ADC0800PCD ,ADC0800 8-Bit A/D ConverterADC08008-BitA/DConverterFebruary1995ADC08008-BitA/DConverterGeneralDescription
ADC0800PCD ,ADC0800 8-Bit A/D ConverterADC08008-BitA/DConverterFebruary1995ADC08008-BitA/DConverterGeneralDescription
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ADC0800 8-Bit A/D Converter
February 1995
ADC0800 8-Bit A/D Converter
General Description
The ADC0800isan 8-bit monolithic A/D converter usingP-
channel ion-implanted MOS technology.It containsa high
input impedance comparator,256 series resistorsand ana-
logswitches, control logicand output latches. Conversionis
performed usinga successive approximation technique
wherethe unknown analog voltageis comparedtothere-
sistortie points using analog switches. Whenthe appropri-
atetie point voltage matchesthe unknown voltage, conver-
sionis complete andthe digital outputs containan 8-bit
complementary binary word correspondingtothe unknown.
The binary outputis TRI-STATEÉto permitbussingon com-
mon data lines.
The ADC0800PDis specified over b55§Cto a125§Cand
the ADC0800PCDis specified over 0§Cto70§C.
Features Low cost g5V, 10V input rangesNo missing codes Ratiometric conversion TRI-STATE outputs Fast TCe50ms Contains output latches TTL compatible Supply voltages 5 VDCand b12 VDC Resolution 8bits Linearity g1 LSB Conversion speed 40 clock periods Clock range 50to800 kHz
Block Diagram
TRI-STATEÉ isaregistered trademarkof National SemiconductorCorp.
C1995National SemiconductorCorporation RRD-B30M115/PrintedinU.S.A.