ADC1173CIMTCX ,8-Bit/ 3-Volt/ 15MSPS/ 33mW A/D ConverterPin Descriptions and Equivalent CircuitsPin Symbol Equivalent CircuitDescriptionNo.Analog signal in ..
ADC1175/50CIJM ,8-Bit, 50MSPS, 125mW A/D ConverterApplicationsmode reduces power consumption to less than 5 mW.The ADC1175-50 is offered in SOIC (EIA ..
ADC1175-50 ,8-Bit, 50 MSPS, 125 mW A/D ConverterGeneral Description
ADC1175-50CIJM ,8-Bit, 50MSPS, 125mW A/D ConverterFeaturesn Video Digitizationn Internal Track-and-Hold functionn Digital Televisionn Single +5V oper ..
ADC1175-50CILQ ,8-Bit, 50MSPS, 125mW A/D Converterapplications, including use in portable equipment.n Guaranteed No Missing CodesFurthermore, the ADC ..
ADC1175-50CIMT ,8-Bit, 50MSPS, 125mW A/D ConverterPin Descriptions and Equivalent Circuits (LLP pins in parentheses)PinSymbol Equivalent Circuit Desc ..
ADUM1250SRZ-RL7 , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
ADUM1251ARZ , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
ADUM1251ARZ , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
ADUM1251ARZ-RL7 , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
ADUM1300ARW-RL ,Triple-Channel Digital Isolator (3/0 Channel Directionality)FEATURES Low power operation The ADuM130x are 3-channel digital isolators based on Analog 5 V opera ..
ADUM1300ARWZ ,Triple-Channel Digital IsolatorsCharacteristics—Mixed 5 V/3 V or 3 V/5 V Operation .... 7 Changes to Ordering Guide .... 18 5/04— ..
8-Bit/ 3-Volt/ 15MSPS/ 33mW A/D Converter
8-Bit, 3-Volt, 15MSPS, 33mW A/D Converter
General Description
The ADC1173isalow power,15 MSPS analog-to-digital
converterthat digitizes signalsto8bits while consumingjustmWof power(typ). TheADC1173 usesa uniquearchitec-
ture that achieves7.6 Effective Bits. Output formattingis
straight binary coding.
The excellentDC andAC characteristicsofthis device,to-
getherwithitslow powerconsumptionand+3V single supply
operation, make itideally suitedfor many video,imagingand
communications applications, including usein portable
equipment. Furthermore,the ADC1173is resistantto latchup
andthe outputsare short-circuitproof. Thetop andbottomof
the ADC1173’s referenceladderis availablefor connections,
enablinga wide rangeof input possibilities.
The ADC1173 isofferedin SOIC (EIAJ)and TSSOP.Itisde-
signedto operate overthe commercial temperaturerangeof
-20˚Cto +75˚C.
Features Internal Sample-and-Hold Function Single+3V Operation Internal Reference Bias Resistors Industry Standard Pinout TRI-STATE® Outputs
Key Specifications Resolution 8Bits Maximum Sampling Frequency 15 MSPS (min) THD −56dB (typ) DNL ±0.8 LSB (max) ENOBat 3.58 MHz Input 7.6Bits (typ) GuaranteedNo Missing Codes Differential Phase 0.5 Degree (max) Differential Gain 1.5% (typ) Power Consumption 33mW (typ)
(excluding reference current)
Applications Video Digitization DigitalStill CamerasSetTop Boxes Camcorders Personal Computer Video Digital Television CCD Imaging Electro-Optics
Ordering Information
ADC1173CIJMX SOIC (EIAJ) (tape& reel)
ADC1173CIMTCX TSSOP (tape& reel)
Pin Configuration
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorporation.
February 1999
©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100890