ADC0804LCV ,8-Bit mP compatible A/D converters, +/-1 Bit UnadjustedFeaturesYTotal error g(/4 LSB,g(/2 LSB andg1 LSBYCompatible with 8080 mP derivativesÐno interfacing ..
ADC0804LCWM ,8-Bit/ Microprocessor- Compatible/ A/D ConvertersApplicationsDS005671-18080 InterfaceDS005671-31Error Specification (Includes Full-Scale,Zero Error, ..
ADC0804LCWMX ,8-Bit µP Compatible A/D ConvertersFeaturesn Conversion time 100 μsn Compatible with 8080 μP derivatives — no interfacinglogic needed ..
ADC0805LCN ,8-Bit µP Compatible A/D ConvertersGeneral Descriptionn Logic inputs and outputs meet both MOS and TTLThe ADC0801, ADC0802, ADC0803, A ..
ADC08060CIMT ,8-Bit, 20MSPS to 60MSPS, 1.3mW/MSPS A/D ConverterFeaturesn Single-ended inputThe ADC08060 is a low-power, 8-bit, monolithic analog-to-digital conver ..
ADC08060CIMT/NOPB ,8-Bit, 20 MSPS to 60 MSPS, 1.3 mW/MSPS A/D Converter with Internal Sample-and-Hold 24-TSSOP -40 to 85FEATURES DESCRIPTIONThe ADC08060 is a low-power, 8-bit, monolithic2• Single-Ended Inputanalog-to-di ..
ADT7301ARTZ-REEL7 , ±1°C Accurate, 13-Bit, Digital Temperature Sensor
ADT7301ARTZ-REEL7 , ±1°C Accurate, 13-Bit, Digital Temperature Sensor
ADT7318ARQ ,SPI/I2C® Compatible,10-Bit Digital Temperature Sensor and Quad Voltage Output 8-Bit DACSPECIFICATIONS Table 1. Temperature ranges are as follows: A Version: –40°C to +120°C. VDD = 2.7 V ..
ADT7318ARQZ-REEL7 ,SPI/I2C® Compatible,10-Bit Digital Temperature Sensor and Quad Voltage Output 8-Bit DACCHARACTERISTICS Internal reference used. Averaging on. INTERNAL TEMPERATURE SENSOR Accuracy at ..
ADT7411ARQZ ,SPI/I2C® Compatible, 10-Bit Digital Temperature Sensor and Eight Channel ADCSPECIFICATIONS Table 1. VDD = 2.7 V to 5.5 V, GND = 0 V, unless otherwise noted. Temperature ranges ..
ADT7411ARQZ ,SPI/I2C® Compatible, 10-Bit Digital Temperature Sensor and Eight Channel ADCapplications, including personal computers, office equipment, 0 V to 2.25 V and the input bandwidth ..
8-Bit mP compatible A/D converters, +/-1/2 Bit Unadjusted
December 1994
8-Bit mP Compatible A/D Converters
General Description
The ADC0801, ADC0802, ADC0803, ADC0804 and
ADC0805are CMOS 8-bit successive approximation A/D
converters that usea differential potentiometric ladderÐ
similartothe 256R products. These convertersarede-
signedto allow operation withthe NSC800and INS8080A
derivative controlbus with TRI-STATEÉ output latchesdi-
rectly drivingthe data bus. These A/Ds appearlike memory
locationsorI/O portstothe microprocessorandno inter-
facing logicis needed.
Differential analog voltage inputs allow increasingthe com-
mon-mode rejection and offsettingthe analog zero input
voltage value.In addition,the voltage reference inputcan adjustedto allow encodingany smaller analog voltage
spantothefull8bitsof resolution.
Features Compatible with 8080mP derivativesÐno interfacing
logic needed- access time-135ns Easy interfacetoall microprocessors,or operates
‘‘stand alone’’ Differential analog voltage inputs Logic inputsand outputs meet both MOS and TTL volt-
age level specifications Works with 2.5V (LM336) voltage reference On-chip clock generator0Vto5V analog input voltage range with single5V
supplyNo zero adjust required 0.3× standard width 20-pinDIP package 20-pin molded chip carrieror small outline package Operates ratiometricallyor with5 VDC,2.5 VDC,or ana-
log span adjusted voltage reference
Key Specifications Resolution 8bits Total error g(/4 LSB, g(/2 LSBandg1 LSB Conversion time 100ms
Typical Applications
8080 Interface
Error Specification (IncludesFull-Scale,
Part Full- VREF/2e2.500 VDC VREF/2eNo Connection
Number Scale (No Adjustments) (NoAdjustments)Adjusted
ADC0801 g(/4 LSB
ADC0802 g(/2 LSB
ADC0803 g(/2 LSB
ADC0804 g1LSB
ADC0805 g1 LSB
TRI-STATEÉisaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
Z-80Éis aregistered trademark ofZilogCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.