ADC08L060CIMT ,8-Bit, 10 MSPS to 60 MSPS, 0.65 mW/MSPS A/D Converter with Internal Sample-and-HoldFeaturesn Single-ended inputTheADC08L060 is a low-power, 8-bit, monolithic analog-to-digital conver ..
ADC1001CCJ ,10-Bit µP Compatible A/D Converter [Life-time buy]electrical specifications do not apply when operatingthe device beyond its specified operating cond ..
ADC1001CCJ-1 ,10-Bit µP Compatible A/D Converter [Life-time buy]Featuresn ADC1001 is pin compatible with ADC0801 series 8-bitThe ADC1001 is a CMOS, 10-bit successi ..
ADC10030CIVT ,10-Bit, 30 MSPS, 125 mW A/D Converter with Internal Sample and HoldGeneral Descriptionn Guaranteed No Missing CodesThe ADC10030 is a low power, high performance CMOSn ..
ADC10030CIVTX ,10-Bit, 30 MSPS, 125 mW A/D Converter with Internal Sample and Holdapplications, and itsn Document Scannersspeed and resolution are ideal for charge coupled devicen M ..
ADC10040CIMT ,10-Bit, 40 MSPS, 3V, 55.5 mW A/D ConverterFeaturesn Single +3.0V operationTheADC10040 is a monolithic CMOS analog-to-digital con-verter capab ..
ADUC834BS ,MicroConverter, Dual 16-/24- Bit ADCs with Embedded 62KB FLASH MCUSPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Programming the Flash/EE Data Memory ..
ADUC836BCP ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 1MIPS 8052 MCU + 62kB Flash + Dual 16-Bit ADC + 12-Bit DACSPECIFICATIONS Conversion Rate 5.4 On Both Channels ..
ADUC836BS ,MicroConverter, Dual 16-Bit-ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash MCUSPECIFICATIONS Conversion Rate 5.4 On Both Channels ..
ADUC836BS ,MicroConverter, Dual 16-Bit-ADCs with Embedded 62 kB Flash MCUSPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Parallel Programm ..
ADUC841BCP62-3 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 20MIPS 8052 Flash MCU + 8-Ch 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DACFEATURES Pin compatable ugrade of ADuC812/ADuC831/ADuC832 12-BITADuC841/ADuC842/ADuC843 1Increased ..
ADUC841BCP62-5 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 20MIPS 8052 Flash MCU + 8-Ch 12-Bit ADC + Dual 12-Bit DACAPPLICATIONS The microcontroller is an optimized 8052 core offering up to Optical networking—laser ..
8-Bit, 10 MSPS to 60 MSPS, 0.65 mW/MSPS A/D Converter with Internal Sample-and-Hold
8-Bit, 10 MSPS to 60 MSPS, 0.65 mW/MSPS A/D
Converter with Internal Sample-and-Hold
General DescriptionThe ADC08L060isa low-power, 8-bit, monolithic analog-to-
digital converter withan on-chip track-and-hold circuit. Opti-
mizedfor low cost, low power, small size and easeof use,
this product operatesat conversion ratesof10 MSPSto MSPS while consuming just 0.65 mW per MHzof clock
frequency,or39 mWat60 MSPS. Raisingthe PDpin puts
the ADC08L060 intoa Power Down mode whereit con-
sumes about1 mW.
The unique architecture achieves 7.6 Effective Bits. The
ADC08L060is resistantto latch-up and the outputs are
short-circuit proof. The top and bottomofthe ADC08L060s
reference ladder are availablefor connections, enablinga
wide rangeof input possibilities. The digital outputs are
TTL/CMOS compatible witha separate output power supply
pinto support interfacing with 1.8Vto3V logic. The digital
inputs (CLK and PD) are TTL/CMOS compatible.
The ADC08L060is offeredina 24-lead plastic package
(TSSOP) andis specified over the industrial temperature
rangeof −40˚Cto +85˚C.An evaluation boardis availableto
assistinthe evaluationofthe ADC08L060.
Features Single-ended input Internal sample-and-hold function Low voltage (single +3V) operation Small package Power-down feature
Key Specifications Resolution 8 bits Conversion rate 60 MSPS DNL ±0.25 LSB (typ) INL +0.5/−0.2 LSB (typ) SNR (10.1 MHz) 48dB (typ) ENOB (10.1 MHz) 7.6 bits (typ) THD (10.1 MHz) −57dB (typ) Latency 5 Clock Cycles No missing codes Guaranteed Power Consumption Operating 0.65 mW/MSPS (typ) Power Down Mode 1.0 mW (typ)
Applications Digital Imaging Set-top boxes Portable Instrumentation Communication Systems X-ray imaging Viterbi decoders
Pin ConfigurationJuly 2004