ADC12DL066CIVS/NOPB ,Dual 12-Bit, 66 MSPS, 450 MHz Input Bandwidth A/D Converter w/Internal Reference 64-TQFP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC12DL066 is a dual, low power monolithic2• Choice of Binary or 2’s Comple ..
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Dual 12-Bit, 66 MSPS, 450 MHz Input Bandwidth A/D Converter w/Internal Reference 64-TQFP -40 to 85
www.ti.com SNAS188G –FEBRUARY 2004–REVISED FEBRUARY 2013
ADC12DL066 Dual 12-Bit, 66 Msps, 450 MHz Input Bandwidth A/D Converter w/Internal
Checkfor Samples: ADC12DL066
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC12DL066isa dual, low power monolithic
Choiceof Binaryor 2’s Complement Output CMOS analog-to-digital converter capable of
Format converting analog input signals into 12-bit digital
• Single +3.3V Supply Operation words at 66 Megasamples per second (Msps),
Outputs 2.4Vto 3.3V Compatible minimum. This converter usesa differential, pipeline
architecture with digital error correction and an on-
• Pin Compatible with ADC12D040 chip sample-and-hold circuitto minimize die size and
• Power Down Mode power consumption while providing excellent dynamic
Internal/External Reference performance anda 450 MHz Full Power Bandwidth.
Operating ona single 3.3V power supply, the
ADC12DL066 achieves 10.7 effective bits and
KEY SPECIFICATIONSconsumes just 686 mWat 66 Msps, including the
• Resolution:12 Bits reference current. The Power Down feature reduces
DNL: ±0.5 LSB (typ) power consumptionto75 mW.
SNR (fIN=10 MHz):66 dB (typ) The differential inputs providea full scale differential
SFDR (fIN=10 MHz): 81 dB (typ) input swing equalto2 times VREF with the possibilitya single-ended input. Full useof the differential
• Power Consumption inputis recommended for optimum performance. The
– Operating: 686 mW (typ) digital outputs from the two ADCs are available on
Power Down Mode:75 mW (typ) separate 12-bit buses with an output data format
choiceof offset binaryor two’s complement.
APPLICATIONS To ease interfacing to lower voltage systems, the
Ultrasound and Imaging digital output driver power pinsof the ADC12DL066
canbe connectedtoa separate supply voltagein the
• Instrumentation rangeof 2.4Vto the digital supply voltage.
• Communications ReceiversThis deviceis availablein the 64-lead TQFP package
• Sonar/Radar and will operate over the industrial temperature range
• xDSL of −40°Cto +85°C. An evaluation boardis available to ease the evaluation process.