ADS7959SDBT ,8 bit, 1 MSPS, 8 Ch, Single Ended, Micro Power, sr i/f, SAR ADC 30-TSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe ADS79xx is a 12/10/8-bit multichannel analog-to-1• 1-MHz Sample Rate Seri ..
ADS7960SDBT ,8 Bit, 1 MSPS, 12 Ch, Single Ended, Micro Power, sr i/f, SAR ADC 38-TSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe ADS79xx is a 12/10/8-bit multichannel analog-to-1• 1-MHz Sample Rate Seri ..
ADS7961SDBT ,8 Bit, 1 MSPS, 16 Ch, Single Ended, Micro Power, sr i/f, SAR ADC 38-TSSOP -40 to 125Features 3 DescriptionThe ADS79xx is a 12/10/8-bit multichannel analog-to-1• 1-MHz Sample Rate Seri ..
ADS7961SRHBR ,8 Bit, 1 MSPS, 16 Ch, Single Ended, Micro Power, sr i/f, SAR ADC 32-VQFN -40 to 125Electrical Characteristics, ADS7958/59/60/61 test conditions.. 14ref• Added while 2Vref≤ +VA to ful ..
ADS800E ,SpeedPlus 12-Bit, 40MHz Sampling Analog-to-Digital ConverterPIN CONFIGURATION PIN DESCRIPTIONSPIN DESIGNATOR DESCRIPTIONTop View SO1 GND Ground2 B1 Bit 1, Most ..
ADS800U ,SpeedPlus 12-Bit, 40MHz Sampling Analog-to-Digital ConverterELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSAt T = +25°C, V = +5V, Sampling Rate = 40MHz, and with a 50% duty cycle c ..
ALP101 , 30 mm Actuator Lock Plate ALP101
ALS300 , Media Audio Controller SPEC
ALS300 , Media Audio Controller SPEC
ALS300+ , Media Audio Controller SPEC
8 bit, 1 MSPS, 8 Ch, Single Ended, Micro Power, sr i/f, SAR ADC
PGA Gain
SDO ToHost
Sample &
Tools &
Software 1-MHz Sample Rate Serial Devices Product Familyof 12/10/8-Bit Resolution Zero Latency 20-MHz Serial Interface Analog Supply Range: 2.7to 5.25V I/O Supply Range: 1.7to 5.25V Two SW Selectable Unipolar, Input Ranges:0to
2.5V and0to5V Auto and Manual Modesfor Channel Selection 12,8, 4-Channel Devices can Share16 Channel
Device Footprint Two Programmable Alarm Levels per Channel Four Individually Configurable GPIOs for TSSOP
package devices. One GPIOfor QFN devices Typical Power Dissipation: 14.5 mW (+VA=5V,
+VBD=3V)at1 MSPS Power-Down Current(1 μA) Input Bandwidth (47 MHzat3 dB) 38-,30-Pin TSSOP and 32-,24-Pin QFN Packages
Applications PLC/ IPC Battery Powered Systems Medical Instrumentation Digital Power Supplies Touch Screen Controllers High-Speed Data Acquisition Systems High-Speed Closed-Loop Systems
Detailed Block DiagramThe ADS79xxisa 12/10/8-bit multichannel analog-to-
digital converter family. The following table showsall
twelve from this product family.
The devices includea capacitor based SAR A/D
converter with inherent sample and hold.
The devices accepta wide analog supply range from
2.7Vto 5.25V. Very low power consumption makes
these suitable battery-powered
isolated power supply applications. wide 1.7-Vto 5.25-V I/O supply range facilitatesa
glue-less interface with the most commonly used
CMOS digital hosts.
The serial interfaceis controlledby CS and SCLK for
easy connection with microprocessors and DSP.
The input signalis sampled with the falling edgeof
CS.It uses SCLK for conversion, serial data output,
and reading serial data in. The devices allow auto
sequencing of preselected channels or manual
selectionofa channel for the next conversion cycle.
There are two software selectable input ranges(0V 2.5V and0Vto5 V), four individually configurable
GPIOs(in caseof TSSOP package devices), and
two programmable alarm thresholds per channel.
These features make the devices suitable for most
data acquisition applications.
The devices offer an attractive power-down feature.
Thisis extremely useful for power saving when the
deviceis operatedat lower conversion speeds.
The 16/12-channel devices from this family are
available ina 38-pin TSSOP and 32 pin VQFN
package and the 4/8-channel devices are availablein 30-pin TSSOP and 24 pin VQFN packages.
Device Information(1)