ADR02AR ,Ultracompact Precision10 V/5 V/2.5 V/3.0 V Voltage ReferencesSpecifications .3 Added ADR06 Universal Changes to Absolute Maximum Ratings Section ...4 Change to ..
ADR02BR ,Ultracompact Precision10 V/5 V/2.5 V/3.0 V Voltage Referencesapplications. Part Number Output Voltage ADR01 10.0 V With an external buffer and a simple resisto ..
ADR03 ,Ultra Compact Precision 2.5 V Voltage Referenceapplications. With an external buffer and a simple resistor network, the TEMP terminal can be u ..
ADR03AKSZ-REEL7 , Ultracompact, Precision 10.0 V/5.0 V/2.5 V/3.0 V Voltage References
ADR03AKSZ-REEL7 , Ultracompact, Precision 10.0 V/5.0 V/2.5 V/3.0 V Voltage References
ADR03AR ,Ultracompact Precision10 V/5 V/2.5 V/3.0 V Voltage ReferencesCharacteristics....... 7 Outline Dimensions ........ 18 Absolute Maximum Ratings...... 8 Ordering G ..
AK5354VT , Low Power 20bit ΔΣ ADC with PGA
AK5354VT , Low Power 20bit ΔΣ ADC with PGA
AK5359ET , 24-Bit 192kHz ΔΣ ADC
AK5366VR , 24-Bit 48kHz ΔΣ ADC with Selector/PGA/ALC
AK5367AEF , 96kHz 24-Bit ΔΣ ADC with 0V Bias Selector
Ultracompact Precision10 V/5 V/2.5 V/3.0 V Voltage References
Ultracompact Precision
10 V/5 V/2.5 V/3.0 V Voltage References
Ultracompact SC70-5/TSOT-5
Low temperature coefficient
SOIC-8: 3 ppm/°C
SC70-5/TSOT-5: 9 ppm/°C
Initial accuracy ± 0.1%
No external capacitor required
Low noise 10 µV p-p (0.1 Hz to 10 Hz)
Wide operating range
ADR01: 12 V to 40 V
ADR02: 7 V to 40 V
ADR03: 4.5 V to 40 V
ADR06: 5.0 V to 40 V
High output current 10 mA
Wide temperature range: –40°C to +125°C
ADR01/ADR02/ADR03 pin compatible to industry-standard
Precision data acquisition systems
High resolution converters
Industrial process control systems
Precision instruments
PCMCIA cards
SELECTION GUIDE 1 ADR01, ADR02, and ADR03 are component-level compatible with REF01,
REF02, and REF03, respectively. No guarantees for system-level compatibility
are implied. SOIC-8 versions of ADR01/ADR02/ADR03 are pin-to-pin
compatible with SOIC-8 versions of REF01/REF02/REF03, respectively, with
the additional temperature monitoring function.
Figure 1. 5-Lead SC70/TSOT Surface-Mount Packages
Figure 2. 8-Lead SOIC Surface-Mount Package
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADR01, ADR02, ADR03, and ADR06 are precision 10 V,
5 V, 2.5 V, and 3.0 V band gap voltage references featuring high
accuracy, high stability, and low power. The parts are housed in
tiny SC70-5 and TSOT-5 packages, as well as the SOIC-8
versions. The SOIC-8 versions of the ADR01, ADR02, and
ADR03 are drop-in replacements1 to the industry-standard
REF01, REF02, and REF03. The small footprint and wide
operating range make the ADR0x references ideally suited for
general-purpose and space-constraint applications.
With an external buffer and a simple resistor network, the
TEMP terminal can be used for temperature sensing and
approximation. A TRIM terminal is provided on the devices
for fine adjustment of the output voltage.
The ADR01, ADR02, ADR03, and ADR06 are compact, low drift
voltage references that provide an extremely stable output
voltage from a wide supply voltage range. They are available in
SC70-5, TSOT-5, and SOIC-8 packages with A and B grade
selections. All parts are specified over the extended industrial
(–40°C to +125°C) temperature range.
Rev. F
TABLE OF CONTENTS Specifications.....................................................................................3
ADR01 Electrical Characteristics...............................................3
ADR02 Electrical Characteristics...............................................4
ADR03 Electrical Characteristics...............................................5
ADR06 Electrical Characteristics...............................................6
Dice Electrical Characteristics....................................................7
Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................8
Parameter Definitions......................................................................9
Typical Performance Characteristics...........................................10
Applying the ADR01/ADR02/ADR03/ADR06......................15
Negative Reference.....................................................................16
Low Cost Current Source..........................................................16
Precision Current Source with Adjustable Output................16
Programmable 4 to 20 mA Current Transmitter...................17
Outline Dimensions.......................................................................18
Ordering Guides.............................................................................19
ADR01 Ordering Guide............................................................19
ADR02 Ordering Guide............................................................19
ADR03 Ordering Guide............................................................20
ADR06 Ordering Guide............................................................20
7/04—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. E to Rev. F Changes to ADR02 Electrical Characteristics, Table 2................4
Changes to Ordering Guide..........................................................19
2/04—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. D to Rev. E Added C grade................................................................Universal
Changes to Outline Dimensions...............................................19
Updated Ordering Guide...........................................................20
8/03—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. C to Rev D Added ADR06 Universal
Change to Figure 27 13
6/03—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. B to Rev C Changes to Features Section 1
Changes to General Description Section 1
Changes to Figure 2 1
Changes to Specifications Section 2
Addition of Dice Electrical Characteristics and Layout 6
Changes to Absolute Maximum Ratings Section 7
Updated SOIC (R-8) Outline Dimensions 19
Changes to Ordering Guide 20
2/03—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. A to Rev. B Added ADR03.....................................................................Universal
Added TSOT-5 (UJ) Package............................................Universal
Updated Outline Dimensions.......................................................18
12/02—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Features Section........................................................1
Changes to General Description.................................................1
Table I deleted................................................................................1
Changes to ADR01 Specifications..............................................2
Changes to ADR02 Specifications..............................................3
Changes to Absolute Maximum Ratings Section.....................4
Changes to Ordering Guide.........................................................4
Updated Outline Dimensions..................................................12
ADR01 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VIN = 12 V to 40 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 1. 1 The long-term stability specification is noncumulative. The drift in subsequent 1,000 hour periods is significantly lower than in the first 1,000 hour period.
ADR02 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VIN = 7 V to 40 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 2. The long-term stability specification is noncumulative. The drift in subsequent 1,000 hour periods is significantly lower than in the first 1,000 hour period.
ADR03 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VIN = 4.5 V to 40 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 3. 1 The long-term stability specification is noncumulative. The drift in subsequent 1,000 hour periods is significantly lower than in the first 1,000 hour period.
ADR06 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VIN = 5.0 V to 40 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 4. B grade, SOIC-8, –40°C < TA < +125°C 1 3 ppm/°C
The long-term stability specification is noncumulative. The drift in subsequent 1,000 hour periods is significantly lower than in the first 1,000 hour period.
DICE ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS VIN = up to 40 V, TA = 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 5.
DIE SIZE: 0.83mm× 1.01mm
Figure 3. Die Layout
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS Ratings at 25°C, unless otherwise noted.
Table 6. Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings
may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress
rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any
other conditions above those listed in the operational sections
of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect
device reliability.
Table 7. Thermal Resistance 1 θJA is specified for the worst-case conditions, that is, θJA is specified for
devices soldered in circuit boards for surface-mount packages.
ESD CAUTION ESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on
the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although these products feature
proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy
electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance
degradation or loss of functionality.
Temperature Coefficient The change of output voltage with respect to operating tem-
perature changes normalized by the output voltage at 25°C. This
parameter is expressed in ppm/°C and can be determined by the
following equation: 10)25(()(]/[×−×°=°2OO2OOTTCVVTVCppmTCV
VO(25°C) = VO at 25°C
VO(T1) = VO at Temperature 1
VO(T2) = VO at Temperature 2
Line Regulation The change in output voltage due to a specified change in input
voltage. This parameter accounts for the effects of self-heating.
Line regulation is expressed in either percent per volt, parts-
per-million per volt, or microvolts per volt change in input
Load Regulation The change in output voltage due to a specified change in load
current. This parameter accounts for the effects of self-heating.
Load regulation is expressed in either microvolts per milliampere,
parts-per-million per milliampere, or ohms of dc output
Long-Term Stability Typical shift of output voltage at 25°C on a sample of parts
subjected to a test of 1,000 hours at 25°C: ()(1O0OOtVtVV−=∆ 10)(()(][×−=∆OO0OOtVVtVppmV
VO(t0) = VO at 25°C at Time 0
VO(t1) = VO at 25°C after 100 hours of operation at 25°C
The majority of the shift is seen in the first 200 hours, and,
as time goes by, the drift decreases significantly. So for the
subsequent 1,000 hours’ time points, this drift is much smaller
than the first.
Thermal Hysteresis Defined as the change of output voltage after the device is
cycled through temperature from +25°C to –40°C to +125°C
and back to +25°C. This is a typical value from a sample of parts
put through such a cycle. OOHYSOVCVV__)25(−°= _10)25(25(][×°°=CVCVppmVOO
VO(25°C) = VO at 25°C
VO_TC = VO at 25°C after temperature cycle at +25°C to –40°C to
+125°C and back to +25°C
Input Capacitor Input capacitors are not required on the ADR01/ADR02/
ADR03/ADR06. There is no limit for the value of the capacitor
used on the input, but a 1 µF to 10 µF capacitor on the input
improves transient response in applications where the supply
suddenly changes. An additional 0.1 µF in parallel also helps to
reduce noise from the supply.
Output Capacitor The ADR01/ADR02/ADR03/ADR06 do not require output
capacitors for stability under any load condition. An output
capacitor, typically 0.1 µF, filters out any low level noise voltage
and does not affect the operation of the part. On the other hand,
the load transient response can be improved with an additional
1 µF to 10 µF output capacitor in parallel. A capacitor here acts
as a source of stored energy for a sudden increase in load
current. The only parameter that degrades by adding an output
capacitor is the turn-on time, and it depends on the size of the
capacitor chosen.
TYPICAL PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICSFigure 4. ADR01 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
Figure 5. ADR02 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
Figure 6. ADR03 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
Figure 7. ADR06 Typical Output Voltage vs. Temperature
Figure 8. ADR01 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage
Figure 9. ADR02 Supply Current vs. Input Voltage