ADSP-21MSP59 ,DSP MicrocomputersOVERVIEWThe two address buses (PMA, DMA) share a single external ad-Figure 1 is an overall block di ..
ADSP-BF518BSWZ-4 , Blackfin Embedded Processor
ADSP-BF524BBCZ-4A , Blackfin Embedded Processor
ADSP-BF531 ,400 MHz Low Cost Blackfin ProcessorSpecifications ....... 21System Integration ... 3 Clock and Reset Timing . 22ADSP-BF531/2/3 Process ..
ADSP-BF531SBBC400 ,400 MHz Low Cost Blackfin ProcessorFEATURESSDRAM, SRAM, FLASH, and ROMUp to 600 MHz high performance Blackfin processor Flexible memor ..
ADSP-BF531SBBC400 ,400 MHz Low Cost Blackfin ProcessorCharacteristics ... 19Ordering Guide ........ 56Absolute Maximum Ratings ....... 20REVISION HISTORY ..
AM26C31IPWR ,Quadruple Differential Line Driver 16-TSSOP -40 to 85Sample & Support &Product Tools &TechnicalCommunityBuyFolder Documents SoftwareAM26C31SLLS103O–DECE ..
AM26C31MFKB ,Quadruple Differential Line Driver SLLS103O–DECEMBER 1990–REVISED JUNE 20165 Pin Configuration and FunctionsJ, W, D, DB, NS, N, or PW ..
AM26C31QDR ,Quadruple Differential Line DriverMaximum Ratings . 49.2 Typical Application .... 126.2 ESD Ratings........ 410 Power Supply Recommen ..
AM26C31QDRG4 ,Quadruple Differential Line Driver 16-SOIC -40 to 125Maximum Ratings(1)over operating free-air temperature range (unless otherwise noted)MIN MAX UNIT(2) ..
AM26C32CD ,Quadruple Differential Line ReceiverTable of Contents8.2 Functional
AM26C32CDBLE ,Quadruple Differential Line Receiver SLLS104K–DECEMBER 1990–REVISED JUNE 20155 Pin Configuration and FunctionsD, N, NS, PW, J or W Pack ..
DSP Microcomputers
DSP Microcomputers
38 ns Instruction Cycle Time (26 MIPS) from 13.00 MHz
ADSP-2100 Family Code and Function Compatible with
New Instruction Set Enhanced for Bit Manipulation
Instructions, Multiplication Instructions, Biased
Rounding, and Global Interrupt Masking
2K 3 24 Words of On-Chip Program Memory RAM
2K 3 16 Words of On-Chip Data Memory RAM
4K 3 24 Words of On-Chip Program Memory ROM
(ADSP-21msp59 Only)
8-Bit Parallel Host Interface Port
Analog Interface Provides:
16-Bit Sigma-Delta ADC and DAC
Programmable Gain Stages
On-Chip Anti-Aliasing & Anti-Imaging Filters
8 kHz Sampling Frequency
65 dB ADC, SNR and THD
72 dB DAC, SNR and THD
425 mW Typical Power Dissipation @ 5.0 V @ 38 ns
<1 mW Powerdown Mode with 100 Cycle Recovery
Dual Purpose Program Memory for Both Instruction
and Data Storage
Independent ALU, Multiplier/Accumulator, and Barrel
Shifter Computational Units
Two Independent Data Address Generators
Powerful Program Sequencer Provides:
Zero Overhead Looping
Conditional Instruction Execution
Two Double-Buffered Serial Ports with Companding
Hardware, One Serial Port (SPORT0) has Automatic
Data Buffering
Programmable 16-Bit Interval Timer with Prescaler
Programmable Wait State Generation
Automatic Booting of Internal Program Memory from
Byte-Wide External Memory, e.g., EPROM, or
Through Host Interface Port
Stand-Alone ROM Execution (ADSP-21msp59 Only)
Single-Cycle Instruction Execution
Single-Cycle Context Switch
Multifunction Instructions
Three Edge- or Level-Sensitive External Interrupts
Low Power Dissipation in Standby Mode
100-Lead TQFP
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADSP-21msp58 and ADSP-21msp59 Mixed-Signal Pro-
cessors (MSProcessor® DSPs) are fully integrated, single-chip
DSPs complete with a high performance analog front end. The
ADSP-21msp58/59 Family is optimized for voice band applica-
tions such as Speech Compression, Speech Processing, Speech
Recognition, Text-to Speech, and Speech-to-Text conversion.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 combines the ADSP-2100 base archi-
tecture (three computation units, data address generators, and
program sequencer) with two serial ports, a host interface port,
an analog front end, a programmable timer, extensive interrupt
capability, and on-chip program and data memory.
The ADSP-21msp58 provides 2K words (24-bit) of program
RAM and 2K words (16-bit) of data memory. The ADSP-
21msp59 provides an additional 4K words (24-bit) of program
ROM. The ADSP-21msp58/59 integrates a high performance
analog codec based on a single chip, voice band codec, the
AD28msp02. Powerdown circuitry is also provided to meet the
low power needs of battery operated portable equipment. The
ADSP-21msp58/59 is available in a 100-pin TQFP package
(thin quad flat package).
In addition, the ADSP-21msp58/59 supports new instructions,
which include bit manipulations–bit set, bit clear, bit toggle,
bit test–new ALU constants, new multiplication instruction
(x squared), biased rounding, and global interrupt masking.
MSProcessor is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
DIGITAL ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEWFigure 1 is an overall block diagram of the ADSP-21msp58/59.
The processors contain three independent computational units:
the ALU, the multiplier/accumulator (MAC), and the shifter.
The computational units process 16-bit data directly and have
provisions to support multiprecision computations. The ALU
performs a standard set of arithmetic and logic operations; divi-
sion primitives are also supported. The MAC performs single-
cycle multiply, multiply/add, and multiply/subtract operations.
The shifter performs logical and arithmetic shifts, normalization,
denormalization, and derive exponent operations. The shifter
can be used to efficiently implement numeric format control in-
cluding multiword floating-point representations.
The internal result (R) bus directly connects the computational
units so that the output of any unit may be the input of any unit
on the next cycle.
A powerful program sequencer and two dedicated data address
generators ensure efficient use of these computational units.
The sequencer supports conditional jumps, subroutine calls,
and returns in a single cycle. With internal loop counters and
loop stacks, the ADSP-21msp58/59 executes looped code with
zero overhead—no explicit jump instructions are required to
maintain the loop.
Two data address generators (DAGs) provide addresses for si-
multaneous dual operand fetches (from data memory and pro-
gram memory). Each DAG maintains and updates four address
pointers. Whenever the pointer is used to access data (indirect
addressing), it is post-modified by the value of one of four
modify registers. A length value may be associated with each
pointer to implement automatic modulo addressing for circular
buffers. The circular buffering feature is also used by the serial
ports for automatic data transfers to (and from) on-chip
Efficient data transfer is achieved with the use of five internal
buses:Program Memory Address (PMA) BusProgram Memory Data (PMD) BusData Memory Address (DMA) BusData Memory Data (DMD) BusResult (R) Bus
The two address buses (PMA, DMA) share a single external ad-
dress bus, allowing memory to be expanded off chip, and the
two data buses (PMD, DMD) share a single external data bus.
The BMS, DMS, and PMS signals indicate which memory
space the external buses are being used for.
Program memory can store both instructions and data, permit-
ting the ADSP-21msp58/59 to fetch two operands in a single
cycle, one from program memory and one from data memory.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 can fetch an operand from on-chip
program memory and the next instruction in the same cycle.
The memory interface supports slow memories and memory-
mapped peripherals with programmable wait state generation.
External devices can gain control of the processors’ buses with
the use of the bus request/grant signals (BR and BG). Bus grant
has two modes of operation. If GoMode is enabled in the MSTAT
register, instruction execution continues from internal memory.
If GoMode is disabled, the processor stops instruction execution
and waits for deassertion of BR.
In addition to the address and data bus for external memory
connection, the ADSP-21msp58/59 has a host interface port
(HIP) for easy connection to a host processor. The HIP is made
up of 8 data/address pins and 10 control pins. The HIP is ex-
tremely flexible and provides a simple interface to a variety of
host processors. For example, the Motorola 68000 series, the
Intel 80C51 series, and the Analog Devices ADSP-2101 can be
easily connected to the HIP. The host processor can boot the
ADSP-21msp58/59 on-chip memory through the HIP.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 can respond to eleven interrupts. There
can be up to three external interrupts, configured as edge- or
level-sensitive, and seven internal interrupts generated by the
Timer, the Serial Ports (SPORTs), the HIP, the powerdown cir-
cuitry, and the analog interface. There is also a master RESET
seven wait states are automatically generated. This allows, for
example, a 38 ns ADSP-21msp58/59 to use a 250 ns EPROM
as external boot memory. Multiple programs can be selected
and loaded from the EPROM with no additional hardware. The
on-chip program memory can also be initialized through the
The ADSP-21msp58/59 features a general purpose flag output
whose state is controlled through software. You can use this
output to signal an event to an external device. In addition, the
data input and output pins on SPORT1 can be alternatively
configured as an input and an output flag.
A programmable interval timer can generate periodic interrupts.
A 16-bit count register (TCOUNT) is decremented every n
cycles, where n–1 is a scaling value stored in an 8-bit register
(TSCALE). When the value of the count register reaches zero,
an interrupt is generated and the count register is reloaded from
a 16-bit period register (TPERIOD).
The ADSP-21msp58/59 instruction set provides flexible data
moves and multifunction (one or two data moves with a compu-
tation) instructions. Every instruction can be executed in a
single processor cycle. The ADSP-21msp58/59 uses an alge-
braic syntax for ease of coding and readability. A comprehensive
set of development tools supports program development.
Serial PortsThe ADSP-21msp58/59 processors include two synchronous se-
rial ports (SPORT0 and SPORT1) for serial communications
and multiprocessor communication.
Here is a brief list of the capabilities of the ADSP-21msp58/59
SPORTs. Refer to the ADSP-2100 Family User’s Manual for fur-
ther details.SPORTs are bidirectional with a separate, double-buffered
transmit and receive section.SPORTs can use an external serial clock or generate their own
clock internally.SPORTs have independent framing for the transmit and
receive sections. Sections run in a frameless mode or with
frame synchronization signals internally or externally gener-
ated. Frame sync signals are programmed to be active high or
low, with either of two pulse widths and timings.SPORTs support serial data word lengths from 3 to 16 bits
and provide optional A-law and μ-law companding according
to CCITT recommendation G.711.SPORTs receive and transmit sections generate separate
interrupts when the SPORTs are ready to read or write new
data.SPORTs can receive and transmit an entire circular buffer of
data with only one overhead cycle per data word (Autobuffering
Mode). An interrupt is generated after a complete data buffer
transfer.SPORT0 has a multichannel interface to selectively receive
and transmit a 24- or 32-word, time-division multiplexed
serial bit stream.SPORT1 can be reconfigured as two external interrupt inputs
Pin DescriptionsThe ADSP-21msp58 and ADSP-21msp59 are available in a
100-lead TQFP package. Table I contains the pin descriptions.
Table I.ADSP-21msp58/59 Pin List
NamePinsOutputFunctionDigital Pins
Address14OAddress output for program,
dataandbootmemory spaces
Data24I/OData I/O pins for program
and data memories. Input
only for boot memory space,
with two MSBs used as boot
space addresses.
RESET1IProcessor reset input
IRQ21IExternal interrupt request #21IExternal bus request input1OExternal bus grant output
PMS1OExternal program memory select
DMS1OExternal data memory select
BMS1OBoot memory select1OExternal memory read enable1OExternal memory write enable
MMAP1IMemory map select
XTAL2IExternal clock or quartz crystal
CLKOUT1OProcessor clock output
HACK1OHIP acknowledge output
HSEL1IHIP select input
BMODE1IBoot mode select (0 = Standard
EPROM Booting, 1 = HIP
HMD01IBus strobe select (0 = RD/WR,
1 = RW/DS)
HMD11IHIP address/data mode select
(0 = Separate, 1 = Multiplexed)
HRD/HRW1IHIP read strobe or read/write
HWR/HDS1IHIP write strobe or host data
strobe select
HAD7–08I/OHIP data or HIP data and
HA2/ALE1IHost address 2 or address latch
(unused)2IHost address 1 and 0 inputs
SPORT05I/OSerial port 0 pins (TFS0, RFS0,
DT0, DR0, SCLK0)
NamePinsOutputFunctionIRQ0 (RFS1)1IExternal interrupt request #0
IRQ1 (TFS1)1IExternal interrupt request #1
SCLK11OProgrammable clock output
FI (DR1)1IFlag input pin
FO (DT1)1OFlag output pin
FL01OGeneral purpose flag output pin
VDD4Digital power supply pins
GND5Ground pins
PWD1IPowerdown pin
Analog Pins
VINNORM1IInput terminal of the NORM
amplifier for the encoder section
VINAUX1IInput terminal of the AUX
amplifier for the encoder section
Decouple1IGround reference of the NORM
and AUX amplifiers for the
encoder section (ADC)
VOUTP1ONoninverting output terminal of
the differential amplifier from
the decoder section (DAC)
VOUTN1OInverting output terminal of the
differential amplifier from the
decoder section (DAC)
VREF1OOutput voltage reference
FILTER1OVoltage reference external by-
pass filter node
VCC1Analog power supply
GNDA2Analog ground
Host Interface PortThe ADSP-21msp58/59 host interface port (HIP) is a parallel
I/O port that allows for an easy connection to a host processor.
Through the HIP, the ADSP-21msp58/59 can be used as a
memory-mapped peripheral to a host computer. The HIP can
be thought of as an area of dual-ported memory, or mailbox reg-
isters, that allows communication between the computational
core of the ADSP-21msp58/59 and the host computer.
The host interface port is completely asynchronous. The host
processor can write data into the HIP while the ADSP-
21msp58/59 is operating at full speed.
The HIP can be configured with the following pins:BMODE (when MMAP = 0) determines whether the ADSP-
21msp58/59 boots from the host processor (through the HIP)
or external EPROM (through the data bus).HMD0 configures the bus strobes as separate read and write
strobes, or a single read/write select and a host data strobe.
Tying these pins to appropriate values configures the ADSP-
21msp58/59 for straight-wire interface to a variety of industry-
standard microprocessors and microcomputers.
When the host processor writes an 8-bit value to the HIP, the
upper eight bits of the HIP registers are all zeros. For additional
information, refer to the ADSP-2100 Family User’s Manual,
Chapter 7, for information about 8-bit configuration.
HIP OperationThe HIP contains six data registers (HDR5-0) and two status
registers (HSR7-6) with an associated HMASK register for
masking interrupts from individual HIP data registers. The HIP
data registers are memory-mapped in the internal data memory
of the ADSP-21msp58/59. HIP transfers can be managed using
either interrupts or polling. These registers are shown in the sec-
tion “ADSP-21msp58/59 Registers.” The two status registers
provide status information to both the ADSP-21msp58/59 and
the host processor. HSR7 contains a software reset bit that can
be set by the ADSP-21msp58/59 and the host.
The HIP allows a software reset to be performed by the host
processor. The internal software reset signal is asserted for five
ADSP-21msp58/59 cycles.
The HIP generates an interrupt whenever an HDR register re-
ceives data from a host processor write. It also generates an in-
terrupt when the host processor has performed a successful read
of any HDR. The read/write status of the HDRs is also stored in
the HSR registers.
The HMASK register bits can be used to mask the generation of
read or write interrupts from individual HDR registers. Bits in
the IMASK register enable and disable all HIP read interrupts
or all HIP write interrupts. So, for example, a write to HDR4
will cause an interrupt only if both the HDR4 Write bit in
HMASK and the HIP Write interrupt enable bit in IMASK are
The HIP provides a second method of booting the ADSP-
21msp58/59 in which the host processor loads instructions into
the HIP. The ADSP-21msp58/59 automatically transfers the
data, in this case opcodes, to internal program memory. The
BMODE pin determines whether the ADSP-21msp58/59 boots
from the host processor through the HIP or from external
EPROM over the data bus.
InterruptsThe interrupt controller lets the processor respond to interrupts
and reset with a minimum of overhead. The ADSP-21msp58/59
provides up to three external interrupt input pins, IRQ0, IRQ1,
and IRQ2. IRQ2 is always available as a dedicated pin;
SPORT1 may be reconfigured for IRQ1 and IRQ0 and the flag.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 also supports internal interrupts from
the timer, the host interface port, the serial ports, the analog in-
terface, and the powerdown control circuit. The interrupts are
internally prioritized and individually maskable (except for
powerdown and RESET). The input pins can be programmed
for either level- or edge-sensitivity. The priorities and vector ad-
dresses for the interrupts are shown in Table II; the interrupt
registers are shown in Figure 2.
Table II.Interrupt Priority & Interrupt Vector AddressesInterrupts can be masked or unmasked with the IMASK regis-
ter. Individual interrupt requests are logically ANDed with the
bits in IMASK; the highest priority unmasked interrupt is then
selected. The powerdown interrupt is non-maskable.
The interrupt control register, ICNTL, allows the external in-
terrupts to be set as either edge- or level-sensitive. Interrupt ser-
vice routines can either be nested (with higher priority interrupts
taking precedence) or be processed sequentially (with only one
interrupt service active at a time).
The interrupt force and clear register, IFC, is a write-only regis-
ter used to force an interrupt or clear a pending edge-sensitive
On-chip stacks preserve the processor status and are automati-
cally maintained during interrupt handling. The stack is twelve
levels deep to allow interrupt nesting.
SPORT1 Receive or IRQ0
SPORT1 Transmit or IRQ1
Analog Receive
Analog Transmit
SPORT0 Receive
SPORT0 Transmit
1 = enable, 0 = disable
SPORT0 Transmit
SPORT0 Receive
Analog Transmit
Analog Receive
SPORT1 Transmit or IRQ1
SPORT1 Receive or IRQ0
IRQ0 or SPORT1 Receive
IRQ1 or SPORT1 Transmit
Analog Receive
Analog Transmit
1 = enable, 0 = disable
HIP Write
HIP Read
SPORT0 Transmit
SPORT0 Receive
IRQ0 Sensitivity
IRQ1 Sensitivity
IRQ2 Sensitivity
Interrupt Nesting
1 = edge
0 = level
1 = enable, 0 = disableFigure 2.Interrupt Registers
The following instructions allow global enable or disable servic-
ing of the interrupts (including powerdown), regardless of the
state of IMASK. Disabling the interrupts does not affect
Interrupt servicing is enabled on processor reset.
System InterfaceFigure 3 shows a basic system configuration with the ADSP-
21msp58/59, two serial devices, a host processor, a boot
EPROM, optional external program and data memories, and an
analog interface. Up to 15K words of data memory and 16K
words of program memory can be supported. Programmable
wait state generation allows the processor to interface easily to
slow memories. The ADSP-21msp58/59 also provides one ex-
ternal interrupt and two serial ports or three external interrupts
and one serial port.
Clock SignalsThe ADSP-21msp58/59 CLKIN input may be driven by a crys-
tal or by a TTL-compatible external clock signal.
The CLKIN input may not be halted, changed in frequency
during operation, or operated at any frequency other the one
specified. Operating the ADSP-21msp58/59 at any other fre-
quency changes the analog performance, which is not tested or
If an external clock is used, it should be a TTL-compatible sig-
nal running at half the instruction rate. The signal should be
connected to the processor’s CLKIN input; in this case, the
XTAL input must be left unconnected.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 uses an input clock with a frequency
equal to half the instruction rate; a 13 MHz input clock yields a
38.46 ns processor cycle (which is equivalent to 26 MHz). Nor-
NOTE: The two MSBs of the Boot EPROM Address are also the two MSBs of the Data Bus.
This is only for the 27C256 and 27C512.CLKOUT signal is enabled and disabled by the CLKODIS bit
in the SPORT0 Autobuffer Control Register, DM[0x3FF3].
Because the ADSP-21msp58/59 includes an on-chip oscillator
circuit, an external crystal may also be used. The crystal should
be connected across the CLKIN and XTAL pins, with two ca-
pacitors connected as shown in Figure 4. A parallel-resonant,
fundamental frequency, microprocessor-grade crystal should be
ADSP-21msp58/59Figure 4.External Crystal Connections
ResetThe RESET signal initiates a master reset of the ADSP-
21msp58/59. The RESET signal must be asserted during the
power-up sequence to assure proper initialization. RESET dur-
ing initial power-up must be held long enough to allow the
processor’s internal clock to stabilize. If RESET is asserted at
any time after power-up, the clock continues to run and does
not require stabilization time.
The power-up sequence is defined as the total time required for
ternal Schmidt trigger is recommended.
The master RESET sets all internal stack pointers to the empty
stack condition, masks all interrupts, and clears the MSTAT
register. When RESET is released, if there is no pending bus re-
quest and the chip is configured for booting (MMAP = 0), the
boot loading sequence is performed. Then the first instruction is
fetched from internal program memory location 0x0000 and ex-
ecution begins.
Program Memory InterfaceThe on-chip program memory address bus (PMA) and on-chip
program memory data bus (PMD) are multiplexed with the on-
chip data memory buses (DMA, DMD), creating a single exter-
nal data bus and a single external address bus. The data and
address busses are three-stated when the DSP runs from inter-
nal memory. Refer to the ADSP-2100 Family User’s Manual,
Chapter 10, “Memory Interface” for a detailed explanation. The
14-bit address bus directly addresses up to 16K words. See
“Program Memory Maps” for details on program memory
The read (RD) signal indicates a read operation and is used as a
read strobe or output enable signal. An external program
memory access should always be qualified with the PMS signal.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 writes data from its 16-bit registers to
24-bit program memory using the PX register to provide the
lower eight bits. When the processor reads data (not instruc-
tions) from 24-bit program memory to a 16-bit data register, the
lower eight bits are placed in the PX register. The program
memory interface can generate zero to seven wait states for ex-
ternal memory devices; the default is seven wait states after
Program Memory Maps
ADSP-21msp58ADSP-21msp58 Program memory can be mapped in two ways,
depending on the state of the MMAP pin. Figure 5 shows the
two configurations. When MMAP = 0, internal RAM occupies
2K words beginning at address 0x0000; external program
memory uses the remaining 14K words beginning at address
0x0800. In this configuration, the boot loading sequence (de-
scribed in “Boot Memory Interface”) is automatically initiated
when RESET is released.
MMAP=1MMAP=0Figure 5.ADSP-21msp58 Program Memory Maps
When MMAP = 1, 14K words of external program memory be-
gin at address 0x0000 and internal RAM is located in the upper
2K words, beginning at address 0x3800. In this configuration,
the boot loading sequence does not take place; execution begins
immediately after RESET.
ADSP-21msp59The ADSP-21msp59 is functionally identical to the ADSP-
21msp58. The ADSP-21msp59 includes an additional 4K by
24-bit mask programmable ROM (see Figure 6). The ROM
can be used to hold program instructions or data and can be
accessed twice in one instruction cycle if necessary. The ROM
always resides at locations PM[0x0800] through PM[0x17FF]
regardless of the state of the MMAP pin. Sixteen addresses at
the end of ROM (0x17F0–0x17FF) are reserved for Analog
Devices’ use. The ROM is enabled by setting the ROMENABLE
bit in the Data Memory Wait State control register, DM[0x3FFE].
When the ROMENABLE bit is set to 1, addressing program
memory in this range will access the on-chip ROM. When set
to 0, addressing program memory in this range will access exter-
nal program memory. The ROMENABLE bit is set to 0 on
chip reset.
Data Memory InterfaceThe data memory address bus (DMA) is 14 bits wide. The bi-
directional external data bus is 24 bits wide, with the upper 16
bits used for data memory data (DMD) transfers.
The data memory select (DMS) signal indicates access to data
memory and can be used as a chip select signal. The write (WR)
signal indicates a write operation and can be used as a write
strobe. The read (RD) signal indicates a read operation and can
be used as a read strobe or output enable signal.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 supports memory-mapped I/O, with
the peripherals memory mapped into the data or program
memory address spaces and accessed by the processor in the
same manner.
Data Memory MapThe on-chip data memory RAM resides in the 2K words begin-
ning at address 0x3000, as shown in Figure 7. In addition, data
memory locations from 0x3800 to the end of data memory at
0x3FFF are reserved. Control registers for the system, timer,
ADSP-21msp58/59wait-state configuration, host interface port, codec, and serial
port operations are located in this region of memory.
The remaining 12K of data memory is external. External data
memory is divided into three zones, each associated with its own
wait-state generator. By mapping peripherals into different
zones, you can accommodate peripherals with different wait-
state requirements. All zones default to seven wait states after
For compatibility with other ADSP-2100 Family processors, bit
definitions for DWAIT3 and DWAIT4 are shown in the Data
Memory Wait State Control register, but they are not used by
the ADSP-21msp58/59.
3C00Figure 7.ADSP-21msp58/59 Data Memory Maps
Boot Memory InterfaceThe ADSP-21msp58/59 can load on-chip memory from exter-
nal boot memory space. The boot memory space consists of
64K by 8-bit space, divided into eight separate 8K by 8-bit
pages. Three bits in the System Control Register select which
page is loaded by the boot memory interface. Another bit in the
System Control Register allows the user to force a boot loading
sequence under software control. Boot loading from Page 0 after
RESET is initiated automatically if MMAP = 0.
The boot memory interface can generate zero to seven wait
states; it defaults to seven wait states after RESET. This allows
the ADSP-21msp58/59 to boot from a single low cost EPROM
such as a 27C256. Program memory is booted one byte at a
time and converted to 24-bit program memory words.
The BMS and RD signals are used to select and to strobe the
boot memory interface. Only 8-bit data is read over the data
bus, on pins D8–D15. To accommodate addressing up to eight
pages of boot memory, the two MSBs of the data bus are used
in the boot memory interface as the two MSBs of the boot
memory address.
The ADSP-2100 Family Assembler and Linker support the cre-
ation of programs and data structures requiring multiple boot
pages during execution.
RD and WR must always be qualified by PMS, DMS, or BMS
HIP BootingThe ADSP-21msp58/59 can also boot programs through the
Host Interface Port. If BMODE = 1 and MMAP = 0, the
ADSP-21msp58/59 boots from the HIP. If BMODE = 0, the
ADSP-21msp58/59 boots through the data bus (in the same
way as the ADSP-2101), as described above in “Boot Memory
Interface.” For additional information about HIP booting, refer
to the ADSP-2100 Family User’s Manual, Chapter 7, “Host In-
terface Port.”
The ADSP-2100 Family Development Software includes a
utility program called the HIP Splitter. This utility allows the
creation of programs that can be booted through the ADSP-
21msp58/59 HIP, in a similar fashion as EPROM-bootable
programs generated by the PROM Splitter utility.
Bus Request and Bus GrantThe ADSP-21msp58/59 can relinquish control of the data and
address buses to an external device. When the external device
requires access to memory, it asserts the bus request signal
(BR). If the ADSP-21msp58/59 is not performing an external
memory access, it responds to the active BR input in the follow-
ing processor cycle bythree-stating the data and address buses and the PMS, DMS,
BMS, RD, and WR output drivers,asserting the bus grant (BG) signal, andhalting program execution.
If GoMode is enabled, the ADSP-21msp58/59 will not halt pro-
gram execution until it encounters an instruction that requires
an external memory access.
If the ADSP-21msp58/59 is performing an external memory ac-
cess when the external device asserts the BR signal, then it will
not three-state the memory interfaces or assert the BG signal
until the cycle after the access is completed, which can be up to
eight cycles later depending on the number of wait states. The
instruction does not need to be completed when the bus is
granted. If a single instruction requires two external memory
accesses, the bus will be granted between the two accesses.
When the BR signal is released, the processor releases the BG
signal, which reenables the output drivers, and continues pro-
gram execution from the point where it stopped.
The bus request feature operates at all times, including when
the processor is booting and when RESET is active.
LOW POWER OPERATIONThe ADSP-21msp58/59 has three low power modes that signifi-
cantly reduce the power dissipation when the device operates
under standby conditions. These modes are:PowerdownIdleSlow Idle
The CLKOUT pin may also be disabled to reduce external
power dissipation. The CLKOUT pin is controlled by Bit 14 of
SPORT0 Autobuffer Control Register, DM[0x3FF3].
“System Interface” for detailed information about the power-
down feature.Powerdown mode holds the processor in CMOS standby with
a maximum current of less than 100 μA in some modes.Quick recovery from powerdown. In some modes, the proces-
sor can begin executing instructions in less than 100 CLKIN
cycles.Support for an externally generated TTL or CMOS processor
clock. The external clock can continue running during
powerdown without affecting the lowest power rating and 100
CLKIN cycle recovery.Support for crystal operation includes disabling the oscillator
to save power (the processor automatically waits 4096 CLKIN
cycles for the crystal oscillator to start and stabilize), and
letting the oscillator run to allow 100 CLKIN cycle start-up.Powerdown is initiated by either the powerdown pin (PWD)
or the software powerdown force bit.Interrupt support allows an unlimited number of instructions
to be executed before optionally powering down. The power-
down interrupt also can be used as a non-maskable, edge-
sensitive interrupt.Context clear/save control lets the processor continue where it
left off or start with a clean context when leaving the power-
down state.The RESET pin also can be used to terminate powerdown,
and the host software reset feature can be used to terminate
powerdown under certain conditions.Setting the CLKODIS bit (Bit 14 of the SPORT0 Autobuffer
Control Register [0x3FF3]) disables the CLKOUT pin during
IdleWhen the ADSP-21msp58/59 is in the Idle Mode, the processor
waits indefinitely in a low power state until an interrupt occurs.
When an unmasked interrupt occurs, it is serviced; execution
then continues with the instruction following the IDLE instruction.
Slow IdleThe IDLE instruction is enhanced on the ADSP-21msp58/59 to
let the processor’s internal clock signal be slowed, further reduc-
ing power consumption. The reduced clock frequency, a pro-
grammable fraction of the normal clock rate, is specified by a
selectable divisor given in the IDLE instruction. The format of
the instruction is
IDLE (n);
where n = 16, 32, 64, or 128. This instruction keeps the proces-
sor fully functional, but operating at the slower clock rate. While
it is in this state, the processor’s other internal clock signals,
such as SCLK, and timer clock, are reduced by the same ratio.
CLKOUT remains at the normal rate; it is not reduced. The de-
fault form of the instruction, when no clock divisor is given, is
the standard IDLE instruction.
When the IDLE (n) instruction is used, it effectively slows down
the processor’s internal clock and thus its response time to in-
coming interrupts––the 1-cycle response time of the standard
When the IDLE (n) instruction is used in systems that have an
externally generated serial clock (SCLK), the serial clock rate
may be faster than the processor’s reduced internal clock rate.
Under these conditions, interrupts must not be generated at a
faster rate than can be serviced, due to the additional time the
processor takes to come out of the idle state (a maximum of n
processor cycles).
Standalone ROM Execution (ADSP-21msp59 Only)When the MMAP and BMODE pins both are set to 1, the
ROM is automatically enabled and execution commences from
program memory location 0x0800 at the start of ROM. This
feature lets an embedded design operate without external
memory components. To operate in this mode, the ROM coded
program must copy an interrupt vector table to the appropriate
locations in program memory RAM. In this mode, the ROM
enable bit defaults to 1 during reset.
Table III.Boot Summary Table
Ordering Procedure For ADSP-21msp59 ROM ProcessorsTo place an order for a custom ROM-coded ADSP-21msp59
processor, you must:Complete the following forms contained in the ADSP ROM
Ordering Package, available from your Analog Devices sales
ADSP-21msp59 ROM Specification Form
ROM Release Agreement
ROM NRE Agreement & Minimum Quantity Order (MQO)
Acceptance Agreement for Preproduction ROM ProductsReturn the forms to Analog Devices along with two copies of
the Memory Image File (.EXE file) of your ROM code. The
files must be supplied on two 3.5" or 5.25" floppy disks for
the IBM PC (DOS 2.01 or higher).Place a purchase order with Analog Devices for nonrecurring
engineering changes (NRE) associated with ROM product
After this information is received, it is entered into Analog
Devices’ ROM Manager System that assigns a custom ROM
model number to the product. This model number will be
branded on all prototype and production units manufactured to
these specifications.
To minimize the risk of code being altered during this process,
Analog Devices verifies that the .EXE files on both floppy disks
are identical, and recalculates the checksums for the .EXE file
ADSP-21msp58/59A signed ROM Verification Form and a purchase order for pro-
duction units are required prior to any product being manufac-
tured. Prototype units may be applied toward the minimum
order quantity.
Upon completion of prototype manufacture, Analog Devices
will ship prototype units and a delivery schedule update for pro-
duction units. An invoice against your purchase order for the
NRE charges is issued at this time.
There is a charge for each ROM mask generated and a mini-
mum order quantity. Consult your sales representative for de-
tails. A separate order must be placed for parts of a specific
package type, temperature range, and speed grade.
ANALOG INTERFACEThe analog interface contains encoding circuitry (ADC), decod-
ing circuitry (DAC), and processor interface logic. A block dia-
gram of the ADSP-21msp58/59 analog section is shown in
Figure 8.
The analog interface is configured through the Analog Control
Register and the Analog Autobuffer/Powerdown Register (refer
to “ADSP-21msp58/59 Registers”). The Analog Control Regis-
ter DM[0x3FEE] configures the programmable gain stages, the
analog input multiplexer, and the analog interface powerdown
state. Note that the unused bits must be cleared to zero.
VOUTNFigure 8.Analog Interface Block Diagram
A/D ConversionThe A/D conversion circuitry of the analog interface consists of
an analog multiplexer, a programmable gain amplifier (ADC
PGA), and a 16-bit sigma-delta analog-to-digital converter
Analog Input Multiplexer and AmplifiersThe analog multiplexer selects either the NORM or AUX input
to the ADC’s sigma-delta modulator. The inputs should be ac
The ADC PGA may be used to additionally increase the signal
level by +6 dB, +20 dB, or +26 dB. This gain is selected by bit
9 and bit 0 (IG0, IG1) of the analog control register. Input sig-
nal level to the sigma-delta ADC should not exceed the VINMAX
Analog-To-Digital ConverterThe analog interface’s analog-to-digital converter consists of a
4th-order analog sigma-delta modulator, an anti-aliasing deci-
mation filter, and an optional digital high-pass filter. For a detailed
Bit 10 of the Analog Control Register (0x3FEE) may be set to
add an offset to the input of the ADC sigma-delta converter.
This offset moves ADC sigma-delta idle tones out of the 4.0
kHz speech band range. This added offset must be removed by
the ADC high-pass filter. Therefore, the high-pass filter must be
inserted when you use the offset feature.
D/A ConversionThe D/A conversion circuitry of the analog interface consists of
a sigma-delta digital-to-analog converter (DAC), an analog
smoothing filter, a programmable gain amplifier (DAC PGA),
and a differential output amplifier.
Digital-to-Analog ConverterThe digital-to-analog converter consists of an optional digital
high-pass filter, an anti-imaging interpolation filter, and a
sigma-delta modulator. The digital filters and the sigma-delta
modulator have the same characteristics as the filters and
modulator of the ADC. For detailed description of the DAC
components, refer to the ADSP-2100 Family User’s Manual,
Chapter 8, “Analog Interface.”
Analog Smoothing Filter and Programmable Gain AmplifierThe analog smoothing filter consists of a 3rd-order switched ca-
pacitor filter with a 3 dB point at approximately 25 kHz.
The DAC’s programmable gain amplifier (DAC PGA) can be
used to adjust the output signal level by –15 dB to +6 dB in
3 dB increments. This gain is selected by bits 2–4 (OG0, OG1,
OG2) of the analog control register.
Differential Output AmplifierThe analog output signal (VOUTP, VOUTN) is produced by a
differential amplifier. The differential amplifier meets specifica-
tions for loads greater than 2 kΩ and has a maximum differen-
tial output swing of ±3.156 V peak-to-peak (3.17 dBm0). The
DAC will drive loads smaller than 2 kΩ, but with degraded
The output signal is dc-biased to the on-chip voltage reference
(VREF) and can be ac-coupled directly to a load or dc-coupled to
an external amplifier.
The VOUTP, VOUTN output must be used as a differential sig-
nal otherwise performance will be severely compromised. Do
not use either pin as a single-ended output.
OPERATING THE ANALOG INTERFACEThe analog interface is operated with several memory-mapped
control and data registers. The ADC and DAC I/O data is re-
ceived and transmitted through two memory-mapped data regis-
ters. The data can also be autobuffered directly into (or from)
on-chip memory. In both cases, the I/O processing is interrupt
driven; two interrupts are dedicated to the analog interface, one
for the ADC receive data and one for the DAC transmit data.
The ADSP-21msp58/59 must have an input clock frequency of
13 MHz. At this frequency, analog-to-digital and digital-to-ana-
log converted data is transmitted at an 8 kHz rate with a single
16-bit word transmitted every 125 μs.
For detailed information about the analog interface, refer to the
ADSP-2100 Family User’s Manual, Chapter 8, “Analog Interface.”
AutobufferingIn some applications, it is advantageous to perform block data
transfers between the analog converters and processor memory.
Analog interface autobuffering enables the automatic transfer of
data blocks directly from the ADC to on-chip processor data
memory or from on-chip processor data memory directly to the
ADC and DAC InterruptsThe analog interface generates two interrupts that signal either:
(1) a 16-bit, 8 kHz analog-to-digital or digital-to-analog conver-
sion has been completed, or (2) an autobuffer block transfer
has been completed (i.e., the data buffer contents have been
received or transferred).
When an analog interrupt occurs, the processor vectors to the
addresses listed in Table II, Interrupt Priority & Interrupt Vector
The ADC receive and DAC transmit interrupts occur at an
8 kHz rate, indicating when the data registers should be ac-
cessed. On the receive side, the ADC interrupt is generated each
time an A/D conversion cycle is completed and the 16-bit data
word is available in the ADC receive register. On the transmit
side, the DAC interrupt is generated each time an D/A conver-
sion cycle is completed and the DAC transmit register is ready
for the next 16-bit data word.
Both interrupts are generated simultaneously at an 8 kHz rate,
occurring every 3250 instruction cycles with a 13 MHz internal
processor clock. The interrupts are generated continuously,
starting when the analog interface is powered up by setting the
APWD bits (Bits 5 and 6) to one in the analog control register.
Because both interrupts occur simultaneously, only one should
be enabled (in IMASK) to vector to a single service routine that
handles transmit and receive data. However, when using
autobuffer transfers, both interrupts should be enabled.
ADSP-21msp58/59 REGISTERSFigure 9 summarizes the ADSP-21msp58/59 registers. Some
registers store values. For example, AX0 stores an ALU oper-
and; I4 stores a DAG2 pointer. Other registers consist of control
bits and fields, or status flags. For example ASTAT contains
status flags from arithmetic operations, and fields in DWAIT
control the number of wait states for different zones of data
A secondary set of registers in all computational units allows a
single-cycle context switch.
The bit and field definitions for control and status registers are
given in the rest of this section, except IMASK, ICNTL, and
IFC, which are defined earlier in this data sheet. The system
control register, DWAIT register, timer registers, HIP control
registers, HIP data registers, and SPORT control registers are
all mapped into data memory locations; that is, you access these
registers by reading and writing data memory locations rather
than register names. The particular data memory address is
shown with each memory-mapped register.
Register bit values shown on the following pages are the default
bit values after reset. If no values are shown, the bits are indeter-
minate at reset. Reserved bits are shown in gray; these bits
should always be written with zeros.
Figure 9.ADSP-21msp58/59 Registers
SPORT0 Enable
1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
SPORT1 Enable
1 = enabled, 0 = disabled
SPORT1 Configure
1 = serial port
0 = FI, FO, IRQ0, IRQ1, SCLK
Boot Force Bit
Boot Wait States
AZ ALU Result Zero
AN ALU Result Negative
AV ALU Overflow
AC ALU Carry
AS ALU X Input Sign
AQ ALU Quotient
MV MAC Overflow
SS Shifter Input Sign
PC Stack Empty
PC Stack Overflow
Count Stack Empty
Count Stack Overflow
Status Stack Empty
Status Stack Overflow
Loop Stack Empty
Loop Stack Overflow
Timer Enable
Go Mode Enable
TCOUNT Counter Register000000TCOUNT Scaling Register
0x3FFBControl Registers
14131211109876543210SPORT0 Control Register
Multichannel Enable MCE
Internal Serial Clock Generation ISCLK
Receive Frame Sync Required RFSR
Receive Frame Sync Width RFSW
Multichannel Frame Delay MFD
Only If Multichannel Mode Enabled
Transmit Frame Sync Required TFSR
Transmit Frame Sync Width TFSW
ITFS Internal Transmit Frame Sync Enable
(or MCL Multichannel Length; 1 = 32 words, 0 = 24 words
Only If Multichannel Mode Enabled )
SLEN Serial Word Length
DTYPE Data Format
00 = right justify, zero-fill unused MSBs
01 = right justify, sign extend into unused MSBs
10 = compand using µ-law
11 = compand using A-law
INVRFS Invert Receive Frame Sync
INVTFS Invert Transmit Frame Sync
(or INVTDV Invert Transmit Data Valid
Only If Multichannel Mode Enabled )
IRFS Internal Receive Frame Sync Enable302928272625242322212019181716141312111098765432101514131211109876543210302928272625242322212019181716
SPORT0 Multichannel Receive Word Enable Registers
1 = Channel Enabled
0 = Channel Ignored
SPORT0 Multichannel Transmit Word Enable Registers
1 = Channel Enabled
0 = Channel Ignored14131211109876543210
ROM Enable/Data Memory Wait State
Control Register
ROM enable (ADSP-21msp59)
1 = enable
0 = disableControl Registers
SPORT0 Autobuffer Control Register
CLKOUT Disable Control Bit
MAC Biased Rounding Control Bit
Transmit Autobuffer I Register
Receive Autobuffering Enable
Transmit Autobuffering Enable
Receive Autobuffer M Register
Receive Autobuffer I Register
Transmit Autobuffer M Register14131211109876543210
Serial Clock Divide Modulus
SPORT1 Control Register
Flag Out (Read Only)
Internal Serial Clock Generation ISCLK
Receive Frame Sync Required RFSR
Receive Frame Sync Width RFSW
Transmit Frame Sync Required TFSR
Transmit Frame Sync Width TFSW
ITFS Internal Transmit Frame Sync Enable
SLEN Serial Word Length
DTYPE Data Format
00 = right justify, zero-fill unused MSBs
01 = right justify, sign extend into unused MSBs
10 = compand using µ-law
11 = compand using A-law
INVRFS Invert Receive Frame Sync
INVTFS Invert Transmit Frame Sync
IRFS Internal Receive Frame Sync Enable14131211109876543210
Receive Frame Sync Divide Modulus
0x3FF4Control Registers
Control Registers
ADC Offset
ADC Input Gain
DAC High Pass Filter Bypass
1 = bypass, 0 = insert
ADC High Pass Filter Bypass
1 = bypass, 0 = insert
Analog Interface Powerdown
0 = powerdown, 1 = enable
(set both bits to 1
to enable analog interface)
ADC Input Gain
OG2, OG1, OG0
DAC Output Gain (for PGA)
ADC Input Gain (for PGA)
All bits are set to 0 at processor reset.
(Reserved bits 11–15 must always be set to 0)
HIP Data Registers
HDR0Control Registers
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR0 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR1 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR2 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR3 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR4 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR5 Write
Overwrite Mode
Software Reset14131211109876543210
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR5 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR4 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR3 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR2 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR1 Write
ADSP-21msp58/59 HDR0 Write
Host HDR0 Write
Host HDR1 Write
Host HDR2 Write
Host HDR3 Write
Host HDR4 Write
Host HDR5 WriteControl Registers
ADSP-21msp58/59 EXTENDED INSTRUCTION SETThe ADSP-21msp58/59 has a number of additional instruc-
tions beyond the standard ADSP-2100 Family instruction set.
These additional instructions and mathematical operations are
described below.
Slow IDLESlow IDLE allows slowing the processor’s internal clock by a
factor of 16, 32, 64, or 128 during IDLE. The instruction
source code is specified as follows:
Syntax:IDLE (n);
Permissible Values for n
16, 32, 64, 128
IDLE (16);
Description:The IDLE instruction causes the processor to
wait indefinitely in a low power state until an in-
terrupt occurs. When an unmasked interrupt oc-
curs, it is serviced; execution then continues with
the instruction following the IDLE instruction.
The optional value provides a “slow idle” fea-
ture; slowing the clock down by the factor set
with the value.
INSTRUCTION SET DESCRIPTIONThe ADSP-21msp58/59 assembly language instruction set has
an algebraic syntax that was designed for ease of coding and
readability. The assembly language, which takes full advantage
of the processor’s unique architecture, offers the following
benefits:The algebraic syntax eliminates the need to remember cryptic
assembler mnemonics. For example, a typical arithmetic add
instruction, such as AR = AX0 + AY0, resembles a simple
equation.Every instruction assembles into a single 24-bit word and
executes in a single cycle.
•The syntax is a superset of the ADSP-2100 Family assembly
language and is completely source and object code compatible
with other family members. Programs may, however, need to
be relocated to utilize internal memory and conform to the
ADSP-21msp58/59 interrupt vector and reset vector map.Sixteen condition codes are available. For conditional jump,
call, return, or arithmetic instructions, the condition can be
checked and the operation executed in the same instruction
cycle.Multifunction instructions allow parallel execution of an
Syntax:ENA INTS;
Description:Executing the ENA INTS instruction allows all
unmasked interrupts to be serviced again.
The interrupt disable instruction source code is specified as
Syntax:DIS INTS;
Description:Reset enables interrupt servicing. Executing the
DIS INTS instruction causes all interrupts to be
masked without changing the contents of the
IMASK register. Disabling interrupts does not
affect the autobuffer circuitry, which will operate
normally whether or not interrupts are enabled.
The disable interrupt instruction masks all user
interrupts including the powerdown interrupt.
Extended ALU and Multiplier OperationsThe following extended computation operations are available
only on the ADSP-21msp58/59 processor. The term “base in-
struction set” refers to the computations and instructions avail-
able on all ADSP-21xx processors.
Additional Constants for ALU OperationsA new set of numerical constants may be used in all nonmulti-
function ALU operations (except DIVS and DIVQ) using both
X and Y operands. The instruction source code is specified as
Syntax:[IF condition]AR= xop functionyopAFconstant
Permissible xops
AX0, AX1, AR, MR0, MR1, MR2, SR0, SR1
Permissible functions
Permissible yops (base instruction set)
AY0, AY1, AF
Permissible yops and constants (extended instruction set)
AY0, AY1, AF, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024,
2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32767, –2, –3, –5, –9, –17, –33, –65,
–129, –257, –513, –1025, –2049, –4097, –8193, –16385, –32768
Examples:AR = AR+1;
AR = MR1 - 33;
IF GT AF = AX1 OR 16;
Description:Test the optional condition and, if true, perform
the specified function. If false then perform a no-
operation. Omitting the condition performs the
function unconditionally. The operands are con-
tained in the data registers specified in the in-
struction or optionally a constant may be used.
Additional Constants for ALU PASS OperationA new set of numerical constants may be used in the PASS in-
struction. The instruction source code is specified as follows:
Syntax:[IF condition]AR= passyopAFconstant
Permissible yops (base instruction set)
1024, 1025, 2047, 2048, 2049, 4095, 4096, 4097, 8191, 8192,
8193, 16383, 16384, 16385, 32766, 32767, –1, –2, –3, –4, –5,
–6, –8, –9, –10, –16, –17, –18, –32, –33, –34, –64, –65, –66, –128,
–129, –130, –256, –257, –258, –512, –513, –514, –1024, –1025,
–1026, –2048, –2049, –2050, –4096, –4097, –4098, –8192, –8193,
–8194, –16384, –16385, –16386, –32767, –32768
Examples:IF GE AR = PASS AY0;
IF EQ AF = PASS –1025;
Description:Test the optional condition and, if true, pass the
source operand unmodified through the ALU
block and store in the destination location. If the
condition is not true, perform a no-operation.
Omitting the condition performs the pass uncon-
ditionally. The source operand is contained in
the data registers specified in the instruction or
optional constant.
The PASS instruction performs the transfer to the
AR register and affect the status flag; this instruc-
tion is different from a register move operation
which does not affect any status flags. PASS 0 is
one method of clearing AR. PASS 0 can also be
combined in a multifunction instruction in con-
junction with memory reads and writes to clear AR.
Note:The ALU status flags (in the ASTAT register)
are not defined for the execution of this instruc-
tion when using the constant values other than 0,
1, and –1.
ALU Bit OperationsThe additional constants for ALU operations allow you to code
bit test, set, clear, and toggle operations through careful choice
of the constant and ALU function. For streamlined programming,
the source code for these operations can also be specified as:
Syntax:[IF condition]AR=TSTBIT n of xop;AFSETBIT n of xop;CLBIT n of xop;TGBIT n of xop;
Permissible xops
AX0, AX1, AR, MR0, MR1, MR2, SR0, SR1
Permissible n Values (0 = LSB)
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Examples:AF=TSTBIT 5 of AR;
Definitions of Operations
TSTBIT is an AND operation with a 1 in the selected bit
SETBIT is an OR operation with a 1 in the selected bit
CLBIT is an AND operation with a 0 in the selected bit
TGBIT is an XOR operation with a 1 in the selected bit
Result-Free ALU OperationsThe result-free ALU operations allow the generation of condi-
tion flags based on an ALU operation but discard the result.
The source code for the instruction is specified as follows:
Syntax:NONE =
Examples:NONE = AX0 – AY0;
Description:Perform the designated ALU operation, set the
condition flags, then discard the result value.
This allows the testing of register values without
disturbing the AR or AF register values.
MAC Operations
A modified MAC operation allows additional type 9 instruc-
tions. The conditional ALU/MAC instruction has been modi-
fied to allow the X operand to be used as the Y operand as well.
This allows a single cycle X2, and also ∑X2 operations.
The new MAC instructions allow the use of any xop as both the
X and Y operands. The instructions source code is specified as
Syntax:[IF condition]MR=[MR +] xop *yop(UU);MF[MR –]xop(SS) ;
Permissible xops
AR, MR0, MR1, MR2, MX0, MX1, SR0, SR1
Example:IF LT MR=MR+ SR0 * SR0 (SS);
Note:Both X operators must be the same register.
Biased Rounding
A new mode has been added to allow biased rounding in addi-
tion to the normal unbiased rounding. When the BIASRND bit
is set to 0 the normal unbiased rounding operations occur.
When the BIASRND bit is set to 1, biased rounding occurs in-
stead of the normal unbiased rounding. When operating in bi-
ased rounding mode all rounding operations with MR0 set to
0x8000 will round up, rather than only rounding odd MR1
values up. For example:
MR value before RNDbiased RND resultunbiased RND result
This mode only has an effect when the MR0 register contains
0x8000, all other rounding operation work normally. This mode
was added to allow more efficient implementation of bit speci-
fied algorithms which specify biased rounding such as the GSM
speech compression routines. Unbiased rounding is preferred
for most algorithms.
Note:BIASRND bit is bit twelve of the SPORT0
Autobuffer Control register.
Interrupt Enable
The ADSP-21msp58/59 supports an interrupt enable instruc-
tion. Interrupts are enabled by default at reset. The instruction
source code is specified as follows:
Syntax:ENA INTS;
Description:Executing the ENA INTS instruction allows
all unmasked interrupts to be serviced again.
Interrupt Disable
The ADSP-21msp58/59 supports an interrupt disable instruc-
tion. The instruction source code is specified as follows:
be masked without changing the contents of the
IMASK register. Disabling interrupts does not af-
fect the autobuffer circuitry, which will operate
normally whether or not interrupts are enabled.
The disable interrupt instruction masks all user
interrupts including the powerdown interrupt.
The following sections discuss interfacing analog signals to the
Analog Signal Input
Figure 10 shows the recommended input circuit for the analog in-
put pin (either VINNORM or VINAUX). The circuit of Figure 10
implements a first-order low-pass filter (R1C1) with a 3 dB point
less than 40 kHz. This is the only filter required external to the
processor to prevent aliasing of the sampled signal. Since the
ADSP-21msp58/59’s sigma-delta ADC uses a highly oversampled
approach that transfers the bulk of the anti-aliasing filtering into the
digital domain, the off-chip anti-aliasing need only be of low order.
Figure 10.Recommend Analog Input Circuit
The on-chip ADC PGA can be used when there is not enough
gain in the input circuit. The PGA gain is set by bits 9 and 0
(IG1, IG0) of the processor’s analog control register. The gain
must be chosen to ensure that a full-scale input signal (at R1 in
Figure 10) produces a signal level at the input to the sigma-delta
modulator of the ADC that does not exceed VINMAX (refer to
the “Analog Interface Electrical Characteristics” specifications).
VINNORM and VINAUX are biased at the Internal Reference Volt-
age (nominal of 2.5 V) of the ADSP-21msp58/59, which lets the
analog section of the processor operate from a single supply.
The input signal should be ac-coupled with an external capaci-
tor (C2). The value of C2 is determined by the input resistance
of the analog input (VINNORM, VINAUX) (200 kΩ) and the de-
sired cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency should be ≤30 Hz.
The following equation should be used to determine the values
of R1, C1, and C2; R1 should be ≤2.2 kΩ. C2 should be ≥0.027
μF; C3 should be equal to C2. =1πf1RIN
RIN = ADSP-21msp58/59 input resistance (200 kΩ)
f1 = cutoff frequency <30 Hz =1πf2C1
R1 ≤ 2.2 kΩ
f2 > 20 kHz < 40 kHz* =1πf2R1
The ADSP-21msp58/59 is ideal for speech processing applica-
tions where high performance for analog and digital circuitry is
required, but board space is severely limited. The cellular radio
handset is one application. Here the ADSP-21msp58/59 can
digitize the speech, then perform compression algorithms that
sufficiently reduce the bit rate for transmission in a limited radio
Absolute Gain
Absolute gain is a measure of converter gain for a known signal.
Absolute gain is measured with a 1.0 kHz sine wave at 0 dBm0.
The absolute gain specification is used as a reference for the
gain tracking error specification.
Gain Tracking Error
Gain tracking error measures changes in converter output for
different signal levels relative to an absolute signal level. The
absolute signal level is 1.0 kHz at 0 dBm0. Gain tracking error
at 0 dBm0 is 0 dB by definition.
Signal-to-noise ratio plus total harmonic distortion is defined to
be the ratio of the rms value of the measured input signal to the
rms sum of all other spectral components in the frequency range
300 Hz–3400 Hz, including harmonics but excluding dc.
Intermodulation Distortion
With inputs consisting of sine waves at two frequencies, fa and
fb, any active device with nonlinearities will create distortion
products at sum and difference frequencies of mfa ± nfb where
m, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. Intermodulation terms are those which
neither m nor n are equal to zero. The second order terms in-
clude (fa + fb) and (fa – fb), while the third order terms include
(2fa + fb), (2fa – fb), (fa + 2fb), and (fa – 2fb).
Idle Channel Noise
Idle channel noise is defined as the total signal energy measured
at the output of the device when the input is grounded (mea-
sured in the frequency range 300 Hz–3400 Hz).
Crosstalk is defined as the ratio of the rms value of a full-scale
signal appearing on one channel to the rms value of the same
signal that couples onto the adjacent channel. Crosstalk is ex-
pressed in dB.
Power Supply Rejection
Power supply rejection measures the susceptibility of a device to
a signal on the power supply. Power supply rejection is mea-
sured by modulating a signal on the power supply and measur-
ing the signal at the output (relative to 0 dB). Power supply
rejection is defined as the ratio of the rms value of the modula-
tion signal to the rms value of the same signal in the ADC/DAC
Group Delay
Group delay is defined as the derivative of radian phase with re-
spect to radian frequency, ∂φ(ω)/∂ω. Group delay is a measure
of the average delay of a system as a function of frequency. A
linear system with a constant group delay has a linear phase re-
Analog Signal Output
The differential analog output (VOUTP, VOUTN) is produced
by an on-chip differential amplifier which is part of the processor’s
analog interface. The differential amplifier will meet dynamic
specifications for loads greater than 2 kΩ (RL ≥ 2 kΩ) and has a
maximum differential output voltage swing of ±3.156 V peak-to-
peak (3.17 dBm0). The DAC will drive loads smaller than 2 kΩ,
but with degraded dynamic performance. The differential out-
put can be ac-coupled directly to a load or dc-coupled to an ex-
ternal amplifier.
Figure 11 shows a simple circuit providing a differential output
with ac coupling. The capacitor of this circuit (COUT) is op-
tional; if used, its value can be chosen as follows: OUT
Figure 11.Example Circuit for Differential Output with
AC Coupling
The VOUTP and VOUTN outputs must be used as differential
outputs (do not use either as a single-ended output). Figure 12
shows an example circuit which can be used to convert the dif-
ferential output to a single-ended output. The circuit uses a dif-
ferential-to-single-ended amplifier, the Analog Devices SSM2141.
Figure 12.Example Circuit for Single-Ended Output
Voltage Reference Filter Capacitance
Figure 13 shows the recommended reference filter capacitor
connections. The capacitor grounds should be connected to the
same star ground point shown in Figure 10.