ADC1061CIWM ,10-Bit High Speed µP-Compatible A/D Converter with Track/Hold FunctionPin DescriptionsSymbol FunctionDV , These are the digital and analog positive supply voltage inputs ..
ADC10662CIWM ,10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold [Not recommended for new designs]Applicationssample-and-hold circuit.n Digital signal processor front endsThe ADC10662 and ADC10664 ..
ADC10662CIWM ,10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/Hold [Not recommended for new designs]Featuresn Built-in sample-and-hold*Using an innovative, patented multistep conversion tech-nique, t ..
ADC10664CIN ,10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldFeaturesn Built-in sample-and-hold*Using an innovative, patented multistep conversion tech-nique, t ..
ADC10664CIWM ,10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldADC10662/ADC10664 10-Bit 360 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldNovember 2001AD ..
ADC10731CIWM ,10-Bit Plus Sign Serial I/O A/D Converters with Mux, Sample/Hold and Reference [Life-time buy]Block DiagramDS011390-1COPS™, HPC™ and MICROWIRE™ are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporat ..
ADUM1201AR ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication www.analog.c ..
ADUM1201ARZ ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)characteristics the power of optocouplers at comparable signal data rates. 3 ns maximum pulse-width ..
ADUM1201ARZ-RL7 ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)GENERAL DESCRIPTION Narrow body SOIC 8-lead package The ADuM120x are dual-channel digital isolators ..
ADUM1201BR ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication www.analog.c ..
ADUM1201BRZ ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)GENERAL DESCRIPTION Narrow body SOIC 8-lead package The ADuM120x are dual-channel digital isolators ..
ADUM1201BRZ-RL7 ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (1/1 Channel Directionality)Characteristics ....... 10 Propagation Delay-Related Parameters........ 15 Regulatory Information.. ..
10-Bit High Speed µP-Compatible A/D Converter with Track/Hold Function
10-Bit High-Speed μP-Compatible A/D Converter with
Track/Hold Function
General DescriptionUsinga modified half-flash conversion technique,the 10-bit
ADC1061 CMOS analog-to-digital converter offers very fast
conversion timesyet dissipatesa maximumof only 235 mW.
The ADC1061 performsa 10-bit conversionin two
lower-resolution “flashes”, thus yieldinga fast A/D without
the cost, power dissipation, and other problems associated
with true flash approaches.
The analog input voltagetothe ADC1061is tracked and heldan internal sampling circuit. Input signalsat frequencies
from DCto greater than 160 kHz can thereforebe digitized
accurately withoutthe needforan external sample-and-hold
For easeof interfaceto microprocessors,the ADC1061 has
been designedto appearasa memory locationorI/O port
without the needfor external interface logic.
Features 1.8μs maximum conversion timeto10 bits Low power dissipation: 235 mW (maximum) Built-in track-and-hold No external clock required Single +5V supply No missing codes over temperature
Applications Waveform digitizers Disk drives Digital signal processor front ends Mobile telecommunications
Simplified Block and Connection DiagramsDS010559-2
June 1999