AD8302ARU ,LF.2.7 GHz RF/IF Gain and Phase DetectorSPECIFICATIONS A Sresistors connected to INPA and INPB, for Phase measurement P = P unless otherwis ..
AD8303AN ,+3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DACCHARACTERISTICSDNL < ±1 LSB 2.7 3.0 5.5 VPower Supply Range VDD RANGEShutdown Supply Current I SHDN ..
AD8303AR ,+3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DACCHARACTERISTICSPower Supply Range V DNL < ±1 LSB 2.7 5.5 VDD RANGEShutdown Current I SHDN = 0, No L ..
AD8304ARU ,160 dB Range (100 pA -10 mA) Logarithmic ConverterSPECIFICATIONS (V = 5 V, V = 0 V, T = 25C, unless otherwise noted.)P N A1 1Parameter Conditions Mi ..
AD8304ARUZ , 160 dB Range (100 pA -10 mA) Logarithmic Converter
AD8305ACP ,100 dB Range (10 nA to 1 mA) Logarithmic ConverterSPECIFICATIONSotherwise noted.)Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitINPUT INTERFACE Pin 4, INPT, Pi ..
ADP3188 ,6-Bit Programmable 2-/3-/4-Phase Synchronous Buck ControllerCharacteristics 8 Output Offset...... 17 Theory of Operation 9 C Selection ..... 18 OUTStart-Up S ..
ADP3188JRUZ-REEL ,6-Bit Programmable 2-/3-/4-Phase Synchronous Buck ControllerSpecifications.... 3 Inductor Selection ....... 15 Test Circuits...... 5 Designing an Inductor 16 A ..
ADP3189 , 8-Bit Programmable 2- to 5-Phase Synchronous Buck Controller
ADP3189JCPZ-RL , 8-Bit Programmable 2- to 5-Phase Synchronous Buck Controller
ADP3189JCPZ-RL , 8-Bit Programmable 2- to 5-Phase Synchronous Buck Controller
ADP3189JCPZ-RL , 8-Bit Programmable 2- to 5-Phase Synchronous Buck Controller
LF.2.7 GHz RF/IF Gain and Phase Detector
LF–2.7 GHz
RF/IF Gain and Phase Detector
Measures Gain/Loss and Phase up to 2.7 GHz
Dual Demodulating Log Amps and Phase Detector
Input Range –60 dBm to 0 dBm in a 50 � System
Accurate Gain Measurement Scaling (30 mV/dB)
Typical Nonlinearity < 0.5 dB
Accurate Phase Measurement Scaling (10 mV/Degree)
Typical Nonlinearity < 1 Degree
Measurement/Controller/Level Comparator Modes
Operates from Supply Voltages of 2.7 V–5.5 V
Stable 1.8 V Reference Voltage Output
Small Signal Envelope Bandwidth from DC to 30 MHz
RF/IF PA Linearization
Precise RF Power Control
Remote System Monitoring and Diagnostics
Return Loss/VSWR Measurements
Log Ratio Function for AC Signals
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD8302 is an innovative, fully integrated system for mea-
suring gain/loss and phase in numerous receive, transmit, and
instrumentation applications. It requires few external compo-
nents and a single supply of 2.7 V–5.5 V. The ac-coupled input
signals can range from –60 dBm to 0 dBm in a 50 Ω system, from
low frequencies up to 2.7 GHz. The outputs provide an accu-
rate measurement of either gain or loss over a ±30 dB range
scaled to 30 mV/dB, and of phase over a 0°–180° range scaled to
10 mV/degree. Both subsystems have an output bandwidth of
30 MHz, which may optionally be reduced by the addition of
external filter capacitors. The AD8302 can be used in direct
control mode to servo gain and phase of a signal chain toward
predetermined setpoints.
The AD8302 comprises a closely matched pair of demodulating
logarithmic amplifiers, each having a 60 dB measurement range.
By taking the difference of their outputs, a measurement of
the magnitude ratio or gain between the two input signals is
available. These signals may even be at different frequencies,
allowing the measurement of conversion gain or loss. The AD8302
may be used to determine absolute signal level by applying the
unknown signal to one input and a calibrated ac reference signal
to the other. With the output stage feedback connection dis-
abled, a comparator may be realized, using the setpoint pins
MSET and PSET to program the thresholds.
The signal inputs are single-ended, allowing them to be matched
and connected directly to a directional coupler. Their input
impedance is nominally 3 kΩ at low frequencies.
The AD8302 includes a phase detector of the multiplier type,
but with precise phase balance, driven by the fully limited sig-
nals appearing at the outputs of the two logarithmic amplifiers.
Thus, the phase accuracy measurement is independent of signal
level over a wide range.
The phase and gain output voltages are simultaneously available
at loadable ground referenced outputs over the standard output
range of 0 V to 1.8 V. The output drivers can source or sink up
to 8 mA. A loadable, stable reference voltage of 1.8 V is avail-
able for precise repositioning of the output range by the user.
In controller applications, the connection between the gain
output pin VMAG and the setpoint control pin MSET is broken.
The desired setpoint is presented to MSET and the VMAG
control signal drives an appropriate external variable gain device.
Likewise, the feedback path between the phase output pin VPHS
and its setpoint control pin PSET may be broken, to allow
operation as a phase controller.
The AD8302 is fabricated on Analog Devices’ proprietary, high-
performance 25 GHz SOI complementary bipolar IC process. It is
available in a 14-lead TSSOP package and operates over a –40°C
to +85°C temperature range. An evaluation board is available.
AD8302–SPECIFICATIONS(TA = 25�C, VS = 5 V, VMAG shorted to MSET, VPHS shorted to PSET, 52.3 � shunt
resistors connected to INPA and INPB, for Phase measurement PINPA = PINPB unless otherwise noted)INPUT INTERFACE
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1Supply Voltage VS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 V
PSET, MSET Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .VS + 0.3 V
INPA, INPB Maximum Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –3 dBV
Equivalent Power Re. 50 Ω . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 dBm
θJA2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150°C/W
Maximum Junction Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125°C
Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +85°C
Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +150°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 60 sec) . . . . . . . . 300°C
NOTESStresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-
nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the
device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.JEDEC 1S Standard (2-layer) board data.
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although
the AD8302 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on
COMMCircuit A
Circuit B
Circuit C
Circuit D
Circuit E
Figure 1.Equivalent Circuits
Typical Performance Characteristics (VS = 5 V, VINPB is the reference input and VINPA is swept unless otherwise
noted. All references to dBm are referred to 50 �. For the Phase Output curves the input signal levels are equal unless otherwise noted.)TPC 1.Magnitude Output (VMAG) vs. Input Level Ratio
(Gain) VINPA/VINPB, Frequencies 100 MHz, 900 MHz,
1900 MHz, 2200 MHz, 2700 MHz, 25°C, PINPB = –30 dBm,
(Re: 50 Ω)
TPC 2.VMAG vs. Input Level Ratio (Gain) VINPA/VINPB,
Frequencies 100 MHz, 900 MHz, 1900 MHz, 2200 MHz,
2700 MHz, PINPA = –30 dBm
TPC 4.VMAG and Log Conformance vs. Input Level Ratio
(Gain), Frequency 900 MHz, –40°C, +25°C, and +85°C,
Reference Level = –30 dBm
TPC 5.VMAG and Log Conformance vs. Input Level Ratio
(Gain), Frequency 1900 MHz, –40°C, +25°C, and +85°C,
Reference Level = –30 dBm
Distribution of VMAG vs. Input Level Ratio (Gain),Temperatures Between –40°C, and +85°C, Reference Level
= –30 dBmVMAG Output and Log Conformance vs. Input
AD8302TPC 13.VMAG Output vs. Frequency, for PINPA = PINPB,
PINPA = PINPB +5 dB, and PINPA = PINPB –5 dB, PINPB = 30 dBm
TPC 14.Change in VMAG Slope vs. Temperature, Three
Sigma to Either Side of Mean, Frequencies 1900 MHz
TPC 15.Change in Center Point of Magnitude Output
TPC 16.Center Point of Magnitude Output (MCP) Dis-
tribution Frequencies 900 MHz, 17,000 Units
TPC 17.VMAG Slope, Frequency 900 MHz, 17,000 Units
TPC 18.VMAG Slope vs. Frequency
TPC 19.Magnitude Output Response to 4 dB Step, for
PINPB = –30 dBm, PINPA = –32 dBm to –28 dBm, Frequency
1900 MHz, No Filter Capacitor
TPC 20.Magnitude Output Response to 4 dB Step, for
PINPB = –30 dBm, PINPA = –32 dBm to –28 dBm, Frequency
1900 MHz, 1 nF Filter Capacitor
TPC 21.Magnitude Output Response to 40 dB Step, for
PINPB = –30 dBm, PINPA = –50 dBm to –10 dBm, Supply 5 V,
TPC 22.Magnitude Output Noise Spectral
Density, PINPA = PINPB = –10 dBm, –30 dBm,
–50 dBm, No Filter Capacitor
TPC 23.Magnitude Output Noise Spectral Density, PINPA =
PINPB = –10 dBm, –30 dBm, –50 dBm, with Filter Capacitor
TPC 24.VMAG Peak-to-Peak Output Induced by Sweeping
Phase Difference through 360 Degrees vs. Magnitude Ratio,
AD8302TPC 25.Phase Output (VPHS) vs. Input Phase Difference,
Input Levels –30 dBm, Frequencies 100 MHz, 900 MHz,
1900 MHz, 2200 MHz, Supply 5 V
TPC 26.VPHS Output and Nonlinearity vs. Input Phase
Difference, Input Levels –30 dBm, Frequency 100 MHz
TPC 28.VPHS Output and Nonlinearity vs. Input Phase
Difference, Input Levels –30 dBm, Frequency 1900 MHz
TPC 32.
ence, Three Sigma to Either Side of Mean, Frequency
2200 MHz, –40°C, +25°C, and +85°C, Input Levels –30 dBmChange in VPHS Slope vs. Temperature, ThreeChange in Phase Center Point (PCP) vs.MHz
AD8302TPC 37.VPHS Slope Distribution, Frequency
900 MHz
TPC 38.VPHS Output Response to 4° Step with Nominal
Phase Shift of 90°, Input Levels –30 dBm Frequency
1900 MHz, Temperature 25°C, 1 pF Filter Capacitor
TPC 39.VPHS Output Response to 4° Step with Nominal
TPC 40.VPHS Output Response to 40° Step with Nominal
Phase Shift of 90°, Input Levels PINPA = PINPB = –30 dBm,
Frequency 1900 MHz,1 pF Filter Capacitor
TPC 41.VPHS Output Noise Spectral Density vs. Frequency,
PINPA = –30 dBm, PINPB = –10 dBm, –30 dBm, –50 dBm, and
90° Input Phase Difference
TPC 42.Phase Output vs. Input Phase Difference, PINPA =