ADUM5404 ,Quad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC/DC Converter (0/4 channel directionality)GENERAL DESCRIPTION OC IC5 12V V1OD IDThe ADuM5401/ADuM5402/ADuM5403/ADuM5404 are 6 11 quad-channel ..
ADUM5404ARWZ , Quad-Channel, 2.5 kV Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter
ADUM5404ARWZ-RL , Quad-Channel, 2.5 kV Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter
ADUM6400ARWZ , Quad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter
ADUM6402ARWZ , Quad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC-to-DC Converter
ADUM7510BRQZ-RL7 , 5-Channel, 1 kV Unidirectional Digital Isolator
AM27C128-200DE , 112dB 192kHz 24-BIT SCH DAC
AM27C128-255DC , 112dB 192kHz 24-BIT SCH DAC
AM27C128-255DC , 112dB 192kHz 24-BIT SCH DAC
AM27C128-255DI , 112dB 192kHz 24-BIT SCH DAC
AM27C128-45DC , 112dB 192kHz 24-BIT SCH DAC
AM27C128-45DI , 112dB 192kHz 24-BIT SCH DAC
Quad-Channel Isolators with Integrated DC/DC Converter (3/1 channel directionality)
iluad-Channel, 2.5 kll Isolators with
Integrated M-to-M Converter
isoPower integrated, isolated dc-to-dc converter
Regulated 3.3 V or 5.0 V output
Up to 500 mW output power
Quad dc-to-25 Mbps (NRZ) signal isolation channels
16-lead SOIC package with 7.6 mm creepage
High temperature operation: 105°C maximum
High common-mode transient immunity: >25 kV/ps
Safety and regulatory approvals
UL recognition
2500V rms for 1 minute per UL 1577
CSA Component Acceptance Notice #SA
VDE certificate of conformity (pending)
IEC 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884, Part 2)
VIORM = 560 V peak
RS-232/RS-422/RS-485 transceivers
Industrial field bus isolation
Power supply start-up bias and gate drives
Isolated sensor interfaces
Industrial PLCs
The ADuM5401/ADuM5402/ADuM54O3/ADuM54041 are
quad-channel digital isolators with isoPowef, an integrated,
isolated dc-to-dc converter. Based on the Analog Devices, Inc.,
iCoupletf technology, the dc-to-dc converter provides up to
500 mW of regulated, isolated power at either 5.0 V or 3.3 V
from a 5.0 V input supply, or at 3.3 V from a 3.3 V supply at the
power levels shown in Table I. These devices eliminate the need
for a separate, isolated dc-to-dc converter in low power, isolated
designs. The iCoupler chip scale transformer technology is used
to isolate the logic signals and for the power and feedback paths
in the dc-to-dc converter. The result is a small form factor, total
isolation solution.
The ADuM5401/ADuM5402/ADuM5403/ADuM5404 isolators
provide four independent isolation channels in a variety of
channel configurations and data rates (see the Ordering Guide
for more information).
isoPower uses high frequency switching elements to transfer
power through its transformer. Special care must be taken
during printed circuit board (PCB) layout to meet emissions
standards. See the AN-0971 Application Note for board layout
Vom 0 G Vlso
1hrrN v N
I DB 0 ADuM5401/ADuM5402/ (9 DB IB
VclVoc 9 ADuM5403lADuM5404 VOC’VIC
V00 0 CE VID
9 Q CD
Von via 2
a 'pr-'"- ','i,i,
Figure 2. ADuM5401
ADuM5402 V05
9 V, .
o Cur-'"- E
Figure 3. ADuM5402
ADuM5403 0VH3
Figure 4. ADuM5403
0 C13Jk'"'-
9 Iz),",",.",- g
0 CIF-- 'ii
Figure 5. ADuM5404
Table 1. Power Levels
Input Voltage M Output Voltage M Output Power (mW)
5.0 5.0 500
5.0 3.3 330
3.3 3.3 200
1 Protected by US. Patents 5,952,849; 6,873,065; 6,903,578; and 7,075,329. Other patents are pending.
Rev. C
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One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781 .329.4700
Fax: 781.461.3113 ©2008-201 2 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Features m............................................................................................. 1
Applications _...................................................................................... 1
General Description ......................................................................... 1
Functional Block Diagrams w............................................................ 1
Revision History F.............................................................................. 3
Specifications w.................................................................................... 4
Electrical Characteristics-S V Primary Input Supply/
5 V Secondary Isolated Supply M.................................................. 4
Electrical Characteristics) V Primary Input Supply/
3.3 V Secondary Isolated Supply w............................................... 6
Electrical Characteristics-S V Primary Input Supply/
3.3 V Secondary Isolated Supply M............................................... 8
Package Characteristics w............................................................ 10
Regulatory Information _............................................................ 10
Insulation and Safety-Related Specifications .......................... 10
IEC 60747-5-2 (VDE 0884, Part 2):2003-01 Insulation
Characteristics _........................................................................... 1 1
Recommended Operating Conditions .................................... 11
Absolute Maximum Ratings _......................................................... 12
ESD Caution ................................................................................ 12
Pin Configurations and Function Descriptions ......................... 13
Truth Table _................................................................................. 16
Typical Performance Characteristics B.......................................... 17
Terminology w................................................................................... 20
Applications Information M............................................................. 21
PCB Layout P................................................................................ 21
Thermal Analysis _...................................................................... 21
Propagation Delay-Related Parameters ................................... 22
Start-Up Behavior w...................................................................... 22
EMI Considerations F.................................................................. 22
DC Correctness and Magnetic Field Immunity .......................... 22
Power Consumption _................................................................. 23
Power Considerations w............................................................... 24
Increasing Available Power T...................................................... 24
Insulation Lifetime P.................................................................... 25
Outline Dimensions w...................................................................... 26
Ordering Guide .......................................................................... 26
Rev. C l Page 2 of 28
6/ 12-Rev. B to Rev. C
Created Hyperlink for Safety and Regulatory Approvals
Entry in Features Section ................................................................. 1
Updated Outline Dimensions _....................................................... 26
9/11-Rev. A to Rev. B
Changes to Product Title, Features Section, and General
Description Section B.......................................................................... 1
Added Table 1; Renumbered Sequentially ..................................... 1
Changes to Specifications Section _.................................................. 3
Changes to Table 19 and Table 20 _................................................ 11
Changes to Table 21 w....................................................................... 12
Changes to Table 22 w....................................................................... 13
Changes to Table 23 w....................................................................... 14
Changes to Table 24 and Table 25 ................................................. 15
Changes to Figure 11 to Figure 13 T............................................... 16
Changes to Figure 11, Figure 12 Caption, Figure 14 Caption,
and Figure 16 Caption .................................................................... 16
Added Figure 19 and Figure 20; Renumbered Sequentially ...... 17
Changes to Figure 21 and Figure 22 V............................................ 17
Changes to Terminology Section _................................................. 19
Changes to Applications Information Section ............................ 20
Deleted Increasing Available Power, Figure 15, and Figure 16;
Renumbered Sequentially w............................................................. 20
Changes to PCB Layout Section w................................................... 20
Added Start-Up Behavior Section w................................................ 21
Moved and Changes to EMI Considerations Section ................ 21
Changes to DC Correctness and Magnetic Field Immunity
Section w............................................................................................. 21
Changes to Power Consumption Section and Figure 29 ........... 22
Changes to Power Considerations ................................................ 23
Added Increasing Available Power Section and Table 26 .......... 23
Added Table 27 B............................................................................... 24
Changes to Insulation Lifetime Section ....................................... 24
11/08-Rev. 0 to Rev. A
Changes to Figure 1 and General Description Section ................ 1
Changes to Table 1 P........................................................................... 3
Changes to Table 2 P........................................................................... 5
Changes to Table 4 P........................................................................... 7
Changes to Table 6 and Table 7 _...................................................... 8
Changes to Table 8 and Table 9 _...................................................... 9
Changes to Figure 7 and Table 10 ................................................. 10
Changes to Figure 8 and Table 11 ................................................. 11
Changes to Figure 9 and Table 12 ................................................. 12
Changes to Figure 10 and Table 13 K.............................................. 13
Moved Truth Table Section B........................................................... 13
Changes to Applications Information Section and PCB Layout
Section w............................................................................................. 17
Changes to DC Correctness and Magnetic Field Immunity
Section w............................................................................................. 18
Changes to Power Considerations Section .................................. 20
Added Increasing Available Power Section, Table 15,
and Table 16 _.................................................................................... 20
5/08-Revision 0: Initial Version
Rev. C l Page 3 of 28
Typical specifications are at T, = 25°C, Vom = VSEL = VISO = 5 V. Minimum/maximum specifications apply over the entire recommended
operation range which is 4.5 V S VDDI, VSEL, VlSO S 5.5 V; and -40oC S T A S +105°C, unless otherwise noted. Switching specifications are
tested with CL = 15 pF and CMOS signal levels, unless otherwise noted.
Table 2. DC-to-DC Converter Static Specifications
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
Setpoint VISO 4.7 5.0 5.4 V |ISO = 0 mA
Line Regulation VISO(LINE) 1 mVN I,SO = 50 mA, VDD1 = 4.5 V to 5.5 V
Load Regulation VlsmLOAD) 1 5 % |ISO = 10 mA to 90 mA
Output Ripple VISOWP) 75 mV p-p 20 MHz bandwidth, G, = 0.1 'sFll10 pF, |ISO = 90 mA
Output Noise meo'sa 200 mV p-p CEO = 0.1 pF||10 pF, lISO = 90 mA
Switching Frequency fosc 180 MHz
PWM Frequency fPWM 625 kHz
Output Supply Current IISOWAX, 100 mA VISO > 4.5 V
Efficiency at IISOWAX, 34 % |ISO = 100 mA
Iom, No VISO Load le (Q) 19 30 mA
lam: Full VISO Load le (MAX) 290 mA
Table 3. DC-to-DC Converter Dynamic Specifications
1 Mbps-A Grade, C Grade 25 Mbps-c Grade
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
Input Ico,
ADuM5401 19 68 mA No Vso load
ADuM5402 19 71 mA No VISO load
ADuM5403 19 75 mA No VISO load
ADuM5404 19 78 mA No VISO load
Available to Load IISOMAD,
ADuM5401 100 87 mA
ADuM5402 100 85 mA
ADuM5403 100 83 mA
ADuM5404 100 81 mA
Table 4. Switching Specifications
A Grade C Grade
Parameter Symbol Min Typ Max Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/Comments
Data Rate 1 25 Mbps Within PWD limit
Propagation Delay tPHL, tPLH 55 100 45 60 ns 50% input to 50% output
Pulse Width Distortion PWD 40 6 ns [tPLH - tpHL|
Change vs. Temperature 5 ps/°C
Pulse Width PW 1000 40 ns Within PWD limit
Propagation Delay Skew tPSK 50 15 ns Between any two units
Channel Matching
Codirectional1 tPSKCD 50 6 ns
Opposing Directional2 tPSKOD 50 15 ns
l Codirectional channel matching is the absolute value ofthe difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on the same side of the isolation
2 Opposing directional channel matching is the absolute value of the difference in propagation delays between any two channels with inputs on opposing sides of the
isolation barrier.
Rev. C l Page 4 of 28