ADC1241CMJ ,Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign mP-Compatible A/D Converter with Sample-and-HoldADC1241Self-Calibrating12-BitPlusSignmP-CompatibleA/DConverterwithSample-and-HoldNovember1994ADC124 ..
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Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus Sign mP-Compatible A/D Converter with Sample-and-Hold
November 1994
ADC1241 Self-Calibrating 12-Bit Plus
Sign mP-Compatible A/D Converter
with Sample-and-Hold
General Description
The ADC1241isa CMOS 12-bit plus sign successiveap-
proximation analog-to-digital converter.On request,the
ADC1241 goes througha self-calibration cyclethat adjusts
positive linearityand full-scale errorsto less than g(/2 LSB
each and zero errorto less thang1 LSB. The ADC1241
alsohasthe abilitytogo throughan Auto-Zero cyclethat
correctsthe zero error during every conversion.
The analog inputtothe ADC1241is trackedand held bythe
internal circuitry,and therefore doesnot requirean external
sample-and-hold.A unipolar analog input voltage range(0V a5V)ora bipolar range (b5Vto a5V)canbe accom-
modatedwith g5V supplies.
The 13-bit wordonthe outputsofthe ADC1241 givesa2’s
complement representationof negative numbers. The digi-
tal inputs and outputsare compatible with TTLor CMOS
logic levels.
Applications Digital Signal Processing High Resolution Process Control Instrumentation
Key Specifications Resolution 12Bits plus Sign Conversion Time 13.8ms (max) Linearity Error g(/2 LSB (g0.0122%) (max) Zero Error g1LSB (max) PositiveFull Scale Error g1LSB (max) Power Consumption 70mW (max)
Features Self-calibrating Internal sample-and-hold Bipolar input range with g5V suppliesand single
a5V referenceNo missing codes over temperature TTL/MOS input/output compatible Standard 28-pinDIP
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademark ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
Simplified Schematic
Connection Diagram
Dual-In-Line Package
Order Number ADC1241CMJ,
ADC1241CMJ/883, ADC1241BIJor
See NSPackageNumberJ28A
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.