ADC1001CCJ ,10-Bit µP Compatible A/D Converter [Life-time buy]electrical specifications do not apply when operatingthe device beyond its specified operating cond ..
ADC1001CCJ-1 ,10-Bit µP Compatible A/D Converter [Life-time buy]Featuresn ADC1001 is pin compatible with ADC0801 series 8-bitThe ADC1001 is a CMOS, 10-bit successi ..
ADC10030CIVT ,10-Bit, 30 MSPS, 125 mW A/D Converter with Internal Sample and HoldGeneral Descriptionn Guaranteed No Missing CodesThe ADC10030 is a low power, high performance CMOSn ..
ADC10030CIVTX ,10-Bit, 30 MSPS, 125 mW A/D Converter with Internal Sample and Holdapplications, and itsn Document Scannersspeed and resolution are ideal for charge coupled devicen M ..
ADC10040CIMT ,10-Bit, 40 MSPS, 3V, 55.5 mW A/D ConverterFeaturesn Single +3.0V operationTheADC10040 is a monolithic CMOS analog-to-digital con-verter capab ..
ADC10040CIMT/NOPB ,10-Bit, 40 MSPS, 3V, 55.5 mW A/D Converter 28-TSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC10040 is a monolithic CMOS analog-to-2• Single +3.0V Operationdigital co ..
ADUC836BCP ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 1MIPS 8052 MCU + 62kB Flash + Dual 16-Bit ADC + 12-Bit DACSPECIFICATIONS Conversion Rate 5.4 On Both Channels ..
ADUC836BS ,MicroConverter, Dual 16-Bit-ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash MCUSPECIFICATIONS Conversion Rate 5.4 On Both Channels ..
ADUC836BS ,MicroConverter, Dual 16-Bit-ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash MCUSPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Parallel Programm ..
ADUC841BCP62-3 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 20MIPS 8052 Flash MCU + 8-Ch 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DACFEATURES Pin compatable ugrade of ADuC812/ADuC831/ADuC832 12-BITADuC841/ADuC842/ADuC843 1Increased ..
ADUC841BCP62-5 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 20MIPS 8052 Flash MCU + 8-Ch 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DACAPPLICATIONS The microcontroller is an optimized 8052 core offering up to Optical networking—laser ..
ADUC841BS62-3 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 20MIPS 8052 Flash MCU + 8-Ch 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DACCharacteristics for typical performance at other values of f SAMPLEResolution 12 12 Bits Integral ..
10-Bit µP Compatible A/D Converter [Life-time buy]
10-Bit μP Compatible A/D Converter
General DescriptionThe ADC1001isa CMOS, 10-bit successive approximation
A/D converter. The 20-pin ADC1001ispin compatible with
theADC08018-bitA/D family.The 10-bit datawordis readin
two 8-bitbytes, formattedleft justified andhighbytefirst.The
six least significantbitsofthe second byteareset tozero,as properfora 16-bit word.
Differential inputs provide low frequency input common
mode rejectionand allow offsettingthe analog rangeofthe
converter.In addition,the reference inputcanbe adjusted
enablingthe conversionof reduced analog ranges with
10-bit resolution.
Key Specifications Resolution 10bits Linearity error ±1 LSB Conversion time 200μS
Features ADC1001ispin compatible with ADC0801 series 8-bit
A/D converters Compatible with NSC800and 8080μP derivatives—no
interfacing logic needed Easily interfacedto 6800μP derivatives Differential analog voltage inputs Logic inputsand outputs meet both MOSandTTL
voltage level specifications Works with 2.5V (LM336) voltage reference On-chip clock generator0Vto5V analog input voltage range with single5V
supply Operates ratiometricallyor with5 VDC,2.5 VDC,or
analog span adjusted voltage reference 0.3" standard width 20-pinDIP package
Connection Diagram
Ordering Information
0˚Cto +70˚C −40˚Cto +85˚C
Order Number ADC1001CCJ-1 ADC1001CCJ
Package Outline J20A J20A
TRI-STATE®isa registeredtrademark ofNationalSemiconductorCorp.
Dual-In-Line PackageDS005675-11
Top ViewJune 1999
Converter©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS005675