ADC0816 ,8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible A/D Converter with 16-Channel Multiplexerfeaturesahighimpedancechopperstabilizedcomparator,aYOutputs meet TTL voltage level specifications25 ..
ADC08161 ,500 ns A/D Converter with S/H Function, 2.5V Bandgap Reference and Input MultiplexerADC08161500nsA/DConverterwithS/HFunctionand2.5VBandgapReferenceNovember1995ADC08161500nsA/DConverte ..
ADC08161CIN ,500 ns A/D Converter with S/H Function and 2.5V Bandgap ReferenceGeneral Description Key Specificationsn Resolution 8 BitsUsing a patented multi-step A/D conversion ..
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ADC0816CCJ ,8-Bit P Compatible A/D Converters with 16-Channel Multiplexerfeatures a high impedance chopper stabilized comparator, an 0V to 5V analog input voltage range wit ..
ADC0816CCN ,8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible A/D Converter with 16-Channel Multiplexerfeatures a high impedance chopper stabilized comparator, an 0V to 5V analog input voltage range wit ..
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ADT7467ARQ-REEL ,dBCOOL™ Remote Thermal Monitor and Fan Controllerapplications requiring active system cooling. The Series resistance cancellation on the remote chan ..
8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible A/D Converter with 16-Channel Multiplexer
December 1994
ADC0816/ADC0817 8-Bit mP Compatible A/D Converters
with 16-Channel Multiplexer
General Description
The ADC0816, ADC0817 data acquisition componentisa
monolithic CMOS device withan 8-bit analog-to-digital con-
verter, 16-channel multiplexerand microprocessor compati-
ble control logic.The 8-bit A/D converter uses successive
approximationasthe conversion technique. The converter
featuresa high impedance chopperstabilized comparator,a
256R voltage dividerwith analog switch treeanda succes-
sive approximation register.The 16-channel multiplexercan
directly accessanyoneof 16-single-ended analog signals,
and provides thelogicfor additionalchannel expansion.Sig-
nal conditioningofany analoginputsignalis easedby direct
accessto themultiplexer output,andtothe inputofthe 8-bit
A/D converter.
The device eliminatesthe needfor external zeroandfull-
scale adjustments. Easy interfacingto microprocessorsis
providedbythe latched and decoded multiplexer address
inputsand latched TTL TRI-STATEÉ outputs.
The designofthe ADC0816, ADC0817has been optimized incorporatingthe most desirable aspectsof several A/D
conversion techniques.TheADC0816, ADC0817 offershigh
speed, high accuracy, minimal temperature dependence,
excellent long-term accuracy and repeatability, and con-
sumes minimal power. These features makethis device
ideally suitedto applications from process and machine
controlto consumerand automotive applications.For simi-
lar performanceinan 8-channel, 28-pin, 8-bit A/D convert-
er,seethe ADC0808, ADC0809 data sheet. (See AN-258
for more information.)
Features Easy interfacetoall microprocessors,or operates
‘‘stand alone’’ Operates ratiometricallyor with5 VDCor analog span
adjusted voltage reference 16-channel multiplexer with latched control logic Outputs meet TTL voltage level specifications0Vto5V analog input voltage range with single5V sup-
plyNo zeroor full-scale adjust required Standard hermeticor molded 40-pinDIP package Temperature range b40§Cto a85§Cor b55§Cto
a125§C Latched TRI-STATE output Direct accessto ‘‘comparatorin’’and ‘‘multiplexer out’’
for signal conditioning ADC0816 equivalentto MM74C948 ADC0817 equivalentto MM74C948-1
Key Specifications Resolution 8Bits Total Unadjusted Error g(/2 LSBandg1 LSB Single Supply 5 VDC Low Power 15 mW Conversion Time 100ms
Block Diagram
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.