AD9775 ,14-Bit, 160 MSPS 2x/4x/8x Interpolating Dual TxDAC+?D/A Converterfeatures the ability to perform f /2, f /4, and f /8S S S2. Direct IF transmission capability for 7 ..
AD9775BSV ,14-Bit, 160 MSPS 2X/4X/8X Interpolating Dual TxDAC+ D/A Converterfeatures the ability to perform f /2, f /4, and f /8S S S2. Direct IF transmission capability for 7 ..
AD9776ABSVZ , Dual, 12-/14-/16-Bit,1 GSPS
AD9777BSV ,16-Bit, 160 MSPS 2X/4X/8X Interpolating Dual TxDAC+ D/A Converterfeatures the ability to perform f /2, f /4, and f /8S S S2. Direct IF transmission is possible for ..
AD9777BSVRL , 16-Bit, 160 MSPS 2x/4x/8x Interpolating Dual TxDAC D/A Converter
AD9777BSVZ , 16-Bit, 160 MSPS 2x/4x/8x Interpolating Dual TxDAC D/A Converter
ADS8412IBPFBT ,16 Bit 2MSPS Parallel ADC W/Ref, Pseudo Bipolar Fully Differential InputSLAS384A–JUNE 2003–REVISED DECEMBER 2004SPECIFICATIONST = –40°C to 85°C, +VA = 5 V, +VBD = 3 V or 5 ..
ADS8413IBRGZT ,16-bit, Unipolar Diff Input, 2MSPS Sampling rate, 4.75V to 5.25V ADC with LVDS Serial Interface 48-VQFN -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS• Medical Instrumentation• 2-MHz Sample Rate• HIgh-Speed Data Acquisiton Syste ..
ADS8413IRGZRG4 ,16-bit, Unipolar Diff Input, 2MSPS Sampling rate, 4.75V to 5.25V ADC with LVDS Serial Interface 48-VQFN -40 to 85SLAS490–OCTOBER 2005+ VA AGND + VBD BDGNDCore Supply I/O SupplySARCSTARTSYNC_O, CLK_O, SDOLVDS I/OS ..
ADS8413IRGZT ,16-bit, Unipolar Diff Input, 2MSPS Sampling rate, 4.75V to 5.25V ADC with LVDS Serial Interface 48-VQFN -40 to 85SLAS490–OCTOBER 2005SPECIFICATIONST = –40°C to 85°C, +VA = 5 V,+VBD = 5 V or 3.3 V, V = 4.096 V, f ..
ADS8422IPFBT ,16 Bit 4MSPS Parallel ADC W/Ref, Pseudo Bipolar, Fully Differential Input 48-TQFP -40 to 85FEATURES APPLICATIONS• DWDM• Fully Differential Input with Pseudo-BipolarInput Range -4 V to +4 V • ..
14-Bit, 160 MSPS 2x/4x/8x Interpolating Dual TxDAC+?D/A Converter
features the ability to perform f /2, f /4, and f /8S S S2. Direct IF transmission capability for 70 MHz + IFs throughdigital modulation and image rejection when combined with ana novel digital mixing process.analog quadrature modulator. In this mode, the AD9775 ac-3. f /2, f /4, and f /8 digital quadrature modulation and user-S S Scepts I and Q complex data (representing a single or multicarrierselectable image rejection to simplify/remove cascadedwaveform), generates a quadrature modulated IF signal along withSAW filter stages.its orthogonal representation via its dual DACs, and presentsthese two reconstructed orthogonal IF carriers to an analog 4. A 2×/4×/8× user-selectable interpolating filter eases dataquadrature modulator to complete the image rejection rate and output signal reconstruction filter requirements.upconversion process. Another digital modulation mode (i.e.,5. User-selectable two’s complement/straight binary datathe Direct IF Mode) allows the original baseband signal repre-coding.sentation to be frequency translated such that pairs of images fall6. User-programmable channel gain control over 1 dBat multiples of one-half the DAC update rate.range in 0.01 dB increments.The AD977x family includes a flexible clock interface accepting7. User-programmable channel offset control ±10% overdifferential or single-ended sine wave or digital logic inputs. Anthe FSR.internal PLL clock multiplier is included and generates thenecessary on-chip high frequency clocks. It can also be disabled8. Ultra high speed 400 MSPS DAC conversion rate.to allow the use of a higher performance external clock source.9. Internal clock divider provides data rate clock for easyAn internal programmable divider simplifies clock generation ininterfacing.the converter when using an external clock source. A flexible data10. Flexible clock input with single-ended or differential input,input interface allows for straight binary or two’s complementCMOS, or 1 V p-p LO sine wave input capability.formats and supports single-port interleaved or dual-port data.11. Low power: Complete CMOS DAC operates on 1.2 WDual high performance DAC outputs provide a differentialfrom a 3.1 V to 3.5 V single supply. The 20 mA full-scalecurrent output programmable over a 2 mA to 20 mA range. Thecurrent can be reduced for lower power operation andAD9775 is manufactured on an advanced 0.35 micron CMOSseveral sleep functions are provided to reduce power dur-process, operates from a single supply of 3.1 V to 3.5 V, anding idle periods.consumes 1.2 W of power.12. On-chip voltage reference: The AD9775 includes a 1.20 VTargeted at wide dynamic range, multicarrier and multistandardtemperature compensated band gap voltage reference.systems, the superb baseband performance of the AD9775 is idealfor wideband CDMA, multicarrier CDMA, multicarrier TDMA,13. 80-lead thermally enhanced TQFP.multicarrier GSM, and high performance systems employinghigh order QAM modulation schemes. The image rejectionfeature simplifies and can help to reduce the number of signalband filters needed in a transmit signal chain. The direct IFmode helps to eliminate a costly mixer stage for a variety ofcommunications systems.–2– REV. 0AD9775AD9775–