AD834JR-REEL ,500 MHz Four-Quadrant Multiplier
AD835 ,250 MHz, Voltage Output 4-Quadrant MultiplierSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. AAD8351PIN CONNECTIONSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RAT ..
AD8350AR15 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierCHARACTERISTICSDifferential Offset Voltage (RTI) V – V –1mVOUT+ OUT–Differential Offset Drift T to ..
AD8350AR15 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierSPECIFICATIONS to differential inputs and differential outputs unless noted.)Parameter Conditions M ..
AD8350AR15-REEL7 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierSPECIFICATIONS unless noted.)Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsDYNAMIC PERFORMANCE–3 dB Bandwid ..
AD8350AR20 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential Amplifierapplications. The AD8350 is fabricated using AnalogThe device can be used as a general purpose gain ..
ADP3309ART-2.7-RL ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorAPPLICATIONSCellular TelephonesNotebook, Palmtop ComputersBattery Powered SystemsPCMCIA RegulatorBa ..
ADP3309ART-2.7-RL7 ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear Regulatorspecifications apply to all voltage options.ADP3308-xx–
ADP3309ART-2.85 ,anyCAP⑩ 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. 0ADP3309ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* PIN FUNC ..
ADP3309ART-2.85R7 ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorSPECIFICATIONSParameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitOUTPUT VOLTAGE ACCURACY V V = V + 0.3 V t ..
ADP3309ART-2.85-R7 ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear Regulatorapplications.Figure 1. Typical Application CircuitThe ADP3308 achieves ±1.2% accuracy at room tempe ..
ADP3309ART-2.85-RL ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear Regulator®anyCAP 50 mAaLow Dropout Linear RegulatorADP3308
500 MHz Four-Quadrant Multiplier