AFE0064IPBK ,64 Channel Analog Front End for Digital X-Ray Detector 128-LQFP -40 to 85maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratingsonly, and functio ..
AFE1124E ,Brown Corporation - HDSL/MDSL ANALOG FRONT END
AFE1230E ,G.SHDSL Analog Front EndELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAll specifications are typical at 25°C, AV = +5V, DV = +3.3V, MCLK = 37.1 ..
AFE5801IRGCR ,8-channel VGA with ADC 64-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES RELATED DEVICES• AFE5851: 16-Channel VGA + ADC,• Eight Variable-Gain Amplifiers (VGA)32.5M ..
AFE5801IRGCT ,8-channel VGA with ADC 64-VQFN -40 to 85 SLOS591D –SEPTEMBER 2008–REVISED MAY 2010PINOUTRGC PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 ..
AFE5804ZCF ,8-Channel Analog Front-End for Ultrasound 135-NFBGA 0 to 70ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt AVDD_5V = 5.0V, AVDD1 = AVDD2 = DVDD = 3.3V, LVDD = 1.8V, TGC mode I, ..
AM29DL800BB-120SE , 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit/512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
AM29DL800BB-120SI , 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit/512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
AM29DL800BB-70EE , 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit/512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
AM29DL800BB-70EI , 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit/512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
AM29DL800BB-70SC , 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit/512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
AM29DL800BB-70SE , 8 Megabit (1 M x 8-Bit/512 K x 16-Bit) CMOS 3.0 Volt-only, Simultaneous Operation Flash Memory
64 Channel Analog Front End for Digital X-Ray Detector
www.ti.com........................................................................................................................................................................................ SLAS672 –SEPTEMBER 2009
Channel Analog Front End for Digital X-Ray Detector
Checkfor Samples :AFE0064
DESCRIPTION• 64 Channels 28.32µ Sec Min Scan Time (including The AFE0064isa 64 channel analog front end
designed to suit the requirements of flat panel
integration and data transfer forall64detector based digital X-ray systems.
channels) 7.5 MHz Max Data Transfer Rate The device includes 64 integrators,a PGA for full
scale charge level selection, correlated double
• Noise 824 e-RMS with30 pF Sensor Capacitor sampler, 64 asto2 multiplexer, and two differential
in 1.2 pC Range output drivers.
• Integral Nonlinearity: ±0.006%of FSRHardware selectable Integration polarity allows
• Eight Adjustable Full Scale Ranges (0.13 pC integration ofa positive or negative charge and
minto 9.5 pC max) provides more flexibilityin system design.In addition,
• Builtin CDS (signal sample– offset sample) the device features TFT (Thin Film Transistor from
Flat Panel Detector) charge injection compensation.
• Selectable Integration Up/Down ModeThis feature helps maximize the usable signal charge
• Low Power: 175 mW rangeof the device.
• NAP Mode: 49.5 mW The nap feature enables substantial power saving.
• 14 mm×14 mm 128 Pin TQFP Package Thisis especially useful for power saving during long
X-ray exposure periods.
APPLICATIONSThe AFE0064 is available ina 128 pin TQFP
• Digital Radiography package.
• CT Scanners Baggage Scanners Infrared Spectroscopy
ORDERING INFORMATION(1) and ordering information, seethe Package Option Addendumatthe endof this document,or seetheTI