AD8349 ,800 MHzAPPLICATIONS Cellular Communication Systems W-CDMA/CDMA/GSM/PCS/DCS Wireless LAN / Wireless Loca ..
AD8349ARE ,700 MHz to 2700 MHz Quadrature ModulatorApplications.... 21 Mixers 14 3GPP WCDMA Single-Carrier Application 21 D-to-S Amplifier. 14 WCDMA ..
AD834AR ,500 MHz Four-Quadrant Multiplier
AD834JR-REEL ,500 MHz Four-Quadrant Multiplier
AD835 ,250 MHz, Voltage Output 4-Quadrant MultiplierSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. AAD8351PIN CONNECTIONSABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RAT ..
AD8350AR15 ,Low Distortion 1.0 GHz Differential AmplifierCHARACTERISTICSDifferential Offset Voltage (RTI) V – V –1mVOUT+ OUT–Differential Offset Drift T to ..
ADP3307ART-2.7-RL7 ,High Accuracy anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear Regulatorspecifications apply to all voltage options.Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitOUTPUT VOLT ..
ADP3307ART-2.85 ,OutputV: 2.85V; high accuracy anyCAP 100mA low dropout lionear regulator. For cellular telephones, notebook, palmtop computers, battery powered systems, PCMCIA regulator, bar code scanners, camcorders, camerasspecifications apply to all voltage options.Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitOUTPUT VOLT ..
ADP3307ART-3.3-RL7 ,High Accuracy anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear Regulatorfeatures include shutdown andThe ADP3307 is a member of the ADP330x family of precisionoptional noi ..
ADP3309ART-2.5-RL7 ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. BADP3308ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* PIN FUNC ..
ADP3309ART-2.7 ,anyCAP⑩ 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorGENERAL DESCRIPTION120 mV (typical) at 100 mA. This device also includes a currentThe ADP3309 is a ..
ADP3309ART-2.7-RL ,anyCAP® 100 mA Low Dropout Linear RegulatorAPPLICATIONSCellular TelephonesNotebook, Palmtop ComputersBattery Powered SystemsPCMCIA RegulatorBa ..
800 MHz
Rev. PrI 1/11/03 800 MHz – 2.7 GHz a
Quadrature Modulator
Output Frequency Range 800 MHz – 2.7 GHz
Modulation Bandwidth DC-200 MHz
Output Level +2 dBm @ 2.1 GHz
Noise Floor –156 dBm/Hz
High Accuracy
Phase Quadrature Error 0.5 degree rms
Amplitude Balance 0.1 dB
Single Supply 4.5-5.5 V
107 mA Total Current
Output disable Function
Pin Compatible With AD8346 / AD8345
16-lead exposed paddle TSSOP package
Cellular Communication Systems
Wireless LAN / Wireless Local Loop
Broadband Wireless Access Systems PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The AD8349 is a silicon monolithic RFIC quadrature modulator, designed for use from 0.8 to 2.7 GHz. Its
excellent phase accuracy and amplitude balance enable high performance direct RF modulation. The differential LO signal first passes through a polyphase
phase splitter. The I- and Q-channel outputs of the phase splitter are buffered to drive the LO inputs of two Gilbert-
cell mixers. Two differential V-to-I converters connected to the I- and Q-channel baseband inputs provide the tail
currents for the mixers. The outputs of the two mixers are summed together by a differential buffer to drive 50 ohm
loads. The device also features an output disable function.
The AD8349 can be used as a direct-to-RF transmit modulator
in digital communication systems such as GSM, CDMA, W-CDMA basestations and QPSK or QAM broadband wireless
access transmitters. It can also be used as the IF modulator within LMDS transmitters. Additionally, this quadrature modulator can be used with direct
digital synthesizers in hybrid phase-locked loops to generate signals over a wide frequency range with millihertz resolution. The AD8349 is supplied in a 16-lead exposed-paddle TSSOP
package. Its performance is specified over a -40 to +85 oC temperature range. This device is fabricated on Analog
Devices’ advanced Complementary Silicon Bipolar process.
(Vsupply = 5 V; Tambient = 25 °C; LO = 2.1 GHz, -2 dBm; Baseband I/Q inputs = 1.2 V p-p
differential swing with a 0.5 V DC bias. i.e. +0.5 V ±0.3 V on each baseband input pin;
Baseband frequency = 1 MHz; LO source & RF output load impedances are 50 Ω) GHz dBm dBm dBm Ω dB dBm/Hz dBm dBc dBc
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* Supply Voltage VPOS …………………...……….5.5 V
IBBN& IBBP……………………………..….TBD dBm
Equivalent Voltage ……………………….…TBD V
LOIN& LOIP…………………………………TBD dBm
Equivalent Voltage ………………………….TBD V
Internal Power Dissipation ….……………………..TBD
θJA (Exposed Paddle Soldered Down) …………..30°C/W
θJA (Exposed Paddle not Soldered Down)……....95°C/W
Maximum Junction Temperature ……….…...….+125°C
Operating Temperature Range .………..-40° C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range ……..…..-65° C to +150°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 60 sec)…...+300°C
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent
damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at
these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational section of this
specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may affect device reliability. C A U T I O N E S D ( e l e c t r o s t a t i c d i s c h a r g e ) s e ns i t i v e d e v i ce . E le c tros tat ic ch a r g e s a s h ig h a s 400 0 V re ad ily c c u m ula t e o n t h e h u m a n b o d y a nd t e s t eq u ipm ent a n d c a n dis ch a r g e wi t h out d e tec t i on . h o ughh e 8 3 4 9 f e a t u r e s p r o p r i e t a r y E S D p r o t e c t i o n ci rcu i t r y , p e rmane n t da mage may o c c u r on e vi c e s s u b j c t e d t o h i g h e n erg y [ > T B D V H B M] e l ectr os ta t ic d is c har ges . Th erefo r e , p ro p er ES Dr e c a u t i ons a r e r e c o m m e n d e d t o a vo i d p e rfo r man c e d e g ra d a t io n or l os s of func tion ali t y . D EVI C E
Evaluation Board A populated AD8349 Evaluation Board is
The AD8349 has an exposed paddle underneath the package. For thermal and electrical grounding reasons, this paddle is soldered to the
ground plane of the evaluation board. The AD8349-EVAL is designed without any
components on the underside of the board for ease of removal of the DUT.
Figure 1. Evaluation Board Schematic.