ADR421BR ,Ultraprecision Low Noise, 2.048 V/2.500 V/ 3.00 V/5.00 V XFET Voltage ReferencesSPECIFICATIONS (@ V = 7.0 V to 15.0 V, T = 25C, unless otherwise noted.)IN AParameter Symbol Condi ..
ADR423ARZ , Ultraprecision, Low Noise, 2.048 V/2.500 V/ 3.00 V/5.00 V XFET® Voltage References
ADR423BR ,Ultraprecision Low Noise, 2.048 V/2.500 V/ 3.00 V/5.00 V XFET Voltage ReferencesSPECIFICATIONSIN AParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitOutput Voltage A Grade V 2.045 2.048 ..
ADR425 ,2.048 V, 2.5 V, 3.0V, and 5.0V XFET?Voltage ReferencesSPECIFICATIONS (@ V = 5.0 V to 15.0 V, T = 25C, unless otherwise noted.)IN AParameter Symbol Condi ..
ADR425AR ,Ultraprecision Low Noise, 2.048 V/2.500 V/ 3.00 V/5.00 V XFET Voltage Referencesapplications such asoptical network and medical equipment. The ADR42x trimterminal can also be used ..
ADR430ARM ,Ultralow Noise XFET Voltage References with Current Sink and Source CapabilityFEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS Low noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz): 3.5 µV p-p @ 2.5 V output 1 8TP TPNo exter ..
AK6420AF , 2K / 4K / 8Kbit Serial CMOS EEPROM
AK6440AF , 2K / 4K / 8Kbit Serial CMOS EEPROM
AK6480AF , 2K / 4K / 8Kbit Serial CMOS EEPROM
AK7742EQ , 24bit 2ch ADC 24bit 4ch DAC with Audio DSP
AK7746VT , Audio DSP with 5-channel 24-bit ADC and Input Mux
AK7750VT , Audio DSP with Built-in Hands-Free Phone Features
Ultraprecision Low Noise, 2.048 V/2.500 V/ 3.00 V/5.00 V XFET Voltage References
Ultraprecision Low Noise, 2.048 V/2.500 V/
3.00 V/5.00 V XFET® Voltage References
Surface-Mount Packages
8-Lead SOIC
8-Lead Mini_SOIC
Low Noise (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz)
ADR420:1.75 �V p-p
ADR421:1.75 �V p-p
ADR423:2.0 �V p-p
ADR425:3.4 �V p-p
Low Temperature Coefficient: 3 ppm/�C
Long-Term Stability: 50 ppm/1000 Hours
Load Regulation: 70 ppm/mA
Line Regulation: 35 ppm/V
Low Hysteresis: 40 ppm Typical
Wide Operating Range
ADR420:4 V to 18 V
ADR421:4.5 V to 18 V
ADR423:5 V to 18 V
ADR425:7 V to 18 V
Quiescent Current: 0.5 mA Maximum
High Output Current: 10 mA
Wide Temperature Range: –40�C to +125�C
Precision Data Acquisition Systems
High-Resolution Converters
Battery-Powered Instrumentation
Portable Medical Instruments
Industrial Process Control Systems
Precision Instruments
Optical Network Control Circuits
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADR42x series are ultraprecision second-generation XFET
voltage references featuring low noise, high accuracy, and excellent
long-term stability in a SOIC and Mini_SOIC footprints. Patented
temperature drift curvature correction technique and XFET (eXtra
implanted junction FET) technology minimize nonlinearity of the
voltage change with temperature.The XFET architecture offers
superior accuracy and thermal hysteresis to the bandgap
references.It also operates at lower power and lower supply
headroom than the Buried Zener references.
The superb noise, stable, and accurate characteristics of ADR42x
make them ideal for precision conversion applications such as
optical network and medical equipment.The ADR42x trim
terminal can also be used to adjust the output voltage over a
±0.5% range without compromising any other performance.The
ADR42x series voltage references offer two electrical grades and
are specified over the extended industrial temperature range
of –40°C to +125°C. Devices are available in 8-lead SOIC-8 or
30% smaller 8-lead Mini_SOIC-8 packages.
XFET is a registered trademark of Analog Devices, Inc.
Table I.ADR42x Products
Quiescent Current
Voltage Noise
Voltage Noise Density
Long-Term Stability
Ripple Rejection Ratio
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(@ VIN = 5.0 V to 15.0 V, TA = 25�C, unless otherwise noted.)
ADR421 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSSpecifications subject to change without notice.
(@ VIN = 5.0 V to 15.0 V, TA = 25�C, unless otherwise noted.)
Output Voltage
Initial Accuracy
Temperature Coefficient
Line Regulation
Load Regulation
Quiescent Current
Voltage Noise
Voltage Noise Density
Long-Term Stability
Specifications subject to change without notice.
ADR425 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONSSpecifications subject to change without notice.
(@ VIN = 5.0 V to 15.0 V, TA = 25�C, unless otherwise noted.)
(@ VIN = 7.0 V to 15.0 V, TA = 25�C, unless otherwise noted.)
ADR420/ADR421/ADR423/ADR425*θJA is specified for the worst-case conditions, i.e., θJA is specified for device soldered
in circuit board for surface-mount packages.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 V
Output Short-Circuit Duration to GND . . . . . . . . . Indefinite
Storage Temperature RangeRM Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +150°C
Operating Temperature Range
ADR42x . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +125°C
Junction Temperature Range
R, RM Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 60 sec) . . . . . . . 300°C
*Absolute maximum ratings apply at 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
Temperature CoefficientThe change of output voltage over the operating temperature
range and normalized by the output voltage at 25°C, expressed
in ppm/°C. The equation follows:
VO (25°C) = VO at 25°C
VO (T1) = VO at Temperature 1
VO (T2) = VO at Temperature 2.
Line RegulationThe change in output voltage due to a specified change in input
voltage. It includes the effects of self-heating. Line regulation is
expressed in either percent per volt, parts-per-million per volt,
or microvolts per volt change in input voltage
Load RegulationThe change in output voltage due to a specified change in load
current. It includes the effects of self-heating. Load regulation is
expressed in either microvolts per milliampere, parts-per-million
per milliampere, or ohms of dc output resistance.
Long-Term StabilityTypical shift of output voltage at 25°C on a sample of parts
subjected to operation life test of 1000 hours at 125°C:
VO (t0) = VO at 25°C at Time 0
VO (t1) = VO at 25°C after 1,000 hours operation at 125°C.
Thermal HysteresisThermal hysteresis is defined as the change of output voltage
after the device is cycled through temperature from +25°C to
–40°C to +125°C and back to +25°C. This is a typical value
from a sample of parts put through such a cycle.
VO (25°C) = VO at 25°C
VO_TC = VO at 25°C after temperature cycle at +25°C to –40°C
to +125°C and back to +25°C.
Input CapacitorInput capacitors are not required on the ADR42x. There is no
limit for the value of the capacitor used on the input, but a 1 µF to
10 µF capacitor on the input will improve transient response in
applications where the supply suddenly changes. An additional
0.1 µF in parallel will also help to reduce noise from the supply.
Output CapacitorThe ADR42x does not need output capacitors for stability
under any load condition. An output capacitor, typically 0.1 µF,
will filter out any low-level noise voltage and will not affect
the operation of the part. On the other hand, the load transient
response can be improved with an additional 1 µF to 10 µF
output capacitor in parallel. A capacitor here will act as a source
of stored energy for sudden increase in load current. The only
parameter that will degrade, by adding an output capacitor, is
turn-on time and it depends on the size of the capacitor chosen.
TPC 1.ADR420 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
TPC 2.ADR421 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
TPC 3.ADR423 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
TPC 4.ADR425 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
TPC 5.ADR420 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage
TPC 6.ADR421 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage
TPC 7.ADR423 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage
TPC 8.ADR425 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage
TPC 9.ADR420 Load Regulation vs. Temperature
TPC 10.ADR421 Load Regulation vs. Temperature
TPC 11.ADR423 Load Regulation vs. Temperature
TPC 12.ADR425 Load Regulation vs. Temperature
ADR420/ADR421/ADR423/ADR425TPC 13.ADR420 Line Regulation vs. Temperature
TPC 14.ADR421 Line Regulation vs. Temperature
TPC 15.ADR423 Line Regulation vs. Temperature
TPC 16.ADR425 Line Regulation vs. Temperature
TPC 17.ADR420 Minimum Input-Output Voltage
Differential vs. Load Current
TPC 18.ADR421 Minimum Input-Output Voltage
Differential vs. Load Current