AT-41435 ,Up to 6 GHz Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistorapplications• High Gain-Bandwidthin the VHF, UHF, and microwaveProduct: 8.0 GHz Typical fT frequenc ..
AT-41435G , Up to 6 GHz Low Noise Silicon Bipolar Transistor
AT-41485 ,Up to 6 GHz Low Noise Silicon Bipolar TransistorApplications include1.7 dB Typical at 2.0␣ GHzuse in wireless systems as an LNA,• High Associated G ..
AT-41486 ,Up to 6 GHz Low Noise Silicon Bipolar TransistorFeatures 86 Plastic Packagethis transistor to be used in many• Low Noise Figure:different functions ..
AT-41486-TR1 ,Up to 6 GHz Low Noise Silicon Bipolar TransistorApplications include use inPin ConnectionsProduct: 8.0 GHz Typical fT wireless systems as an LNA, g ..
AT-41511-BLKG , General Purpose, Low Noise NPN Silicon Bipolar Transistors Lead-free
AVPRO5003-CG , Triple SCART A/V Switch
AVRL101A1R1NTB , Countermeasure for surge voltage and static electricity
AVRL101A1R1NTB , Countermeasure for surge voltage and static electricity
AVRL101A3R3FTA , Chip Varistors Countermeasure for surge voltage and static electricity
AVRL101A3R3FTA , Chip Varistors Countermeasure for surge voltage and static electricity