ADC08234CIWMX ,8-Bit 2-microsecond Serial I/O A/D Converter with MUX, Reference and Track/Holdapplications, the devic-YTTL/CMOS input/output compatiblees are capable of a fast 2ms conversion wh ..
ADC08238CIN ,8-Bit 2 ms Serial I/O A/D Converters with MUX/ Reference/ and Track/Holdapplications, the devic-YTTL/CMOS input/output compatiblees are capable of a fast 2ms conversion wh ..
ADC082S021CIMM ,2 Channel, 200 KSPS, 8-Bit A/D ConverterPin Descriptions and Equivalent CircuitsPin No. Symbol DescriptionANALOG I/O5,4 IN1 and IN2 Analog ..
ADC082S021CIMM/NOPB ,2 Channel, 50 ksps to 200 ksps, 8-Bit A/D Converter 8-VSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC082S021 is a low-power, two-channel2• Specified Over a Range of Sample R ..
ADC0831 ,8-Bit Serial I/O A/D Converter with Multiplexer OptionADC0831/ADC0832/ADC0834andADC08388-BitSerialI/OA/DConverterswithMultiplexerOptionsJanuary1995ADC083 ..
ADC0831BCN ,Serial I/O 8-Bit A/D Converters with Multiplexer Options
ADT7486AARMZ-R7 , Digital Temperature Sensor with SST Interface
ADT7488AARMZ-REEL7 , SST Digital Temperature Sensor and Voltage Monitor
ADT7490ARQZ-R7 , dBCool Remote Thermal Monitor and Fan Controller with PECI Interface
ADT7490ARQZ-R7 , dBCool Remote Thermal Monitor and Fan Controller with PECI Interface
ADT7516ARQ ,SPI/I2C Compatible,Temperature Sensor, Four Channel ADC and Quad Voltage Output DACSPECIFICATIONS Table 1. Temperature range is as follows: A version: –40°C to +120°C. VDD = 2.7 V t ..
ADT7517ARQ ,Temperature Sensor, Four Channel ADC and Quad Voltage Output DACGENERAL DESCRIPTION 1 2The ADT7516/ADT7517/ADT7519 combine a 10-bit temp- SMBus/I C interface. They ..
8-Bit 2-microsecond Serial I/O A/D Converter with MUX, Reference and Track/Hold
December 1994
ADC08231/ADC08234/ADC08238 8-Bit2 ms Serial I/O
A/D Converters with MUX, Reference, and Track/Hold
General Description
The ADC08231/ADC08234/ADC08238are 8-bit succes-
sive approximation A/D converters with serialI/Oand con-
figurable input multiplexers withupto8 channels.The serial
I/Ois configuredto comply withthe NSC MICROWIRETM
serial data exchange standardfor easy interfacetothe
COPSTM familyof controllers,andcan easily interfacewith
standard shift registersor microprocessors.
Designedfor high-speed/low-power applications,the devic-are capableofafast2ms conversion when usedwitha MHz clock.
All three devicesprovidea 2.5V band-gap derived reference
with guaranteed performance over temperature. track/hold function allowsthe analog voltageatthe posi-
tive inputto vary duringthe actual A/D conversion.
The analog inputscanbe configuredto operatein various
combinationsof single-ended, differential,or pseudo-differ-
ential modes.In addition, input voltagespansas smallas1V
canbe accommodated.
Applications High-speed data acquisition Digitizing automotive sensors Process control/monitoring Remote sensingin noisy environments Disk drives Portable instrumentation Test systems
Features Serial digital datalink requiresfewI/O pins Analog input track/hold function4-or 8-channel input multiplexer options with address
logic On-chip 2.5V band-gap reference (g2% over tempera-
ture guaranteed)No zeroorfull scale adjustment required TTL/CMOS input/output compatible0Vto5V analog input range with single5V power
supplyPin compatible with Industry-Standards ADC0831/4/8
Key Specifications Resolution 8Bits Conversion time(fCe4 MHz) 2ms (Max) Power dissipation 20 mW (Max) Single supply 5 VDC (g5%) Total unadjusted error g(/2 LSBandg1 LSB Linearity Error (VREFe 2.5V) g(/2 LSBNo missing codes (over temperature) On-board Reference a2.5V g1.5% (Max)
ADC08238 Simplified Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
COPSTM microcontrollersandMICROWIRETM aretrademarksofNational SemiconductorCorporation.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M75/PrintedinU.S.A.