ADC10664CIN ,10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldFeaturesn Built-in sample-and-hold*Using an innovative, patented multistep conversion tech-nique, t ..
ADC10664CIWM ,10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldADC10662/ADC10664 10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldNovember 2001AD ..
ADC10731CIWM ,10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with Mux, Sample/Hold and Reference [Life-time buy]Block DiagramDS011390-1COPS™, HPC™ and MICROWIRE™ are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporat ..
ADC10732CIWM ,10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with Mux, Sample/Hold and Referencefeatures versatile analog input multiplex-n No zero or full scale adjustment requireders, sample/ho ..
ADC10734CIMSA ,10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with Mux/Block DiagramDS011390-1COPS™, HPC™ and MICROWIRE™ are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporat ..
ADC10734CIWM ,10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with Mux/features versatile analog input multiplex-n No zero or full scale adjustment requireders, sample/ho ..
ADUM1201BR ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication www.analog.c ..
ADUM1201BRZ ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)GENERAL DESCRIPTION Narrow body SOIC 8-lead package The ADuM120x are dual-channel digital isolators ..
ADUM1201BRZ-RL7 ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)Characteristics ....... 10 Propagation Delay-Related Parameters........ 15 Regulatory Information.. ..
ADUM1201BRZ-RL7 ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)APPLICATIONS ensures dc correctness in the absence of input logic transitions Size-critical multich ..
ADUM1201CR ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication www.analog.c ..
ADUM1201CR ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)Characteristics ....... 10 Propagation Delay-Related Parameters........ 15 Regulatory Information.. ..
10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold
10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and
General DescriptionUsingan innovative, patented multistep* conversion tech-
nique, the 10-bit ADC10662 and ADC10664 are2- and
4-input CMOS analog-to-digital converters offering
sub-microsecond conversion times yet dissipatinga maxi-
mumof only 235 mW. The ADC10662 and ADC10664 per-
forma 10-bit conversionin two lower-resolution “flashes”,
thus yieldinga fast A/D withoutthe cost, power dissipation,
and other problems associated with true flash approaches. additionto standard static performance specifications
(Linearity, Full-Scale Error, etc.) dynamic performance (THD,
S/N)is guaranteed.
The analog input voltagetothe ADC10662 and ADC10664is
sampled and heldbyan internal sampling circuit. Input sig-
nalsat frequencies fromdcto over 250 kHz can thereforebe
digitized accurately without the need for an external
sample-and-hold circuit.
The ADC10662 and ADC10664 includea “speed-up” pin.
Connectingan external resistor between thispin and ground
reducesthe typical conversion timetoas littleas 360ns.
For easeof interfaceto microprocessors,the ADC10662 and
ADC10664 have been designedto appearasa memory
locationor I/O port without the needfor external interface
Features Built-in sample-and-hold Single +5V supply2-or 4-input multiplexer options No external clock required
Key Specifications Conversion timeto10 bits: 360ns typical, 466ns
max over temperature Sampling Rate: 1.5 MHz (min) Low power dissipation: 235 mW (max) Total harmonic distortion (50 kHz): −60dB (max) No missing codes over temperature
Applications Digital signal processor front ends Instrumentation Disk drives Mobile telecommunications
Ordering Information
+85˚C) PackageADC10662CIWM M24B Small Outline
+85˚C) PackageADC10664CIWM M28B Small Outline
November 2001