ADC08831IWM ,8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/Hold FunctionGeneral Descriptionn InstrumentationThe ADC08831/ADC08832 are 8-bit successive approxima-n Embedded ..
ADC08832IM ,8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/Hold FunctionGeneral Descriptionn InstrumentationThe ADC08831/ADC08832 are 8-bit successive approxima-n Embedded ..
ADC08832IMM ,8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/Hold FunctionApplicationsn Total unadjusted error: ±1LSBn Digitizing sensors and waveformsn No missing codes ove ..
ADC08832IMM ,8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/Hold FunctionFeaturesrial I/O will interface to COPS family of micro-controllers,PLD’s, microprocessors, DSP’s, ..
ADC08832IMMX ,8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/Hold FunctionFeaturesrial I/O will interface to COPS family of micro-controllers,PLD’s, microprocessors, DSP’s, ..
ADC08832IMX ,8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/Hold FunctionADC08831/ADC08832 8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/HoldFunctionSept ..
ADUC824BCP ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 1MIPS 8052 MCU + 8kB Flash + 16/24-Bit ADC + 12-Bit DACOVERVIEW OF MCU-RELATED SFRS 23On-Chip PLL ... 42Accumulator (ACC) .. 23Time Interval Counter (TIC) ..
ADUC824BS ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 1MIPS 8052 MCU + 8kB Flash + 16/24-Bit ADC + 12-Bit DACSPECIFICATIONSConversion Rate 5.4 On Both Channels Hz min105 Programmable in 0.732 ms Increments Hz ..
ADUC824BSZ , MicroConverter®, Dual-Channel 16-/24-Bit ADCs with Embedded FLASH MCU
ADUC831BS ,MicroConverter/ 12-Bit ADCs and DACs with Embedded 62 kBytes Flash MCUOverview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Interrupt System . . . . . ..
ADUC834BS ,MicroConverter, Dual 16-/24- Bit ADCs with Embedded 62KB FLASH MCUSPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Programming the Flash/EE Data Memory ..
ADUC836BCP ,Precision Analog Microcontroller: 1MIPS 8052 MCU + 62kB Flash + Dual 16-Bit ADC + 12-Bit DACSPECIFICATIONS Conversion Rate 5.4 On Both Channels ..
8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer and Sample/Hold Function
8-Bit Serial I/O CMOS A/D Converters with Multiplexer
and Sample/Hold Function
General DescriptionThe ADC08831/ADC08832are 8-bit successive approxima-
tionAnalogto Digital converters with 3-wire serial interfaces
anda configurable input multiplexerfor2 channels.These-
rialI/Owill interfaceto COPS™familyof micro-controllers,
PLD’s, microprocessors, DSP’s,or shift registers.The serial
I/O isconfigured tocomplywiththe NSC MICROWIRE™se-
rial data exchange standard. minimize total power consumption, the
ADC08831/ADC08832 automaticallygo into low power
mode whenever theyarenot performing conversions.
Atrack/holdfunctionallowsthe analogvoltageat thepositive
inputto vary duringthe actualA/D conversion.
The analog inputscanbe configuredto operatein various
combinations of single-ended, differential, or
pseudo-differential modes. The voltage reference inputcan adjustedto allow encodingof small analog voltagespansthefull 8-bitsof resolution.
Applications Digitizing sensorsand waveforms Process control monitoring Remote sensingin noisy environments Instrumentation Embedded Systems
Features 3-wire serial digital datalink requiresfewI/O pins Analog input track/hold function 2-channel input multiplexer option with address logic Analog input voltage range from GNDto VCCNo zeroorfull scale adjustment required TTL/CMOS input/output compatible Superiorpin compatible replacementfor ADC0831/2
Key Specifications Resolution:8bits Conversion time(fC=2 MHz): 4μs (max) Power dissipation: 8.5mW (typ) Low power mode: 3.0mW (typ) Single supply: 5VDC Total unadjusted error: ±1LSBNo missing codes over temperature
Typical ApplicationCOPS™ isatrademarkofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
MICROWIRE™ isatrademarkofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
September 1999
Function©1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS100108