ADXL105JQC ,High Accuracy 61 g to 65 g Single Axis iMEMS Accelerometer with Analog InputSPECIFICATIONS␣␣␣␣␣␣␣ ADXL105J/AParameterConditionsMinTypMaxUnitsSENSOR INPUT1Measurement Ran ..
ADXL150AQC ,+-5 g to +-50 g, Low Noise, Low Power, Single/Dual Axis iMEMS AccelerometersSPECIFICATIONS V = +5.00 V, Acceleration = Zero g, unless otherwise noted)S ADXL150JQC/AQC ADX ..
ADXL150EM-1 ,±50g Single Axis Accelerometer with Analog OutputGENERAL DESCRIPTION 5kV+VSThe ADXL150 and ADXL250 are third generation ±50 g sur-CLOCK 2face microm ..
ADXL150EM-3 ,±50g Single Axis Accelerometer with Analog OutputFEATURESComplete Acceleration Measurement SystemTP(DO NOT CONNECT)on a Single Monolithic IC80 dB Dy ..
ADXL150JQC ,+-5 g to +-50 g, Low Noise, Low Power, Single/Dual Axis iMEMS AccelerometersGENERAL DESCRIPTION 5kV+VSThe ADXL150 and ADXL250 are third generation ±50 g sur-CLOCK 2face microm ..
ADXL180WCPZ-RL1 , Configurable, High g, iMEMS Accelerometer
AM2833DC , 1024-Bit Static Shift Registers
AM2841ADC ,64 x 4 BITS FIRST-IN FIRST-OUT MEMORIESAm3341/ 2841/ 2841A
Distinctive Characteristics
. "Plug- In" replacement for Fairchild 3341
AM2841DC ,64 x 4 BITS FIRST-IN FIRST-OUT MEMORIESAm3341/ 2841/ 2841A
Distinctive Characteristics
. "Plug- In" replacement for Fairchild 3341
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Parallel expansion to wider words only requires that rows of FIFOs
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AM28F010-120EI , 1 Megabit (128 K x 8-Bit) CMOS 12.0 Volt, Bulk Erase Flash Memory
High Accuracy 61 g to 65 g Single Axis iMEMS Accelerometer with Analog Input
iMEMS is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.*Patent Pending.
Monolithic IC Chip
2 mg Resolution
10 kHz Bandwidth
Flat Amplitude Response (61%) to 5 kHz
Low Bias and Sensitivity Drift
Low Power 2 mA
Output Ratiometric to Supply
User Scalable g Range
On-Board Temperature Sensor
Uncommitted Amplifier
Surface Mount Package
+2.7 V to +5.25 V Single Supply Operation
1000 g Shock Survival
Accurate Tilt Sensing with Fast Response
Machine Health and Vibration Measurement
Affordable Inertial Sensing of Velocity and Position
Seismic Sensing
Rotational Acceleration
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADXL105 is a high performance, high accuracy and com-
plete single-axis acceleration measurement system on a single
monolithic IC. The ADXL105 offers significantly increased
bandwidth and reduced noise versus previously available micro-
machined devices. The ADXL105 measures acceleration with a
full-scale range up to –5 g and produces an analog voltage out-
put. Typical noise floor is 225 mg√Hz allowing signals below
2mg to be resolved. A 10 kHz wide frequency response enables
vibration measurement applications. The product exhibits signifi-
cant reduction in offset and sensitivity drift over temperature
compared to the ADXL05.
The ADXL105 can measure both dynamic accelerations, (typi-
cal of vibration) or static accelerations (such as inertial force,
gravity or tilt).
Output scale factors from 250 mV/g to 1.5 V/g are set using the
on-board uncommitted amplifier and external resistors. The
device features an on-board temperature sensor with an output
of 8 mV/°C for optional temperature compensation of offset vs.
temperature for high accuracy application.
The ADXL105 is available in a hermetic 14-lead surface mount
Cerpak with versions specified for the 0°C to +70°C, and
–40°C to +85°C temperature ranges.
High Accuracy 61 g to 65 g Single Axis
iMEMS® Accelerometer with Analog Input
NOTESGuaranteed by tests of zero g bias, sensitivity and output swing.
2Alignment of the X axis is with respect to the long edge of the bottom half of the Cerpak package.Cross axis sensitivity is measured with an applied acceleration in the Z axis of the device.
4This parameter is ratiometric to the supply voltage VDD. Specification is shown with a 5.0 V VDD. To calculate approximate values at another VDD, multiply the specification by
VDD/5 V.
5Specification refers to the maximum change in parameter from its initial value at +25°C to its worst case value at TMIN to TMAX.See Figure 3.
7See Figure 2.CMOS and TTL Compatible.
9UCA input bias current is tested at final test.
(TA = TMIN to TMAX, TA = +258C for J Grade Only, VS = +5 V, @ Acceleration = 0 g,
unless otherwise noted)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Acceleration (Any Axis, Unpowered for 0.5 ms) . . . . . .1000 g
Acceleration (Any Axis, Powered for 0.5 ms) . . . . . . . . .500 g
+VS␣ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–0.3 V to +7.0 V
Output Short Circuit Duration␣(Any Pin to Common) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Indefinite
Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–55°C to +125°C
Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; the functional operation of
the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
Package Characteristics
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.
Although the ADXL105 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may
occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD
precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
Drops onto hard surfaces can cause shocks of greater than 1000 g
and exceed the absolute maximum rating of the device. Care should
be exercised in handling to avoid damage.
Figure 1.ADXL105 Response Due to Gravity
–Typical Performance CharacteristicsFigure 2.Typical 0 g Shift vs. Temperature*
Figure 3.Typical Sensitivity Shift vs. Temperature*
Figure 4.0 g Output Distribution*
Figure 5.Sensitivity Distribution*
Figure 6.Typical Supply Current vs. Supply Voltage
Figure 7.Noise Graph
*Data from several characterization lots.
/ 5
150Figure 8.Typical Noise Density vs. Supply Voltage
Figure 9.Noise Distribution*
Figure 10.Rotational Die Alignment*
Figure 11.Typical Self-Test Response at VDD = 5 V
Figure 12.Frequency Response
Figure 13.Phase Response
THEORY OF OPERATIONThe ADXL105 is a complete acceleration measurement system
on a single monolithic IC. It contains a polysilicon surface-
micromachined sensor and BiMOS signal conditioning circuitry
to implement an open loop acceleration measurement architec-
ture. The ADXL105 is capable of measuring both positive and
negative accelerations to a maximum level of –5 g. The acceler-
ometer also measures static acceleration such as gravity, allow-
ing it to be used as a tilt sensor.
The sensor is a surface micromachined polysilicon structure
built on top of the silicon wafer. Polysilicon springs suspend the
structure over the surface of the wafer and provide a resistance
against acceleration-induced forces. Deflection of the structure
is measured with a differential capacitor structure that consists
of two independent fixed plates and a central plate attached to
the moving mass. A 180° out-of-phase square wave drives the
fixed plates. An acceleration causing the beam to deflect, will
unbalance the differential capacitor resulting in an output square
wave whose amplitude is proportional to acceleration. Phase sensi-
tive demodulation techniques are then used to rectify the signal
and determine the direction of the acceleration.
An uncommitted amplifier is supplied for setting the output
scale factor, filtering and other analog signal processing.
A ratiometric voltage output temperature sensor measures the
exact die temperature and can be used for optional calibration
of the accelerometer over temperature.
VDDThe ADXL105 has two power supply (VDD) pins, 13 and 14.
The two pins should be connected directly together. The output
of the ADXL105 is ratiometric to the power supply. Therefore a
0.22 mF decoupling capacitor between VDD and COM is re-
quired to reduce power supply noise. To further reduce noise,
insert a resistor (and/or a ferrite bead) in series with the VDD
pin. See the EMC and Electrical Noise section for more details.
COMThe ADXL105 has two common (COM) pins, 4 and 7. These
two pins should be connected directly together and Pin 7
The ST pin (Pin 6) controls the self-test feature. When this pin
is set to VDD, an electrostatic force is exerted on the beam of the
accelerometer causing the beam to move. The change in output
resulting from movement of the beam allows the user to test for
mechanical and electrical functionality. This pin may be left
open-circuit or connected to common in normal use. The self-
test input is CMOS and TTL compatible.
AOUTThe accelerometer output (Pin 8) is set to a nominal scale fac-
tor of 250 mV/g (for VDD = 5 V). Note that AOUT is guaranteed
to source/sink a minimum of 50 mA (approximately 50 kW out-
put impedance). So a buffer may be required between AOUT and
some A-to-D converter inputs.
VMIDVMID is nominally VDD/2. It is primarily intended for use as a
reference output for the on board uncommitted amplifier (UCA)
as shown in Figures 14a and 14b. Its output impedance is ap-
proximately 10 kW.Using the UCA to Change the Scale FactorUsing the UCA to Change the Scale Factor
and Zero g Bias
Figure 14.Application Circuit for Increasing Scale Factor
TOUTThe temperature sensor output is nominally 2.5 V at +25°C and
typically changes 8 mV/°C, and is optimized for repeatability
rather than accuracy. The output is ratiometric with supply
Uncommitted Amplifier (UCA)The uncommitted amplifier has a low noise, low drift bipolar
front end design. The UCA can be used to change the scale