ADXL150EM-1 ,±50g Single Axis Accelerometer with Analog OutputGENERAL DESCRIPTION 5kV+VSThe ADXL150 and ADXL250 are third generation ±50 g sur-CLOCK 2face microm ..
ADXL150EM-3 ,±50g Single Axis Accelerometer with Analog OutputFEATURESComplete Acceleration Measurement SystemTP(DO NOT CONNECT)on a Single Monolithic IC80 dB Dy ..
ADXL150JQC ,+-5 g to +-50 g, Low Noise, Low Power, Single/Dual Axis iMEMS AccelerometersGENERAL DESCRIPTION 5kV+VSThe ADXL150 and ADXL250 are third generation ±50 g sur-CLOCK 2face microm ..
ADXL180WCPZ-RL1 , Configurable, High g, iMEMS Accelerometer
ADXL190EM-1 ,±100g Single Axis Accelerometer with Analog OutputSPECIFICATIONSA MIN MAX S ADXL190WQCParameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsSENSOR INPUT1, 2, 3Dyn ..
ADXL190WQC ,Low Cost +-100 gSingle Axis Accelerometer with Analog OutputSPECIFICATIONSA MIN MAX S ADXL190WQCParameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsSENSOR INPUT1, 2, 3Dyn ..
AM2833DC , 1024-Bit Static Shift Registers
AM2841ADC ,64 x 4 BITS FIRST-IN FIRST-OUT MEMORIESAm3341/ 2841/ 2841A
Distinctive Characteristics
. "Plug- In" replacement for Fairchild 3341
AM2841DC ,64 x 4 BITS FIRST-IN FIRST-OUT MEMORIESAm3341/ 2841/ 2841A
Distinctive Characteristics
. "Plug- In" replacement for Fairchild 3341
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Parallel expansion to wider words only requires that rows of FIFOs
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AM28F010-120EI , 1 Megabit (128 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 12.0 Volt, Bulk Erase Flash Memory
±50g Single Axis Accelerometer with Analog Output
FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMS 65 g to 650 g, Low Noise, Low Power,
Single/Dual Axis iMEMS
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADXL150 and ADXL250 are third generation ±50g sur-
face micromachined accelerometers. These improved replace-
ments for the ADXL50 offer lower noise, wider dynamic range,
reduced power consumption and improved zerog bias drift.
The ADXL150 is a single axis product; the ADXL250 is a fully
integrated dual axis accelerometer with signal conditioning on a
single monolithic IC, the first of its kind available on the com-
mercial market. The two sensitive axes of the ADXL250 are
orthogonal (90°) to each other. Both devices have their sensitive
axes in the same plane as the silicon chip.
The ADXL150/ADXL250 offer lower noise and improved
signal-to-noise ratio over the ADXL50. Typical S/N is 80dB,
allowing resolution of signals as low as 10mg, yet still providing
a ±50g full-scale range. Device scale factor can be increased
from 38 mV/g to 76 mV/g by connecting a jumper between
VOUT and the offset null pin. Zero g drift has been reduced to
0.4g over the industrial temperature range, a 10× improvement
over the ADXL50. Power consumption is a modest 1.8mA
per axis. The scale factor and zerog output level are both
Complete Acceleration Measurement System
on a Single Monolithic ICdB Dynamic Range
Pin Programmable 650g or 625g Full Scale
Low Noise: 1mg/√Hz Typical
Low Power: <2mA per Axis
Supply Voltages as Low as 4V
2-Pole Filter On-Chip
Ratiometric Operation
Complete Mechanical & Electrical Self-Test
Dual & Single Axis Versions Available
Surface Mount PackageREV.0
ratiometric to the power supply, eliminating the need for a volt-
age reference when driving ratiometric A/D converters such as
those found in most microprocessors. A power supply bypass
capacitor is the only external component needed for normal
The ADXL150/ADXL250 are available in a hermetic 14-lead
surface mount cerpac package specified over the 0°C to +70°C
commercial and –40°C to +85°C industrial temperature ranges.
Contact factory for availability of devices specified over automo-
tive and military temperature ranges.
iMEMS is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
NOTESAlignment error is specified as the angle between the true axis of sensitivity and the edge of the package.Transverse sensitivity is measured with an applied acceleration that is 90 degrees from the indicated axis of sensitivity.Ratiometric: VOUT = VS/2 + (Sensitivity × VS/5 V × a) where a = applied acceleration in gs, and VS = supply voltage. See Figure 21. Output scale factor can be
doubled by connecting VOUT to the offset null pin.Ratiometric, proportional to VS/2. See Figure 21.See Figure 11 and Device Bandwidth vs. Resolution section.Self-test output varies with supply voltage.When using ADXL250, both Pins 13 and 14 must be connected to the supply for the device to function.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(TA = +258C for J Grade, TA = –408C to +858C for A Grade,
VS = +5.00 V, Acceleration = Zero g, unless otherwise noted)
Package Characteristics
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Acceleration (Any Axis, Unpowered for 0.5 ms) . . . . . .2000 g
Acceleration (Any Axis, Powered for 0.5 ms) . . . . . . . . .500 g
+VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–0.3 V to +7.0 V
Output Short Circuit Duration
(VOUT, VREF Terminals to Common) . . . . . . . . . . .Indefinite
Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; the functional operation of
the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Drops onto hard surfaces can cause shocks of greater than 2000 g
and exceed the absolute maximum rating of the device. Care
should be exercised in handling to avoid damage.
(Not to Scale)
(Not to Scale)
908AYFigure 1.ADXL150 and ADXL250 Sensitive Axis
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.
Although the ADXL150/ADXL250 feature proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent
damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper
ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
Zero g Bias Level:The output voltage of the ADXL150/
ADXL250 when there is no acceleration (or gravity) acting
upon the axis of sensitivity. The output offset is the difference
between the actual zero g bias level and (VS/2).
Polarity of the Acceleration OutputThe polarity of the ADXL150/ADXL250 output is shown in
Figure 1. When its sensitive axis is oriented to the earth’s gravity
(and held in place), it will experience an acceleration of +1 g.
This corresponds to a change of approximately +38 mV at the
output pin. Note that the polarity will be reversed if the package
is rotated 180°. The figure shows the ADXL250 oriented so that
its “X” axis measures +1 g. If the package is rotated 90° clock-
wise (Pin 14 up, Pin 1 down), the ADXL250’s “Y” axis will now
measure +1 g.
Figure 2.Output Polarity
Acceleration VectorsThe ADXL150/ADXL250 is a sensor designed to measure
accelerations that result from an applied force. It responds to
the component of acceleration on its sensitive X axis (ADXL150)
or on both the “X” and “Y” axis (ADXL250).
Acceleration:Change in velocity per unit time.
Acceleration Vector:Vector describing the net acceleration
acting upon the ADXL150/ADXL250.
A unit of acceleration equal to the average force of gravity
occurring at the earth’s surface. A g is approximately equal to
32.17 feet/s2 or 9.807 meters/s2.
Nonlinearity:The maximum deviation of the ADXL150/
ADXL250 output voltage from a best fit straight line fitted to a
plot of acceleration vs. output voltage, calculated as a % of the
full-scale output voltage (at 50 g).
Resonant Frequency:The natural frequency of vibration of
the ADXL150/ADXL250 sensor’s central plate (or “beam”). At
its resonant frequency of 24 kHz, the ADXL150/ADXL250’s
moving center plate has a slight peak in its frequency response.
Sensitivity:The output voltage change per g unit of accelera-
tion applied, specified at the VOUT pin in mV/g.
Total Alignment Error:Net misalignment of the ADXL150/
ADXL250’s on-chip sensor and the measurement axis of the
application. This error includes errors due to sensor die align-
ment to the package, and any misalignment due to installation
of the sensor package in a circuit board or module.
Transverse Acceleration:Any acceleration applied 90° to the
axis of sensitivity.
Transverse Sensitivity Error:The percent of a transverse
acceleration that appears at VOUT.
Transverse Axis:The axis perpendicular (90°) to the axis of
–5.0Figure 3.Typical Sensitivity Error from Ideal Ratiometric
Response for a Number of Units
–2.0Figure 4.Offset Error of Zero g Level from Ideal
VS/2 Response as a Percent of Full-Scale for a Number
of Units
SUPPLY CURRENT – mA5.5Figure 5.Typical Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage
Figure 6.Typical Output Response vs. Frequency of
ADXL150/ADXL250 on a PC Board that Has Been
Conformally Coated
DRIFT – mVFigure 7.Typical Zero g Drift for a Number of Units
Figure 8.Typical 500 g Step Recovery at the Output
Typical Characteristics(@+5 V dc, +258C with a 38 mV/g Scale Factor unless otherwise noted)
TIME – ms
–20Figure 9.Typical Output Noise Voltage with Spikes
Generated by Internal Clock
Figure 10.Typical Self-Test Response
2.50Figure 11.Noise Spectral Density
SUPPLY VOLTAGE – Volts 12.Noise vs. Supply Voltage
Figure 13.Baseband Error Graph
Figure 13 shows the mV rms error in the output signal if there is
a noise on the power supply pin of 1 mV rms at the internal
clock frequency or its odd harmonics. This is a baseband noise
and can be at any frequency in the 1 kHz passband or at dc.
THEORY OF OPERATIONThe ADXL150 and ADXL250 are fabricated using a propri-
etary surface micromachining process that has been in high
volume production since 1993. The fabrication technique uses
standard integrated circuit manufacturing methods enabling all
the signal processing circuitry to be combined on the same chip
with the sensor.
The surface micromachined sensor element is made by deposit-
ing polysilicon on a sacrificial oxide layer that is then etched
away leaving the suspended sensor element. Figure 14 is a
simplified view of the sensor structure. The actual sensor has
42 unit cells for sensing acceleration. The differential capacitor
sensor is composed of fixed plates and moving plates attached to
the beam that moves in response to acceleration.Movement of
the beam changes the differential capacitance, which is measured
by the on chip circuitry.
The sensor has 12-unit capacitance cells for electrostatically
forcing the beam during a self-test. Self-test is activated by the
user with a logic high on the self-test input pin. During a logic
high, an electrostatic force acts on the beam equivalent to
approximately 20% of full-scale acceleration input, and thus a
proportional voltage change appears on the output pin. When
activated, the self-test feature exercises both the entire mechani-
cal structure and the electrical circuitry.
Figure 14.Simplified View of Sensor Under Acceleration
All the circuitry needed to drive the sensor and convert the
capacitance change to voltage is incorporated on the chip requiring
no external components except for standard power supply decou-
pling. Both sensitivity and the zero-g value are ratiometric to
the supply voltage, so that ratiometeric devices following the
accelerometer (such as an ADC, etc.) will track the accelerom-
eter if the supply voltage changes. The output voltage (VOUT) is
a function of both the acceleration input (a) and the power
supply voltage (VS) as follows:
VOUT = VS/2 – (Sensitivity ×
Both the ADXL150 and ADXL250 have a 2-pole Bessel switched-
capacitor filter. Bessel filters, sometimes called linear phase
filters, have a step response with minimal overshoot and a maxi-
mally flat group delay. The –3dB frequency of the poles is
preset at the factory to 1kHz. These filters are also completely
MEASURING ACCELERATIONS LESS THAN 50 gThe ADXL150/ADXL250 require only a power supply bypass
capacitor to measure ±50 g accelerations. For measuring ±50 g
accelerations, the accelerometer may be directly connected to an
ADC (see Figure 25). The device may also be easily modified to
measure lower g signals by increasing its output scale factor.
The scale factor of an accelerometer specifies the voltage change
of the output per g of applied acceleration. This should not be
confused with its resolution. The resolution of the device is the
lowest g level the accelerometer is capable of measuring. Resolu-
tion is principally determined by the device noise and the mea-
surement bandwidth.
The zero g bias level is simply the dc output level of the accelerom-
eter when it is not in motion or being acted upon by the earth’s
Pin Programmable Scale Factor OptionIn its normal state, the ADXL150/ADXL250’s buffer amplifier
provides an output scale factor of 38 mV/g, which is set by an
internal voltage divider. This gives a full-scale range of ±50g
and a nominal bandwidth of 1kHz.
A factor-of-two increase in sensitivity can be obtained by con-
necting the VOUT pin to the offset null pin, assuming that it is
not needed for offset adjustment. This connection has the effect
of reducing the internal feedback by a factor of two, doubling
the buffer’s gain. This increases the output scale factor to 76mV/g
and provides a ±25g full-scale range.
Simultaneously, connecting these two pins also increases the
amount of internal post filtering, reducing the noise floor and
changing the nominal 3dB bandwidth of the ADXL150/
ADXL250 to 500 Hz. Note that the post filter’s “Q” will also
be reduced by a factor of √2 from 0.58 (Bessel response) to a
much gentler “Q” value of 0.41. The primary effect of this
change in “Q” is only at frequencies within two octaves of the
corner frequency; above this the two filter slopes are essentially
the same. In applications where a flat response up to 500 Hz is
needed, it is better to operate the device at 38 mV/g and use an
external post filter. Note also that connecting VOUT to the offset
pin adds a 30 kΩ load from VOUT to VS/2. When swinging ±2 V
at VOUT, this added load will consume ±60μA of the ADXL150/
ADXL250’s 100μA (typical) output current drive.
ADXL150/ADXL250Figure 15. Using an External Op Amp to Increase Output Scale Factor
Increasing the iMEMS Accelerometer’s Output
Scale FactorFigure 15 shows the basic connections for using an external
buffer amplifier to increase the output scale factor.
The output multiplied by the gain of the buffer, which is simply
the value of resistor R3 divided by R1. Choose a convenient
scale factor, keeping in mind that the buffer gain not only ampli-
fies the signal, but any noise or drift as well. Too much gain can
also cause the buffer to saturate and clip the output waveform.
Note that the “+” input of the external op amp uses the offset
null pin of the ADXL150/ADXL250 as a reference, biasing the
op amp at midsupply, saving two resistors and reducing power
consumption. The offset null pin connects to the VS/2 reference
point inside the accelerometer via 30kΩ, so it is important not
to load this pin with more than a few microamps.
It is important to use a single-supply or “rail-to-rail” op amp for
the external buffer as it needs to be able to swing close to the
supply and ground.
The circuit of Figure 15 is entirely adequate for many applica-
tions, but its accuracy is dependent on the pretrimmed accuracy
of the accelerometer and this will vary by product type and grade.
For the highest possible accuracy, an external trim is recom-
mended. As shown by Figure 20, this consists of a potentiom-
eter, R1a, in series with a fixed resistor, R1b. Another option is
to select resistor values after measuring the device’s scale factor
(see Figure 17).
AC CouplingIf a dc (gravity) response is not required—for example in vibra-
tion measurement applications—ac coupling can be used be-
tween the accelerometer’s output and the external op amp’s
input as shown in Figure 16. The use of ac coupling virtually
eliminates any zero g drift and allows the maximum external
amp gain without clipping.
Resistor R2 and capacitor C3 together form a high pass filter
whose corner frequency is 1/(2 π R2 C3). This filter will reduce
the signal from the accelerometer by 3dB at the corner fre-
quency, and it will continue to reduce it at a rate of 6dB/octave
(20 dB per decade) for signals below the corner frequency.
Capacitor C3 should be a nonpolarized, low leakage type.
If ac coupling is used, the self-test feature must be monitored at
the accelerometer’s output rather than at the external amplifier
output (since the self-test output is a dc voltage).