ADC0841 ,8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible A/D ConverterADC0841 8-BitmPCompatibleA/DConverterDecember1994ADC0841 8-BitmPCompatibleA/DConverterGeneralDescri ..
ADC0841 ,8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible A/D ConverterADC0841 8-BitmPCompatibleA/DConverterDecember1994ADC0841 8-BitmPCompatibleA/DConverterGeneralDescri ..
ADC0841BCV ,8-Bit P Compatible A/D ConverterElectrical Characteristics=The following specifications apply for V 5V unless otherwise specified. ..
ADC0841CCN ,8-Bit P Compatible A/D ConverterGeneral Descriptionn No zero or full-scale adjust requiredThe ADC0841 is a CMOS 8-bit successive ap ..
ADC0841CCV ,8-Bit P Compatible A/D ConverterFeaturesn Easy interface to all microprocessorsBlock and Connection DiagramsDS008557-1Dual-In-Line ..
ADC0844BCN ,8-Bit uP Compatible A/D Converters with Multiplexer OptionsFeaturesn Easy interface to all microprocessorsThe ADC0844 and ADC0848 are CMOS 8-bit successive ap ..
ADUC7022BCPZ62 , Precision Analog Microcontroller, 12-Bit Analog I/O, ARM7TDMI MCU
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ADUC7025BCP32 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller 12-bit Analog I/O, ARM7TDMI MCUSPECIFICATIONS ADC Powerup Time 500 uS 2, 3 DC Accuracy f = 1MSPS SAMPLEResolution 12 Bits I ..
ADUC7025BSTZ62 , Precision Analog Microcontroller, 12-Bit Analog I/O, ARM7TDMI MCU
ADUC7026BST62 ,Precision Analog Microcontroller 12-bit Analog I/O, ARM7TDMI MCUFEATURES 4 X General Purpose Timers Wake-up and Watchdog Timers Analog I/O Power Supply Monitor Mu ..
8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible A/D Converter
December 1994
ADC0841 8-Bit mP Compatible A/D Converter
General Description
The ADC0841isa CMOS 8-bit successive approximation
A/D converter. Differential inputs providelow frequencyin-
put common mode rejectionand allow offsettingthe analog
rangeofthe converter.In addition,the reference inputcan adjusted enablingthe conversionof reduced analog
ranges with 8-bit resolution.
The A/Dis designedto operate withthe controlbusofa
varietyof microprocessors. TRI-STATEÉ output latchesthat
directly drivethe databus permitthe A/Dtobe configureda memory locationorI/O devicetothe microprocessor
withno interface logic necessary.
Features Easy interfacetoall microprocessors Operates ratiometricallyor with5 VDC
voltage referenceNo zeroor full-scale adjust required Internal clock0Vto5V input range with single5V power supply 0.3× standard width 20-pin package20Pin Molded Chip Carrier Package
Key Specifications Resolution 8Bits Total Unadjusted Error g(/2 LSBandg1 LSB Single Supply 5 VDC Low Power 15 mW Conversion Time 40ms
Block and Connection Diagrams
Dual-In-Line Package(N)
Top View
(N.C.-No Connection)
Molded Chip CarrierPackage(V)
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
NSC800TMisatrademark ofNationalSemiconductor Corporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.