AT27C010L ,1M bit EPROM, Low PowerBlock Diagram2 AT27C010(L)AT27C010(L)Absolute Maximum Ratings**NOTICE: Stresses beyond those listed ..
AT27C010L-12PC ,1 Megabit 128K x 8 OTP CMOS EPROMfeatures to ensure highto stabilize the supply voltage level on printed circuit™quality and efficie ..
AT27C010L-12PC ,1 Megabit 128K x 8 OTP CMOS EPROMBlock Diagram Absolute Maximum Ratings*Temperature Under Bias ................ -55°C to +125°CStora ..
AT27C010L-12TC ,1 Megabit 128K x 8 OTP CMOS EPROMAT27C010/L
AT27C010L-15JC ,1 Megabit 128K x 8 OTP CMOS EPROMAT27C010/L
AT27C010L-45TI ,1 Megabit 128K x 8 OTP CMOS EPROMAT27C010/L
ATMEGA169V-8AI ,8-bit microcontroller with 16K bytes In-system programmable flash. Speed 8 MHz. Power supply 1.8Features® High Performance, Low Power AVR 8-Bit Microcontroller Advanced RISC Architecture– 130 ..
ATMEGA169V-8MI ,8-bit microcontroller with 16K bytes In-system programmable flash. Speed 8 MHz. Power supply 1.8Features– Power-on Reset and Programmable Brown-out Detection– Internal Calibrated Oscillator– Exte ..
ATMEGA169V-8MI ,8-bit microcontroller with 16K bytes In-system programmable flash. Speed 8 MHz. Power supply 1.8Block DiagramFigure 2.
ATMEGA16A-PU , 8-bit Microcontroller with 16K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash
ATMEGA16A-PU , 8-bit Microcontroller with 16K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash
ATMEGA16A-PU , 8-bit Microcontroller with 16K Bytes In-System Programmable Flash