ADC1251CMJ ,Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter with Sample-and-HoldADC1251Self-Calibrating12-BitPlusSignA/DConverterwithSample-and-HoldDecember1994ADC1251Self-Calibra ..
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Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter with Sample-and-Hold
December 1994
ADC1251 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign
A/D Converter with Sample-and-Hold
General Description
The ADC1251isa CMOS 12-bit plus sign successiveap-
proximation analog-to-digital converter.On request,the
ADC1251 goes througha self-calibration cyclethat adjusts
forany zero,full scale,or linearity errors.The ADC1251also
hasthe abilitytogo throughan Auto-Zero cycle that cor-
rectsthe zero error during every conversion.
The analog inputtothe ADC1251is trackedand held bythe
internal circuitry,soan external sample-and-holdisnotre-
quired.The ADC1251hasan S/H control input which direct- controlsthe track-and-hold stateofthe A/D.A unipolar
analog input voltage range(0to a5V)ora bipolar range
(b5Vto a5V)canbe accommodatedwith g5V supplies.
The 13-bitdata resultis availableonthe eight outputsofthe
ADC1251intwo bytes, high-byte first and sign extended.
The digital inputsand outputsare compatible with TTLor
CMOS logic levels.
Features Self-calibration provides excellent temperature stability Internal sample-and-hold 8-bit mP/DSP interface Bipolar input range witha single a5V referenceNo missing codes over temperature TTL/MOS input/output compatible
Key Specifications Resolution 12bits plus sign Conversion Time 8ms (max) Sampling Rate 83 kHz (max) Linearity Error g0.6 LSB (g0.0146%) (max) Zero Error g1 LSB (max) Full Scale Error g1.5 LSB (max) Power Consumption @g5V 113 mW (max)
Applications Digital signal processing High resolution process control Instrumentation
Simplified Block Diagram
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Ordering Information
Industrial Package(b40§C sTAs a85§C)
Military Package(b55§CsTAs a125§C)
ADC1251CMJ, J24A
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.