AD831AP ,Low Distortion MixerSPECIFICATIONSall values in dBm assume 50 V load.)Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsRF INPUTBan ..
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AD8321AR-REEL ,Gain Programmable CATV Line DriverFEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMLinear in dB Gain Response Over >53 dB RangeVCC GNDDrives Low Dist ..
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ADP3212 ,7-Bit Programmable, 3-Phase, Mobile CPU Synchronous Buck Controller3ADP3212, NCP3218, NCP3218GPIN ASSIGNMENTPin No. Mnemonic Description11 TTSNS Thermal Throttling Se ..
ADP3290 ,VR11.1 2- to 4-Phase Synchronous Buck Controller3CIN3CIN1 CIN2680F680F 680FL1 C9R4370nH 18nF2700F/16V/3.3 Ax22.218ASANYO MV−WX SERIESVIN12V + ..
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Low Distortion Mixer
Low Distortion Mixer
Doubly-Balanced Mixer
Low Distortion
+24 dBm Third Order Intercept (IP3)
+10 dBm 1 dB Compression Point
Low LO Drive Required: –10 dBm
500 MHz RF and LO Input Bandwidths
250 MHz Differential Current IF Output
DC to >200 MHz Single-Ended Voltage IF Output
Single or Dual Supply Operation
DC Coupled Using Dual Supplies
All Ports May Be DC Coupled
No Lower Frequency Limit—Operation to DC
User-Programmable Power Consumption
High Performance RF/IF Mixer
Direct to Baseband Conversion
Image-Reject Mixers
I/Q Modulators and Demodulators
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD831 is a low distortion, wide dynamic range, monolithic
mixer for use in such applications as RF to IF down conversion
in HF and VHF receivers, the second mixer in DMR base sta-
tions, direct-to-baseband conversion, quadrature modula-
tion and demodulation, and doppler-shift detection in ultra-
sound imaging applications. The mixer includes an LO driver
and a low-noise output amplifier and provides both user-pro-
grammable power consumption and 3rd-order intercept point.
The AD831 provides a +24 dBm third-order intercept point for
–10 dBm LO power, thus improving system performance and
reducing system cost compared to passive mixers, by eliminating
the need for a high power LO driver and its attendant shielding
and isolation problems.
The RF, IF, and LO ports may be dc or ac coupled when the
mixer is operating from ±5 V supplies or ac coupled when oper-
ating from a single supply of 9 V minimum. The mixer operates
with RF and LO inputs as high as 500 MHz.
The mixer’s IF output is available as either a differential current
output or a single-ended voltage output. The differential output
is from a pair of open collectors and may be ac coupled via a
transformer or capacitor to provide a 250 MHz output band-
width. In down-conversion applications, a single capacitor con-
nected across these outputs implements a low-pass filter to
reduce harmonics directly at the mixer core, simplifying output
filtering. When building a quadrature-amplitude modulator or
image reject mixer, the differential current outputs of two
AD831s may be summed by connecting them together.
An integral low noise amplifier provides a single-ended voltage
output and can drive such low impedance loads as filters, 50 Ω
amplifier inputs, and A/D converters. Its small signal bandwidth
exceeds 200 MHz. A single resistor connected between pins
OUT and FB sets its gain. The amplifier’s low dc offset allows
its use in such direct-coupled applications as direct-to-baseband
conversion and quadrature-amplitude demodulation.
The mixer’s SSB noise figure is 10.3 dB at 70 MHz using its
output amplifier and optimum source impedance. Unlike pas-
sive mixers, the AD831 has no insertion loss and does not re-
quire an external diplexer or passive termination.
A programmable-bias feature allows the user to reduce power
consumption, with a reduction in the 1 dB compression point
and third-order intercept. This permits a tradeoff between dy-
namic range and power consumption. For example, the AD831
may be used as a second mixer in cellular and two-way radio
base stations at reduced power while still providing a substantial
performance improvement over passive solutions.
PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTS–10 dBm LO Drive for a +24 dBm Output Referred Third
Order Intercept PointSingle-Ended Voltage OutputHigh Port-to-Port IsolationNo Insertion LossSingle or Dual Supply Operation10.3 dB Noise Figure
NOTESQuiescent current is programmable.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(TA = +258C and 6VS = 65 V unless otherwise noted;
all values in dBm assume 50 V load.)
20-Lead PLCC
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.
Although the AD831 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may
occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD
precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1SupplyVoltage ±VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±5.5V
Input Voltages
RFHI, RFLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±3 V
LOHI, LOLO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±1 V
InternalPowerDissipation2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1200 mW
Operating Temperature Range
AD831A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering60sec) . . . . . . . . +300°C
NOTESStresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause
permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the
operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Thermal Characteristics:
20-Pin PLCC Package: θJA = 110°C/Watt; θJC = 20°C/Watt.
Note that the θJA = 110°C/W value is for the package measured while suspended
in still air; mounted on a PC board, the typical value is θJA = 90°C/W due to the
conduction provided by the AD831’s package being in contact with the board,
which serves as a heat sink.
AD831–Typical Characteristics
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
SECOND ORDER INTERCEPT – dBmFigure 4. Second-Order Intercept vs. Frequency
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
ISOLATION – dBFigure 5. LO-to-RF Isolation vs. Frequency
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
ISOLATION – dBFigure 6. RF-to-IF Isolation vs. Frequency
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
THIRD ORDER INTERCEPT – dBm Figure 1. Third-Order Intercept vs. Frequency,
IF Held Constant at 10.7 MHz
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
ISOLATION – dBFigure 2. IF-to-RF Isolation vs. Frequency
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
ISOLATION – dBFigure 3. LO-to-IF Isolation vs. Frequency
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100Figure 7.1 dB Compression Point vs. Frequency, Gain = 1
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
1dB COMPRESSION POINT – dBm Figure 8. 1 dB Compression Point vs. RF Input, Gain = 2
THIRD ORDER INTERCEPT – dBm Figure 9. Third-Order Intercept vs. Frequency , LO Held
Constant at 241 MHz
–1.001000100Figure 10.Gain Error vs. Frequency, Gain = 1
FREQUENCY – MHz1000100
1dB COMPRESSION POINT – dBmFigure 11.1dBCompressionPointvs.Frequency,Gain=4
1dB COMPRESSION POINT – dBm0600100200300400500Figure 12.Input 1 dB Compression Point vs. Frequency,
Gain = 1, 9 V Single Supply
AD831–Typical Characteristics
FREQUENCY – MHz50050100150200250300350400450
THIRD ORDER INTERCEPT – dBmFigure 13.Input Third Order Intercept, 9 V Single Supply
Figure 14.Input Second Order Intercept,
9V Single Supply
INPUT CAPACITANCE – pFFigure 15.Input Impedance vs. Frequency, ZIN = RiC
NOISE FIGURE – dB50250100150200Figure 16.Noise Figure vs. Frequency,
Matched Input
THEORY OF OPERATIONThe AD831 consists of a mixer core, a limiting amplifier, a low
noise output amplifier, and a bias circuit (Figure 17).
The mixer’s RF input is converted into differential currents by a
highly linear, Class A voltage-to-current converter, formed by
transistors Q1, Q2 and resistors R1, R2. The resulting currents
drive the differential pairs Q3, Q4 and Q5, Q6. The LO input is
through a high gain, low noise limiting amplifier that converts
the –10 dBm LO input into a square wave. This square wave
drives the differential pairs Q3, Q4 and Q5, Q6 and produces a
high level output at IFP and IFN—consisting of the sum and
difference frequencies of the RF and LO inputs—and a series of
lower level outputs caused by odd harmonics of the LO fre-
quency mixing with the RF input.
An on-chip network supplies the bias current to the RF and LO
inputs when these are ac coupled; this network is disabled when
the AD831 is dc coupled.
When the integral output amplifier is used, pins IFN and IFP
are connected directly to pins AFN and AFP; the on-chip load
resistors convert the output current into a voltage that drives the
output amplifier. The ratio of these load resistors to resistors
R1, R2 provides nominal unity gain (0 dB) from RF to IF. The
expression for the gain, in decibels, is
GdB=20log1041π Equation 1
whereistheamplitudeofthefundamentalcomponentofasquarewave is the conversion loss is the small signal dc gain of the AD831 when the LO input
is driven fully positive or negative.
12mA TYP36mA TYP27mA TYP
INPUTFigure 17.Simplified Schematic Diagram
Low-Pass FilteringA simple low-pass filter may be added between the mixer and
the output amplifier by shunting the internal resistive loads (an
equivalent resistance of about 14 Ω with a tolerance of 20%)
with external capacitors; these attenuate the sum component in
a down-conversion application (Figure 20). The corner fre-
quency of this one-pole low-pass filter (f = (2 π RCF)–1) should
be placed about an octave above the difference frequency IF.
Thus, for a 70 MHz IF, a –3 dB frequency of 140 MHz might
be chosen, using CF = (2 × π × 14 Ω × 140 MHz)–1 ≈ 82 pF, the
nearest standard value.
Top View10111213
CF = =1 Figure 20.Low-Pass Filtering Using External Capacitors
Using the Output AmplifierThe AD831’s output amplifier converts the mixer core’s dif-
ferential current output into a single-ended voltage and provides
an output as high as ±1 V peak into a 50 Ω load (+10 dBm).
For unity gain operation (Figure 21), the inputs AN and AP
connect to the open-collector outputs of the mixer’s core and
OUT connects to VFB.
Top View10111213Figure 21.Output Amplifier Connected for Unity Gain
The mixer has two open-collector outputs (differential cur-
rents) at pins IFN and IFP. These currents may be used to pro-
vide nominal unity RF-to-IF gain by connecting a center-tapped
transformer (1:1 turns ratio) to pins IFN and IFP as shown in
Figure 18.
Figure 18.Connections for Transformer Coupling to the IF
Programming the Bias CurrentBecause the AD831’s RF port is a Class-A circuit, the maxi-
mum RF input is proportional to the bias current. This bias cur-
rent may be reduced by connecting a resistor from the BIAS pin
to the positive supply (Figure 19). For normal operation, the
BIAS pin is left unconnected. For lowest power consumption,
the BIAS pin is connected directly to the positive supply. The
range of adjustment is 100 mA for normal operation to
45 mA total current at minimum power consumption.
Top View10111213Figure 19.Programming the Quiescent Current