN-1086 forguidelines for measuring V(an)css safely.
iil © 2013 International Rectifier July 12, 2013