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CCD Signal Processor with Vertical Driver and Precision Timing™ Generator
CCD Signal Processor with Vertical Driver
and Precision Timing ™ Generator
Rev. A
Integrated 10-channel V-driver
Register-compatible with the AD9991 and AD9995
3-field (6-phase) vertical clock support
2 additional vertical outputs for advanced CCDs
Complete on-chip timing generator
Precision Timing core with <600 ps resolution
Correlated double sampler (CDS)
6 dB to 42 dB 10-bit variable gain amplifier (VGA)
12-bit 36 MHz ADC
Black level clamp with variable level control
On-chip 3 V horizontal and RG drivers
2-phase and 4-phase H-clock modes
Electronic and mechanical shutter support
On-chip driver for external crystal
On-chip sync generator with external sync input
8 mm × 8 mm CSPBGA package with 0.65 mm pitch
Digital still cameras
Digital video camcorders
CCD camera modules
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD9925 is a complete 36 MHz front end solution for digi-
tal still camera and other CCD imaging applications. Based on
the AD9995 product, the AD9925 includes the analog front end
and a fully programmable timing generator (AFETG), combined
with a 10-channel vertical driver (V-driver). A Precision Timing
core allows adjustment of high speed clocks with approximately
600 ps resolution at 36 MHz operation.
The on-chip V-driver supports up to 10 channels for use with
3-field (6-phase) CCDs. Two additional vertical outputs can be
used with CCDs that contain advanced video readout modes.
Voltage levels of up to +15 V and −8 V are supported.
The analog front end includes black level clamping, CDS, VGA,
and a 12-bit ADC. The timing generator and V-driver provide
all the necessary CCD clocks: RG, H-clocks, vertical clocks,
sensor gate pulses, substrate clock, and substrate bias control.
The internal registers are programmed using a 3-wire serial
Packaged in an 8 mm × 8 mm CSPBGA, the AD9925 is speci-
fied over an operating temperature range of −25°C to +85°C.
H1 TO H4
V1, V2V3A, V3BV4, V6V5A, V5B
V7, V8
Figure 1.
TABLE OF CONTENTS Specifications.....................................................................................3
Digital Specifications........................................................................4
Vertical Driver Specifications.........................................................5
Analog Specifications.......................................................................6
Timing Specifications.......................................................................7
Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................8
Package Thermal Characteristics...............................................8
ESD Caution..................................................................................8
Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions.............................9
Equivalent Circuits.........................................................................12
Typical Performance Characteristics...........................................13
System Overview........................................................................14
Precision Timing High Speed Timing Generation..................15
Horizontal Clamping and Blanking.........................................18
Horizontal Timing Sequence Example....................................21
Vertical Timing Generation......................................................22
Vertical Timing Example...........................................................34
Shutter Timing Control.............................................................36
Example of Exposure and Readout of Interlaced Frame...........41
FG_TRIG Operation..................................................................43
Analog Front End Description and Operation......................45
Vertical Driver Signal Configuration......................................47
Power-Up and Synchronization...............................................51
Standby Mode Operation..........................................................55
Circuit Layout Information.......................................................57
Serial Interface Timing..............................................................59
Complete Listing for Register Bank 1..........................................62
Complete Listing for Register Bank 2..........................................66
Complete Listing for Register Bank 3..........................................87
Outline Dimensions.......................................................................94
Ordering Guide..........................................................................94
10/04—Data Sheet Changed from Rev. 0 to Rev. A Changes to Specifications........................................................................................3
Added Stress Disclaimer..........................................................................................8
Changes to Figure 12................................................................................................13
Changes to Figure 22................................................................................................18
Changes to Figure 55................................................................................................45
Change to DC Restore Section...............................................................................45
Change to Correlated Double Sampler Section....................................................45
Change to ADC Section...........................................................................................46
Change to Digital Data Outputs Section...............................................................46
Added Paragraph to Digital Data Outputs Section..............................................46
Changes to Table 34..................................................................................................55
Change to Circuit Layout Information Section....................................................57
Changes to Register Address Bank 1, Bank 2, and Bank 3 Section...................60
Changes to Table 40..................................................................................................63
Change to Table 46...................................................................................................65
Changes to Tables 47–56, 58–73.............................................................................66
4/04—Revision 0: Initial Version
Table 1. The power dissipated by the V-driver circuitry depends on the logic states of the inputs as well as actual CCD operation; default dc values are used for each measure-
ment, in each mode of operation. Load conditions are described in thesection. The total power dissipated by the HVDD supply may be approximated using the equation Total HVDD Power = [CLOAD × HVDD × Pixel Frequency] × HVDD.
Reducing the H-loading and/or using a lower HVDD supply will reduce the power dissipation. CLOAD is the total capacitance seen by all H-outputs.
Vertical Driver Specifications
DIGITAL SPECIFICATIONS RGVDD = HVDD = DVDD = DRVDD = 2.7 V to 3.6 V, CL = 20 pF, TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.
Table 2. VERTICAL DRIVER SPECIFICATIONS VDVDD = 3.3 V, VH = 15 V, VM = 0 V, VL = −7.5 V, CL shown in load model, 25°C.
Table 3.
Figure 2. Definition of V-Driver Timing Specifications