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Poly Phase Multifunction Energy Metering IC with Per Phase Information
Poly Phase Multifunction Energy Metering IC
with Per Phase Information
Rev. A
High accuracy, supports IEC 60687, IEC 61036, IEC 61268,
IEC 62053-21, IEC 62053-22, and IEC 62053-23
Compatible with 3-phase/3-wire, 3-phase/4-wire, and other
3-phase services
Less than 0.1% active energy error over a dynamic range of
1000 to 1 at 25°C
Supplies active/reactive/apparent energy, voltage rms,
current rms, and sampled waveform data
Two pulse outputs, one for active power and the other
selectable between reactive and apparent power with
programmable frequency
Digital power, phase, and rms offset calibration
On-chip user programmable thresholds for line voltage SAG
and overvoltage detections
On-chip digital integrator enables direct interface-to-current
sensors with di/dt output
A PGA in the current channel allows direct interface to
shunts and current transformers
A SPI® compatible serial interface with IRQ
Proprietary ADCs and DSP provide high accuracy over large
variations in environmental conditions and time
Reference 2.4 V (drift 30 ppm/°C typ) with external
overdrive capability
Single 5 V supply, low power (70 mW typ)
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADE77581 is a high accuracy 3-phase electrical energy
measurement IC with a serial interface and two pulse outputs.
The ADE7758 incorporates second-order ∑-∆ ADCs, a digital
integrator, reference circuitry, temperature sensor, and all the
signal processing required to perform active, reactive, and
apparent energy measurement and rms calculations.
The ADE7758 is suitable to measure active, reactive, and
apparent energy in various 3-phase configurations, such as
WYE or DELTA services, both with three or four wires. The
ADE7758 provides system calibration features for each phase,
i.e., rms offset correction, phase calibration, and power
calibration. The APCF logic output gives active power
information, and the VARCF logic output provides
instantaneous reactive or apparent power information.
(Continued on Page 4)
Figure 1.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Specifications.....................................................................................5
Timing Characteristics.....................................................................7
Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................9
ESD Caution..................................................................................9
Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions...........................10
Typical Performance Characteristics...........................................13
Theory of Operation......................................................................19
Antialiasing Filter.......................................................................19
Analog Inputs..............................................................................19
Current Channel ADC...............................................................20
di/dt Current Sensor and Digital Integrator...........................21
Peak Current Detection.............................................................22
Overcurrent Detection Interrupt.............................................22
Voltage Channel ADC...............................................................22
Zero-Crossing Detection...........................................................24
Phase Compensation..................................................................24
Period Measurement..................................................................26
Line Voltage SAG Detection.....................................................26
SAG Level Set..............................................................................26
Peak Voltage Detection..............................................................26
Phase Sequence Detection.........................................................27
Power-Supply Monitor...............................................................27
Reference Circuit........................................................................28
Temperature Measurement.......................................................28
Root Mean Square Measurement.............................................28
Active Power Calculation..........................................................30
Reactive Power Calculation......................................................35
Apparent Power Calculation.....................................................38
Energy Registers Scaling...........................................................41
Waveform Sampling Mode.......................................................41
Checksum Register.....................................................................54
ADE7758 Interrupts...................................................................54
Using the ADE7758 Interrupts with an MCU........................54
Interrupt Timing........................................................................55
ADE7758 Serial Interface..........................................................55
ADE7758 Serial Write Operation............................................56
ADE7758 Serial Read Operation.............................................57
Accessing the ADE7758 On-Chip Registers...........................58
Communications Register.........................................................58
Operational Mode Register (0x13)..........................................61
Measurement Mode Register (0x14).......................................62
Waveform Mode Register (0x15).............................................62
Computational Mode Register (0x16).....................................63
Line Cycle Accumulation Mode Register (0x17)...................64
Interrupt Mask Register (0x18)................................................65
Interrupt Status Register (0x19)/Reset Interrupt Status
Register (0x1A)...........................................................................66
Outline Dimensions.......................................................................67
Ordering Guide..........................................................................67
9/04—Changed from Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changed Hexadecimal Notation......................................Universal
Changes to Features List...................................................................1
Changes to Specifications Table......................................................5
Change to Figure 25........................................................................16
Additions to the Analog Inputs Section.......................................19
Added Figures 36 and 37; Renumbered Subsequent Figures....19
Changes to Period Measurement Section....................................26
Change to Peak Voltage Detection Section..................................26
Added Figure 60..............................................................................27
Change to the Current RMS Offset Compensation Section......29
Edits to Active Power Frequency Output Section.......................33
Added Figure 68; Renumbered Subsequent Figures..................33
Changes to Reactive Power Frequency Output Section.............37
Added Figure 73; Renumbered Subsequent Figures..................38
Change to Gain Calibration Using Pulse Output Example.......44
Changes to Equation 37.................................................................45
Changes to Example—Phase Calibration of Phase A
Using Pulse Output..................................................................45
Changes to Equations 56 and 57...................................................53
Addition to the ADE7758 Interrupts Section.............................54
Changes to Example-Calibration of RMS Offsets......................54
Addition to Table 20.......................................................................66
1/04—Revision 0: Initial Version
GENERAL DESCRIPTION (Continued from Page 1)
The ADE7758 has a waveform sample register that allows access
to the ADC outputs. The part also incorporates a detection circuit
for short duration low or high voltage variations. The voltage
threshold levels and the duration (number of half-line cycles) of
the variation are user programmable. A zero-crossing detection
is synchronized with the zero-crossing point of the line voltage
of any of the three phases. This information can be used to
measure the period of any one of the three voltage inputs. It is
also used internally to the chip in the line cycle energy accu-
mulation mode. This mode permits faster and more accurate
calibration by synchronizing the energy accumulation with an
integer number of line cycles.
Data is read from the ADE7758 via the SPI serial interface. The
interrupt request output (IRQ) is an open-drain, active low
logic output. The IRQ output goes active low when one or more
interrupt events have occurred in the ADE7758. A status register
indicates the nature of the interrupt. The ADE7758 is available
in a 24-lead SOIC package.
SPECIFICATIONS1, 2 AVDD = DVDD = 5 V ± 5%, AGND = DGND = 0 V, on-chip reference, CLKIN = 10 MHz XTAL, TMIN to TMAX = −40°C to +85°C.
Table 1.