ADC08062 ,500 ns A/D Converter with S/H Function and Input MultiplexerADC08061/ADC08062500nsA/DConverterwithS/HFunctionandInputMultiplexerNovember1995ADC08061/ADC0806250 ..
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500 ns A/D Converter with S/H Function and Input Multiplexer
November 1995
500 ns A/D Converter with S/H Function
and Input Multiplexer
General Description
Usinga patented multi-step A/D conversion technique,the
8-bit ADC08061and ADC08062 CMOS ADCs offer500ns
(typ) conversion time, internal sample-and-hold (S/H),and
dissipateonly125mWof power.The ADC08062hasa two-
channel multiplexer. The ADC08061/2 family performsan
8-bit conversion usinga 2-bit voltage estimator that gener-
atesthe2 MSBsandtwo low-resolution (3-bit) flashesthat
generatethe6 LSBs.
Input track-and-hold circuitry eliminatesthe needforanex-
ternal sample-and-hold.The ADC08061/2 family performs
accurate conversionsof full-scale input signals that havea
frequency rangeofDCto 300 kHz (full-power bandwidth)
without needofan external S/H.
The digital interfacehas been designedto ease connection microprocessorsand allowsthe parts tobeI/Oor memo- mapped.
Key Specifications Resolution 8bits Conversion Time 560ns max (WR-RD Mode) Full Power Bandwidth 300 kHz Throughput rate 1.5 MHz Power Dissipation 100 mW max Total Unadjusted Error g(/2 LSBandg1 LSB
Features1or2 input channelsNo external clock required Analog input voltage range from GNDtoVa Overflow output availablefor cascading (ADC08061) ADC08061 pin-compatible with the industry standard
Applications Mobile telecommunications Hard disk drives Instrumentation High-speed data acquisition systems
Block Diagram
*ADC08061 TL/H/11086–1
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorporation.
C1996National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M36/Printed inU.S.A. http://