AN8377N ,3-channel Linear DriverICs for CD/CD-ROM PlayerAN8377N3-channel Linear Drivern OverviewUnit : mmThe AN8377N is an IC which ..
AN8387S ,2-channel Linear DriverFeatures156• Operating supply voltage range ; V =3.5V to 9VCC7 14PV =1.5V to 9V 8 13CC129• Built-in ..
AN8388S ,4 Ch. Linear Driver IC for CD PlayerAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta=25°C)Parameter Symbol Rating UnitSupply Voltage SVCC 16 VSupply Curren ..
AN8388SR ,4 Ch. Linear Driver IC for CD PlayerIDs for CD/CD-HOM Player PanasonicAN83885, AN8388$R4 Ch. Linear Driver IC for CD PlayerI Overview A ..
AN8388SR ,4 Ch. Linear Driver IC for CD PlayerFeatures0 Wide output D—range is available regardless of refer-ence supply on the system.0 4 ch. BT ..
AN8389S ,4 Channel Linear Driver ICFeaturesWide output D-range, regardless of the systemreference voltage. Built-in 4-channel BTL driv ..
APM3005NUC-TR , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
APM3007NUC-TR , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
APM3009N , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
APM3009N , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
APM3009NUC-TRL , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET
APM3009NUC-TRL , N-Channel Enhancement Mode MOSFET