ADC10D040CIVS ,Dual 10-Bit, 40 MSPS, 267 mW A/D ConverterFeaturesn Internal sample-and-holdThe ADC10D040 is a dual low power, high performanceCMOS analog-to ..
ADC10DL065CIVS , Dual 10-Bit, 65 MSPS, 3.3V, 370mW A/D Converter
ADC10DL065CIVS/NOPB ,Dual 10-Bit, 65 MSPS, 3.3V, 370mW A/D Converter 64-TQFP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC10DL065 is a dual, low power monolithic2• Single +3.3V Supply OperationC ..
ADC10DV200CISQ/NOPB ,Dual 10-bit, 200 MSPS Low-Power A/D Converter with Parallel LVDS/CMOS Outputs 60-WQFN -40 to 85 SNAS471A –FEBRUARY 2009–REVISED APRIL 2013Pin Descriptions and Equivalent CircuitsPin No. Symbol E ..
ADC10DV200CISQE/NOPB ,Dual 10-bit, 200 MSPS Low-Power A/D Converter with Parallel LVDS/CMOS Outputs 60-WQFN -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC10DV200 is a monolithic analog-to-digital2• Single 1.8V Power Supply Ope ..
ADC1130 , 14-Bit High Speed Analog to Digital Converters
ADUM1230BRWZ-RL , Isolated Half-Bridge Driver, 0.1 A Amp Output
ADUM1233BRWZ , Isolated, Precision Half-Bridge Driver, 0.1 A Output
ADUM1250SRZ-RL7 , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
ADUM1251ARZ , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
ADUM1251ARZ , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
ADUM1251ARZ-RL7 , Hot Swappable, Dual I2C Isolators
Dual 10-Bit, 40 MSPS, 267 mW A/D Converter
Dual 10-Bit, 40 MSPS, 267 mW A/D Converter
General DescriptionThe ADC10D040isa dual low power, high performance
CMOS analog-to-digital converter that digitizes signalsto10
bits resolutionat sampling ratesupto45 MSPS while con-
suminga typical 267 mW froma single 3.3V supply. No
missing codesis guaranteed overthefull operating tempera-
ture range. The unique two stage architecture achieves 9.4
Effective Bits overthe entire Nyquist bandat40 MHz sample
rate.An output formatting choiceof offset binaryor 2’s
complement coding anda choiceof two gain settings eases
the interfaceto many systems. Also allowing great flexibility useisa selectable 10-bit multiplexedor 20-bit parallel
output mode.An offset correction feature minimizes the off-
set error. ease interfacingto most low voltage systems, the digital
output power pinsof the ADC10D040 canbe tiedtoa
separate supply voltageof 1.5Vto 3.6V, making the outputs
compatible with other low voltage systems. When not con-
verting, power consumption canbe reducedby pulling the (Power Down)pin high, placingthe converter intoa low
power state whereit typically consumes less than1 mW and
from which recoveryis less than1 ms. Bringing the STBY
(Standby)pin high placesthe converter intoa standby mode
where power consumptionis about30 mW and from which
recoveryis 800ns.
The ADC10D040’s speed, resolution and single supply op-
eration makeit well suited fora varietyof applications,
including high speed portable applications.
Operating over the industrial (−40˚≤TA≤ +85˚C) tempera-
ture range, theADC10D040is availableina 48-pinTQFP.An
evaluation boardis availableto easethe design effort.
Features Internal sample-and-hold Internal Reference Capability Dual gain settings Offset correction Selectable offset binaryor2’s complement output Multiplexedor parallel output bus Single +3.0Vto 3.6V operation Power down and standby modes3V TTL Logic input/output compatible
Key Specifications Resolution 10 Bits Conversion Rate 40 MSPS ENOB 9.4 Bits (typ) DNL 0.35 LSB (typ) Conversion Latency Parallel Outputs 2.5 Clock Cycles Multiplexed Outputs,I Data Bus 2.5 Clock Cycles Multiplexed Outputs,Q Data Bus 3 Clock Cycles PSRR 90dB Power Consumption—Normal Operation 267 mW (typ) Power Down Mode <1 mW (typ) Fast Recovery Standby Mode 30 mW (typ)
Applications Digital Video CCD Imaging Portable Instrumentation Communications Medical Imaging Ultrasound
February 2005