ADC10321CIVT ,10-Bit, 20MSPS, 98mW A/D Converter with Internal Sample and HoldGeneral Descriptionn Tri-State OutputsThe ADC10321 is a low power, high performance CMOSn TTL/CMOS ..
ADC1034 ,10-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Analog Multiplexer and Track/Hold FunctionFeaturesY TMSerial I/O (MICROWIRE compatible)The ADC1031, ADC1034 and ADC1038 are 10-bit succes-Ysi ..
ADC1038CIN ,10-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Analog Multiplexer and Track/hold FunctionElectrical Characteristics= = = =The following specifications apply for V +5.0V, V +4.6V, f 700 kHz ..
ADC1038CIN ,10-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converters with Analog Multiplexer and Track/hold FunctionElectrical Characteristics (Continued)= = = =The following specifications apply for V +5.0V, V +4.6 ..
ADC1038CIWM ,10-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converter with Analog MultiplexerElectrical Characteristics (Continued)= = = =The following specifications apply for V +5.0V, V +4.6 ..
ADC10461CIWM ,10-Bit 600 ns A/D Converter with Input Multiplexer and Sample/HoldApplicationsexternal sample-and-hold circuit.n Digital signal processor front endsThe ADC10462 and ..
ADUM1100BRZ , iCoupler Digital Isolator
ADUM1100BRZ-RL7 , iCoupler Digital Isolator
ADUM1100UR ,iCoupler Digital IsolatorSPECIFICATIONSFor ADuM1100AR3Minimum Pulse Width PW 40 ns C = 15 pF, CMOS Signal LevelsL4Maximum Da ..
ADUM1100UR-RL7 ,iCoupler Digital Isolatorcharacteristics superior toLow Power Operation alternatives such as optocoupler devices.5 V Operati ..
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ADUM1200AR ,Dual-Channel Digital Isolator (2/0 Channel Directionality)SPECIFICATIONS Input Supply Current, per Channel, Quiescent I 0.50 0.60 mA DDI (Q)Out ..
10-Bit, 20MSPS, 98mW A/D Converter with Internal Sample and Hold
10-Bit, 20MSPS, 98mW A/D Converter with Internal
Sample and Hold
General DescriptionThe ADC10321isa low power, high performance CMOS
analog-to-digital converter that digitizes signalsto10 bits
resolutionat sampling ratesupto 25Msps while consuming typical 98mW froma single5V supply. Reference force
and sense pins allow the userto connectan external refer-
ence buffer amplifierto ensure optimal accuracy.No missing
codesis guaranteed over the full operating temperature
range. The unique two stage architecture achieves 9.2Ef-
fective Bits witha 10MHz input signal anda 20MHz clock
frequency. Output formattingis straight binary coding. ease interfacingto3V systems,the digitalI/O power pinsthe ADC10321 canbe tiedtoa3V power source, making
the outputs 3V compatible. When not converting, power
consumption canbe reducedby pulling the PD (Power
Down) pin high, placing the converter intoa low power
standby state, whereit typically consumes less than 4mW.
The ADC10321’s speed, resolution and single supply opera-
tion makesit well suitedfora varietyof applicationsin video,
imaging, communications, multimedia and high speed data
acquisition. Low power, single supply operation ideally suit
the ADC10321for high speed portable applications, andits
speed and resolution are idealfor charge coupled device
(CCD) input systems.
The ADC10321 comesina space saving 32-pin TQFP and
operates overthe industrial (−40˚C≤TA≤ +85˚C) tempera-
ture range.
Features Internal Sample-and-Hold Single +5V Operation Low Power Standby Mode GuaranteedNo Missing Codes Tri-State Outputs TTL/CMOSor3V Logic Input/Output Compatible
Key Specifications Resolution 10 Bits Conversion Rate 20 Msps ENOB@ 10MHz Input 9.2 Bits (typ) DNL 0.35 LSB (typ) Conversion Latency 2 Clock Cycles PSRR 56dB Power Consumption 98mW (typ) Low Power Standby Mode <4mW (typ)
Applications Digital Video Communications Document Scanners Medical Imaging Electro-Optics Plain Paper Copiers CCD Imaging
January 2003