AD8615 ,Precision 20 MHz CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational AmplifiersApplications for these amplifiers include Portable and loop-powered instrumentation, audio amplific ..
AD8616AR ,Precision 20 MHz CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifierapplications. Filters, integrators, photodiode (–40°C to +125°C) temperature range. The AD8616 is a ..
AD8616ARZ ,Precision 20 MHz CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Operational AmplifierGENERAL DESCRIPTION TMThe AD8616/AD8618 are dual/quad, rail-to-rail, input and DigiTrim family, whi ..
AD8616ARZ-REEL7 ,Precision 20 MHz CMOS Dual Rail-to-Rail Operational AmplifierFEATURES PIN CONFIGURATIONS Low offset voltage: 65 µV max OUT A 1 8 V+Single-supply operation: 2.7 ..
AD8617ARZ-REEL7 , Low Cost Micropower, Low Noise CMOS Rail-to- Rail, Input/Output Operational Amplifiers
AD8618AR ,Precision 20 MHz CMOS Quad Rail-to-Rail Operational AmplifierCHARACTERISTICS Offset Voltage V V = 3.5 V @ V = 0.5 V and 3.0 V 23 65 µV OS S CM V = 0 V t ..
ADS1216Y/250G4 ,24-Bit Analog-to-Digital Converter 48-TQFP -40 to 85ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: AV = +5VDDAll specifications at T to T , AV = +5V, DV = +2.7V to +5.25V ..
ADS1217 ,8-Channel/ 24-Bit ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERFEATURES* 24 BITS NO MISSING CODESThe ADS1217 is a precision, wide dynamic range, delta-sigma, Anal ..
ADS1217IPFBR ,8-Channel/ 24-Bit ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: AV = 5VDDAll specifications at –40°C to +85°C, AV = +5V, DV = +2.7V to ..
ADS1217IPFBR ,8-Channel/ 24-Bit ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS: AV = 3VDDAll specifications at –40°C to +85°C, AV = +3V, DV = +2.7V to ..
ADS1218Y/250 ,24-Bit, 780 SPS ADC w/FLASH Memory, 8 CH, Vref, Buffer, 2 IDACs, Serial Out, Digital I/O, Low PowerSBAS187C–SEPTEMBER 2001–REVISED SEPTEMBER 2005This integrated circuit can be damaged by ESD. Texas ..
Precision 20 MHz CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifiers
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Precision 20 MHz CMOS Rail-to-Rail Input/Output Operational Amplifiers
Low Offset Voltage: 80mV typ. 300 mV max
Single-Supply Operation: 2.7 to 6 Volts
Low Noise: 8 nV/ÖHz
Wide Bandwidth: 20 MHz
Slew Rate: 12 V/ms
Low Distortion
No Phase Reversal
Low Input Bias Currents
Unity Gain Stable
Barcode Scanners
Battery Powered Instrumentation
Multi-pole Filters Sensors
ASIC Input or Output Amplifier
Photodiode amplification
GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AD8615, AD8616 and AD8618 are single, dual and quad
rail-to-rail input and output single supply amplifiers featuring
very low offset voltage, wide signal bandwidth, and low input
voltage and current noise. These amplifiers use a patented
trimming technique that achieves superior precision without
laser trimming. All are fully specified to operate from +3V to
+5V single supply.
The combination of low offsets, low noise, very low input bias
currents, and high speed make these amplifiers useful in a wide
variety of applications. Filters, integrators, photo-diode
amplifiers and high impedance sensors all benefit from the
combination of performance features. Audio and other AC
applications benefit from the wide bandwidth and low
Applications for these amplifiers include Portable and loop-
powered instrumentation, audio amplification for portable
devices, portable phone headsets, bar code scanners, and
multi-pole filters. The ability to swing rail-to-rail at both the
input and output enables designers to buffer CMOS ADCs,
DACs, ASICs and other wide output swing devices in single
supply systems.
The AD8615, AD8616 and AD8618 are specified over the
extended industrial (-40° to +125°C) temperature range. The
AD8615, single, is available in the tiny 5-lead SOT-23
package. The AD8616, dual, is available in the 8-lead micro-
SOIC and narrow SOIC surface mount packages. The
AD8618, quad, is available in 14-lead TSSOP and narrow 14-
pin SOIC packages.
SOT, MSOP and TSSOP versions are available in tape and
reel only.
5-Lead SOT
8-Lead MSOP
(RM-8) 8-Lead SO
14-Lead TSSOP
14-Lead SO
(R-14) AD8615
ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (VS=+3.0V, VCM = VS/2, TA=+25°C unless otherwise noted) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (@ VS=+5.0V, VCM = VS/2, TA=+25°C unless otherwise noted) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 Supply voltage...........................................................................+6V
Input Voltage....................................................................Gnd to Vs
Differential Input Voltage.........................................................±6V
Output Short-Circuit Duration to Gnd2....Observe Derating Curves
Storage Temperature Range
R, RT, RM, RU Package...............................-65°C to +150°C
Operating Temperature Range
AD8615/AD8616/AD8618............................-40°C to +125°C
Junction Temperature Range
R, RT, RM, RU Package...............................-65°C to +150°C Lead Temperature Range (Soldering, 60 Sec)...............+300°C
NOTES Absolute maximum ratings apply at 25°C, unless otherwise noted. qJA is specified for the worst-case conditions, i.e., qJAis specified for device soldered in
circuit board for surface mount packages.
5-Lead SOT-23
(RJ Suffix)
8-Lead SOIC
14-Lead TSSOP
8-Lead SO
(R-8) 14-Lead SO
(R-14) This datasheet has been downloaded from:
Datasheets for electronic components.