ADC10154CIWM ,10-Bit Plus Sign 4 microseconds ADCs with 4- or 8-Channel MUX, Track/Hold and ReferenceADC10154/ADC10158 10-Bit Plus Sign 4 μs ADCs with 4- or 8-Channel MUX, Track/Hold andReferenceNovem ..
ADC10158CIN ,10-Bit Plus Sign 4 s ADCs with 4- or 8-Channel MUX/ Track/Hold and ReferencePin Descriptions+AV This is the positive analog supply. This pin RD This is the read control input. ..
ADC10158CIWM ,10-Bit Plus Sign 4 microseconds ADCs with 4- or 8-Channel MUX, Track/Hold and ReferencePin Descriptions+AV This is the positive analog supply. This pin RD This is the read control input. ..
ADC101S051CIMF , Single Channel, 200 to 500 ksps, 10-Bit A/D Converter
ADC101S101CIMF ,1MSPS, 10-Bit A/D Converter in SOT-23ADC121S101/ADC101S101/ADC081S101 1MSPS, 12-/10-/8-Bit A/D Converters in SOT-23 & LLPJanuary 2005ADC ..
ADC101S101CIMF ,1MSPS, 10-Bit A/D Converter in SOT-23Featuresn Variable power managementTheADC121S101,ADC101S101,andADC081S101arelowpower, monolithic CM ..
ADUC845BCPZ62-5 , MicroConverter® Multichannel 24-/16-Bit ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash and Single-Cycle MCU
ADUC845BS62-3 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 12MIPS 8052 Flash MCU + 10-Ch 24-Bit ADC + 12-Bit DACAPPLICATIONS Multichannel sensor monitoring Memory Industrial/environmental instrumentation 62-kby ..
ADuC845BS62-5 ,MicroConverter Multichannel 24-/16-Bit ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash and Single-Cycle MCUGeneral Description ........ 15 ADC0CON2 (Primary ADC Channel Select Register) ........ 44 8052 Ins ..
ADUC845BS8-3 ,MicroConverter Multichannel 24-/16-Bit ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash and Single-Cycle MCUSpecifications.... 4 ADC SFR Interface...... 39 Abosolute Maximum Ratings . 10 ADCSTAT (ADC Status ..
ADUC845BS8-5 ,MicroConverter Multichannel 24-/16-Bit ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash and Single-Cycle MCUFEATURES High resolution Σ-∆ ADCs Normal: 4.8 mA max @ 3.6 V (core CLK = 1.57 MHz) Two independent ..
ADUC847BCP8-3 ,MicroConverter Multichannel 24-/16-Bit ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash and Single-Cycle MCUOverview.... 48 External Memory Access ..... 18 Flash/EE Program Memory 49 Complete SFR Map ..... ..
10-Bit Plus Sign 4 microseconds ADCs with 4- or 8-Channel MUX, Track/Hold and Reference
10-Bit Plus Sign 4 μs ADCs with 4- or 8-Channel MUX,
Track/Hold and Reference
General DescriptionThe ADC10154 and ADC10158 are CMOS 10-bit plus sign
successive approximation A/D converters with versatile ana-
log input multiplexers, track/hold function anda 2.5V
band-gap reference. The 4-channelor 8-channel multiplex-
ers canbe software configuredfor single-ended, differential pseudo-differential modesof operation.
The input track/holdis implemented usinga capacitive array
and sampled-data comparator.
Resolution canbe programmedtobe 8-bit, 8-bit plus sign,
10-bitor 10-bit plus sign. Lower-resolution conversions can performed faster.
The variable resolution output data wordis readin two bytes,
and canbe formattedleft justifiedor right justified, high byte
Applications Process control Instrumentation Test equipment
Features4-or8- channel configurable multiplexer Analog input track/hold function0Vto5V analog input range with single +5V power
supply −5Vto +5V analog input voltage range with ±5V
supplies Fully testedin unipolar (single +5V supply) and bipolar
(dual ±5V supplies) operation Programmable resolution/speed and output data format Ratiometricor Absolute voltage reference operation No zeroorfull scale adjustment required No missing codes over temperature Easy microprocessor interface
Key Specifications Resolution 10-bit plus sign Integral linearity error ±1 LSB (max) Unipolar power dissipation 33 mW (max) Conversion time (10-bit+ sign) 4.4μs (max) Conversion time (8-bit) 3.2μs (max) Sampling rate (10-bit+ sign) 166 kHz Sampling rate (8-bit) 207 kHz Band-gap reference 2.5V ±2.0% (max)
ADC10158 Simplified Block DiagramDS011225-1
November 1999