AN7148 ,Dual 2.1W Audio Power Amplifier CircuitPin DescriptionsPin No. Pin Name Pin No. Pin Name1 N.F.B Ch.1 7 Output Ch.22 Input Ch.1 8 Bootstrap ..
AN7149N ,Dual 5.3W Audio Power Amplifier CircuitICs for Audio Common UseAN7149NDual 5.3W Audio Power Amplifier Circuitn OverviewUnit : mmThe AN7149 ..
AN7158 ,Dual 7.5W Audio Power Amplifier CircuitAbsolute Maximum Ratings (Ta= 25˚C)Parameter Symbol Rating UnitNote 1)Supply Voltage VCC 24 VNote 2 ..
AN7158N ,Dual 7.5W Audio Power Amplifier CircuitICs for Audio Common UseAN7158NDual 7.5W Audio Power Amplifier Circuitn OverviewUnit : mmThe AN7158 ..
AN7161NFP ,BTL High Audio Power AmplifierBlock DiagramUnit : mm12-Lead SIL Plastic Package with Fin (12-SIP-FP)Headphone Amp.Input Circuit C ..
AN7163 ,BTL 17W AUDIO POWER AMPLIFIERFeaturesovercurrent, thermal and output-GND shortBuilt-in protection circuits include: overvollage, ..
APL1087 , 800mA Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Adjustable Regulator and Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V
APL1087 , 800mA Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Adjustable Regulator and Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V
APL1087 , 800mA Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Adjustable Regulator and Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V
APL1087-18DC-TR , 800mA Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Adjustable Regulator and Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V
APL1087-25DC-TR , 800mA Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Adjustable Regulator and Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V
APL1087-25DC-TR , 800mA Low Dropout Fast Response Positive Adjustable Regulator and Fixed 1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V