ADC124S021CIMM ,4 Channel, 200 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D ConverterPin Descriptions and Equivalent CircuitsPin No. Symbol DescriptionANALOG I/O4-7 IN1 to IN4 Analog i ..
ADC124S021CIMM/NOPB ,4 Channel, 50 ksps to 200 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter 10-VSSOP -40 to 85FEATURESDESCRIPTION2• Specified Over a Range of Sample Rates.The ADC124S021 is a low-power, four-ch ..
ADC124S021CIMMX ,4 Channel, 200 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D ConverterApplicationsusing a +3V or +5V supply is 2.2 mW and 7.9 mW, respec-tively.Thepower-downfeaturereduc ..
ADC124S051CIMMX , 4 Channel, 500 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter
ADC124S051CIMMX/NOPB ,4 Channel, 200 ksps to 500 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter 10-VSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC124S051 is a low-power, four-channel2• Specified Over a Range of Sample ..
ADC1251CMJ ,Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign A/D Converter with Sample-and-HoldADC1251Self-Calibrating12-BitPlusSignA/DConverterwithSample-and-HoldDecember1994ADC1251Self-Calibra ..
ADUM2400BRWZ-RL ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0 KV (4/0 Channel Directionality)APPLICATIONS ns for CRWZ grade), and tight channel-to-channel matching (<2 General-purpose, high vo ..
ADUM2400CRWZ ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0 KV (4/0 Channel Directionality)characteristics. The need for external drivers and other discretes High common-mode transient immun ..
ADUM2400CRWZ-RL ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0 KV (4/0 Channel Directionality)specifications apply over the entire recommended operation range, unless otherwise noted. All typic ..
ADUM2401ARWZ ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0KV (3/1 Channel Directionality)Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication www.analog.c ..
ADUM2401ARWZ-RL ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0KV (3/1 Channel Directionality)SPECIFICATIONS Input Supply Current, per Channel, Quiescent IDDI(Q) 0.50 0.53 mA Output S ..
ADUM2401BRWZ ,Quad-Channel Digital Isolator, 5.0KV (3/1 Channel Directionality)characteristics. The need for external drivers and other discretes High common-mode transient immun ..
4 Channel, 200 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter
ADC124S021 Channel, 200 kSPS, 12-Bit A/D Converter
General DescriptionThe ADC124S021isa low-power, four-channel CMOS 12-bit
analog-to-digital converter witha high-speed serial interface.
Unlike the conventional practiceof specifying performancea single sample rate only, the ADC124S021is fully speci-
fied overa sample rate rangeof50 kSPSto 200 kSPS. The
converteris basedona successive-approximation register
architecture withan internal track-and-hold circuit.It canbe
configuredto acceptupto four input signalsat inputs IN1
through IN4.
The output serial datais straight binary, andis compatible
with several standards, suchas SPI™, QSPI™, MICROW-
IRE, and many common DSP serial interfaces.
The ADC124S021 operates witha single supply that can
range from +2.7Vto +5.25V. Normal power consumption
usinga +3Vor +5V supplyis 2.2 mW and7.9 mW, respec-
tively. The power-down feature reducesthe power consump-
tionto just 0.14 µW usinga +3V supply,or 0.32 µW usinga
+5V supply.
The ADC124S021is packagedina 10-lead MSOP package.
Operation overthe industrial temperature rangeof −40˚Cto
+85˚Cis guaranteed.
Features Specified overa rangeof sample rates. Four input channels Variable power management Single power supply with 2.7V- 5.25V range
Key Specifications DNL +0.4/ −0.2 LSB (typ) INL ± 0.35 LSB (typ) SNR 72.0dB (typ) Power Consumption3V Supply 2.2 mW (typ)5V Supply 7.9 mW (typ)
Applications Portable Systems Remote Data Aquisitions Instrumentation and Control Systems
Pin-Compatible Alternatives by Resolution and SpeedAll devices are fullypin and function compatible.
Resolution Specifiedfor Sample Rate Rangeof:to 200 kSPS 200to 500 kSPS 500 kSPSto1 MSPS12-bit
ADC124S021 ADC124S051 ADC124S101
10-bit ADC104S021 ADC104S051 ADC104S101
8-bit ADC084S021 ADC084S051 ADC084S101
Connection DiagramApril 2005