AD835 ,250 MHz, Voltage Output 4-Quadrant MultiplierSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. AAD8351PIN CONNECTIONSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RAT ..
AD8350AR15 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierCHARACTERISTICSDifferential Offset Voltage (RTI) V – V –1mVOUT+ OUT–Differential Offset Drift T to ..
AD8350AR15 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierSPECIFICATIONS to differential inputs and differential outputs unless noted.)Parameter Conditions M ..
AD8350AR15-REEL7 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierSPECIFICATIONS unless noted.)Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsDYNAMIC PERFORMANCE–3 dB Bandwid ..
AD8350AR20 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential Amplifierapplications. The AD8350 is fabricated using AnalogThe device can be used as a general purpose gain ..
AD8350AR20 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierFEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMSHigh Dynamic Range8-Lead SOIC Package (with Enable)Output IP3: +2 ..
ADP3309ART-2.85-RL ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator®anyCAP 50 mAaLow Dropout Linear RegulatorADP3308
ADP3309ART-3.3 ,anyCAP⑩ 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorSPECIFICATIONSParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsOUTPUT VOLTAGE ACCURACY V V = V + 0.3 V ..
ADP3309ART-3.3-RL ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. BADP3308ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* PIN FUNC ..
ADP3309ART-3.3-RL7 ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorGENERAL DESCRIPTIONERR/NC 4The ADP3308 is a member of the ADP330x family of precisionADP3308-3.3low ..
ADP3309ART-3.3-RL7 ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorSPECIFICATIONSParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitOUTPUT VOLTAGE ACCURACY V V = V + 0.3 V t ..
ADP3309ART-3-REEL7 ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorFEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM1.2% Accuracy Over Line and Load Regulations@ 25CQ1IN OUTUltralo ..
250 MHz, Voltage Output 4-Quadrant Multiplier
250MHz, Voltage Output
4-Quadrant Multiplier
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD835 is a complete four-quadrant voltage output analog
multiplier fabricated on an advanced dielectrically isolated
complementary bipolar process. It generates the linear product
of its X and Y voltage inputs, with a –3dB output bandwidth of
250MHz (a small signal rise time of 1ns). Full-scale (–1V toV) rise/fall times are 2.5ns (with the standard RL of 150Ω)
and the settling time to 0.1% under the same conditions is typi-
cally 20ns.
Its differential multiplication inputs (X,Y) and its summing in-
put (Z) are at high impedance. The low impedance output volt-
age (W) can provide up to ±2.5V and drive loads as low asΩ. Normal operation is from ±5V supplies.
Though providing state-of-the-art speed, the AD835 is simple
to use and versatile. For example, as well as permitting the addi-
tion of a signal at the output, the Z input provides the means
to operate the AD835 with voltage gains up to about ×10. In
this capacity, the very low product noise of this multiplier
(50nV√Hz) makes it much more useful than earlier products.
The AD835 is available in an 8-pin plastic mini-DIP package
(N) and an 8-pin SOIC (R) and is specified to operate over the
–40°C to +85°C industrial temperature range.
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSThe AD835 is the first monolithic 250MHz four quadrant
voltage output multiplier.Minimal external components are required to apply the
AD835 to a variety of signal processing applications.High input impedances (100kΩi2pF) make signal source
loading negligible.High output current capability allows low impedance loads
to be driven.State of the art noise levels achieved through careful device
optimization and the use of a special low noise bandgap volt-
age reference.Designed to be easy to use and cost effective in applications
which formerly required the use of hybrid or board level
Simple: Basic Function is W = XY + Z
Complete: Minimal External Components Required
Very Fast: Settles to 0.1% of FS in 20ns
DC-Coupled Voltage Output Simplifies Use
High Differential Input Impedance X, Y and Z Inputs
Low Multiplier Noise: 50nV/√Hz
Very Fast Multiplication, Division, Squaring
Wideband Modulation and Demodulation
Phase Detection and Measurement
Sinusoidal Frequency Doubling
Video Gain Control and Keying
Voltage Controlled Amplifiers and Filters
AD835–SPECIFICATIONSNOTESTMIN = –40°C, TMAX = +85°C.Normalized to zero at +25°C.Linearity is defined as residual error after compensating for input offset, output voltage offset and scale factor errors.
(TA = +258C, VS = 65V, RL = 150V, CL ≤ 5 pF unless otherwise noted)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±6V
Internal Power Dissipation2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300mW
Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . .–40°C to +85C
Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature, Soldering 60sec . . . . . . . . . . . . . .+300°C
ESD Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1500V
NOTESStresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause
permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the
operational sections of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum ratings for extended periods may affect device reliability.Thermal Characteristics:
8-Pin Plastic DIP (N): θJC = 35°C/W; θJA = 90°C/W
8-Pin Plastic SOIC (R): θJC = 45°C/W; θJA = 115°C/W.
8-Pin Plastic DIP (N)
8-Pin Plastic SOIC (R)
ORDERING GUIDE*N = Plastic DIP; R = Small Outline IC Plastic Package (SOIC).
Figure 1.Typical Composite Output Differential Gain &
Phase, NTSC for X Channel; f = 3.58 MHz, RL = 150 Ω
Typical Performance Characteristics
AD835Figure 6.Small Signal Pulse Response at W Output, RL =
150Ω, CL ≤ 5pF, X Channel = ±0.2 V, Y Channel = ±1.0 V
Figure 5.X and Y Feedthrough vs. Frequency
Figure 12.Harmonic Distortion at 100MHz, 10 dBm Input
to X or Y Channel, RL = 150 Ω, CL ≤ 5 pFFigure 11.Harmonic Distortion at 50MHz, 10 dBm Input
to X or Y Channel, RL = 150 Ω, CL ≤ 5 pF
AD835Simplified representations of this sort, where all signals are pre-
sumed to be expressed in volts, are used throughout this data
sheet, to avoid the needless use of less-intuitive subscripted vari-
ables (such as VX1). We can view all variables as being normal-
ized to 1V. For example, the input X can either be stated as
being in the range –1V to +1V, or simply –1 to +1. The latter
representation will be found to facilitate the development of new
functions using the AD835. The explicit inclusion of the de-
nominator, U, is also less helpful, as in the case of the AD835, if
it is not an electrical input variable.
Scaling AdjustmentThe basic value of U in Equation 1 is nominally 1.05V. Figure
18, which shows the basic multiplier connections, also
shows how the effective value of U can be adjusted to have any
lower voltage (usually 1V) through the use of a resistive-divider
between W (Pin 5) and Z (Pin 4). Using the general resistor val-
ues shown, we can rewrite Equation 1 as
=XY+kW+(1±k)Z© (3)
(where Z' is distinguished from the signal Z at Pin 4). It follows
In this way, we can modify the effective value of U to
U©=(1±k)U (5)
without altering the scaling of the Z' input. (This is to be ex-
pected, since the only “ground reference” for the output is
through the Z' input.)
Thus, to set U' to 1V, remembering that the basic value of U is
1.05V, we need to choose R1 to have a nominal value of 20
times R2. The values shown here allow U to be adjusted
through the nominal range 0.95V to 1.05V, that is, R2 pro-
vides a 5% gain adjustment.
Figure 18.Multiplier Connections
Note that in many applications, the exact gain of the multiplier
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD835 is a four-quadrant, voltage output, analog multi-
plier fabricated on an advanced, dielectrically isolated, comple-
mentary bipolar process. In its basic mode, it provides the linear
product of its X and Y voltage inputs. In this mode, the –3dB
output voltage bandwidth is 250MHz (a small signal rise time
of 1ns). Full-scale (–1V to +1V) rise/fall times are 2.5ns (with
the standard RL of 150Ω) and the settling time to 0.1% under
the same conditions is typically 20ns.
As in earlier multipliers from Analog Devices, a unique sum-
ming feature is provided at the Z-input. As well as providing in-
dependent ground references for inputs and output, and
enhanced versatility, this feature allows the AD835 to operate
with voltage gain. Its X-, Y- and Z-input voltages are all nomi-
nally ±1V FS, with overrange of at least 20%. The inputs are
fully differential and at high impedance (100kΩi2pF) and pro-
vide a 70dB CMRR (f ≤1MHz).
The low impedance output is capable of driving loads as small
as 25Ω. The peak output can be as large as ±2.2V minimum
for RL = 150Ω, or ±2.0V minimum into RL = 50Ω. The
AD835 has much lower noise than the AD534 or AD734, mak-
ing it attractive in low level signal-processing applications, for
example, as a wideband gain-control element or modulator.
Basic TheoryThe multiplier is based on a classic form, having a translinear
core, supported by three (X, Y, Z) linearized voltage-to-current
converters, and the load driving output amplifier. The scaling
voltage (the denominator U, in the equations below) is provided
by a bandgap reference of novel design, optimized for ultralow
noise. Figure 17 shows the functional block diagram.
In general terms, the AD835 provides the function W=(X1±X2)(Y1±Y2)+Z (1)
where the variables W, U, X, Y and Z are all voltages. Con-
nected as a simple multiplier, with X = X1 – X2, Y = Y1 – Y2
and Z = 0, and with a scale factor adjustment (see below) which
sets U = 1V, the output can be expressed as
W=XY (2)
Figure 17.Functional Block Diagram =XY