AIC111RHBG4 ,1.3-V micro Power Single Channel Codec 32-VQFN 0 to 70FEATURES – - 32-Pin QFN 5×5-mm Plastic Package– - 32-Pad Bumped Die in Waffle Pack (wafer2• Single ..
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1.3-V micro Power Single Channel Codec
www.ti.com SLAS382A –JUNE 2003–REVISED NOVEMBER 2005
Checkfor Samples: AIC111
1FEATURES –- 32-Pin QFN 5×5-mm Plastic Package- 32-Pad Bumped Diein Waffle Pack (wafer Single Channel Codec
scale packaging)• Noise Shaped Delta Sigma ADC and DAC
Technology APPLICATIONS• Low Supply Voltage and Current: Hearing Instruments– 1.3-V Typical Power Supply Personal Medical Devices– 350-µA Typical Supply Current Drain • Hearing Protection• Power Supply Up Monitor and Low Battery Aural ProcessingMonitor That Also Automatically Shuts OffH-
Bridge Output When Battery Decays Below • Low-Power Headsets
1.05Vina Nontransient Manner
DESCRIPTION• Typical 2.4-µ Vrms Input Referred Noise WithThe AIC111IC design specification servesto provide
0.01% Total Harmonic Distortion for Front Endproduct development teams witha guideline for how
and 108-dB Dynamic Range the AIC111ICis specified and programmable options
• ADC Has 87-dB Dynamic Range With 73-dB that are available. The document outlinesa top-level
Total Harmonic Distortion 100 Hz-10 kHz, 40- block description of the IC along with system
kHz Sampling Rate specifications and functions. Individual block
Typical 55-dB PSRR 100 Hzto10 kHz for descriptions and target specifications are also
Analog Front End Low Noise Programmable Gain The Texas Instruments AIC111isaTIµ Power DSP
Amplifier/Compressor Front End With compatible, or microcontroller compatible audio
codec product, or analog interface circuit. The
Programmable Fast and Slow Attack andAIC111is partofa comprehensive familyof DSP/µC
Decay Rates With Dualor Single Attack andbased high-performance analog interface solutions.
Decay Rate Option The AIC111is targeted primarilyat personal medical
• Typical Output Noiseof 12µ Vrms With 0.05% devices, such as hearing instruments, aural
Total Harmonic Distortion for Delta Sigma DAC preprocessing applications, and low-power headset
Driver applications. The AIC111 is used in any design
Thatall requiring a programmable time constant
PGA/compressor interface, high dynamic range
Generates 5-MHz Outputanalog-to-digital converter, an external DSP/µCora low distortion digital- with a balanced H-Bridge speaker driver.It supportsa CMOS digital interface tailored forTI DSPs protocol suchas
TMS320VC54x™ controllers such as MSP430x of
DSPs microcontrollers. The AIC111 also an
Protocol microphoneor sensor and
supply up low-battery monitor indicator.