ADC124S051CIMMX/NOPB ,4 Channel, 200 ksps to 500 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter 10-VSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC124S051 is a low-power, four-channel2• Specified Over a Range of Sample ..
ADC1251CMJ ,Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter with Sample-and-HoldADC1251Self-Calibrating12-BitPlusSignA/DConverterwithSample-and-HoldDecember1994ADC1251Self-Calibra ..
ADC12662CIV ,12-Bit, 1.5 MHz, 200 mW A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold [Life-time buy]Featuresn Built-in sample-and-holdUsing an innovative multistep conversion technique, the12-bit ADC ..
ADC12662CIVF ,12-Bit, 1.5 MHz, 200 mW A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold [Life-time buy]Pin DescriptionsA/D converter. For accurate conversions,AV These are the two positive analog supply ..
ADC12762CCV ,12-Bit/ 1.4 MHz/ 300 mW A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldBlock DiagramDS012811-1Ordering InformationCommercial (0˚C ≤ T ≤ +70˚C) PackageAADC12762CCV V44 Pla ..
ADC12762CCV ,12-Bit/ 1.4 MHz/ 300 mW A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldElectrical Characteristics= = = = =The following specifications apply for DV AV +5V, V +4.096V, V A ..
ADUM2400CRWZ ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0 KV (4/0 Channel Directionality)characteristics. The need for external drivers and other discretes High common-mode transient immun ..
ADUM2400CRWZ-RL ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0 KV (4/0 Channel Directionality)specifications apply over the entire recommended operation range, unless otherwise noted. All typic ..
ADUM2401ARWZ ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0KV (3/1 Channel Directionality)Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication www.analog.c ..
ADUM2401ARWZ-RL ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0KV (3/1 Channel Directionality)SPECIFICATIONS Input Supply Current, per Channel, Quiescent IDDI(Q) 0.50 0.53 mA Output S ..
ADUM2401BRWZ ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0KV (3/1 Channel Directionality)characteristics. The need for external drivers and other discretes High common-mode transient immun ..
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4 Channel, 200 ksps to 500 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter 10-VSSOP -40 to 85
www.ti.com SNAS260E –NOVEMBER 2004–REVISED NOVEMBER 2004
ADC124S0514 Channel, 200 kspsto 500 ksps, 12-Bit A/D Converter
Checkfor Samples: ADC124S051
1FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC124S051 isa low-power, four-channel
Specified Overa Rangeof Sample Rates CMOS 12-bit analog-to-digital converter witha high-
• Four Input Channels speed serial interface. Unlike the conventional
Variable Power Management practiceof specifying performanceata single sample
rate only, the ADC124S051is fully specified overa
• Single Power Supply with 2.7V- 5.25V Range sample rate range of 200 kspsto 500 ksps. The
converteris based ona successive-approximation
KEY SPECIFICATIONS register architecture with an internal track-and-hold
DNL: +0.7/ −0.4 LSB (typ) circuit.It can be configuredto acceptupto four input
signalsat inputs IN1 through IN4.
• INL:± 0.5 LSB (typ) SNR: 72.5 dB (typ) The output serial data is straight binary, andis
compatible with several standards, such as SPI™,
• Power Consumption: QSPI™, MICROWIRE and many common DSP serial
– 3V Supply: 3.0 mW (typ) interfaces.
5V Supply: 10.0 mW (typ) The ADC124S051 operates witha single supply that
can range from +2.7V to +5.25V. Normal power
APPLICATIONS consumption usinga +3Vor +5V supplyis 3.0 mW
Portable Systems and 10.0 mW, respectively. The power-down feature
reduces the power consumptionto just 0.14µ W using
• Remote Data Acquisition a +3V supply,or 0.32µ W usinga +5V supply.
• Instrumentation and Control SystemsThe ADC124S051is packagedina 10-lead VSSOP
package. Operation over the industrial temperature
rangeof −40°Cto +85°Cis ensured.
Table1. Pin-Compatible Alternatives by Resolution and Speed(1) Pin VSSOP Package