AD817AN ,High Speed, Low Power Wide Supply Range AmplifierSPECIFICATIONS A AD817AParameter Conditions V Min Typ Max UnitsSDYNAMIC PERFORMANCEUnity Gain Band ..
AD817ANZ , High Speed, Low Power Wide Supply Range Amplifier
AD817ANZ , High Speed, Low Power Wide Supply Range Amplifier
AD817AR ,High Speed, Low Power Wide Supply Range AmplifierSpecifications subject to change without notice.1ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS2.0Supply Voltage . . . . ..
AD8180AN ,750 MHz, 3.8 mA 10 ns Switching MultiplexersCHARACTERISTICS9Output Voltage Swing R = 500 W – 3.0 – 3.1 VLShort Circuit Current 30 mAOutput Resi ..
AD8180AR ,750 MHz, 3.8 mA 10 ns Switching MultiplexersFEATURESFUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFully Buffered Inputs and OutputsFast Channel Switching: 10 nsIN0 1 ..
ADP1148AN-3.3 ,InputV: 0.3-20V; 50mA; high efficiency synchronous step-down switching regulator. For notebook and palmtop computers, portable instrumnets, battery operated digital devicesCHARACTERISTICS A IN SHUTDOWN2Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsFEEDBACK VOLTAGEADP1148 ..
ADP1148AN-3.3 ,InputV: 0.3-20V; 50mA; high efficiency synchronous step-down switching regulator. For notebook and palmtop computers, portable instrumnets, battery operated digital devicesCHARACTERISTICS (–408C ≤ T ≤ +858C, V = 10 V, V = 0 V, unless otherwise noted. See Figure 17.)A IN ..
ADP1148AR ,High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching RegulatorsCHARACTERISTICS A IN SHUTDOWN2Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Typ Max UnitsFEEDBACK VOLTAGEADP1148 ..
ADP1148AR ,High Efficiency Synchronous Step-Down Switching RegulatorsCHARACTERISTICS (–408C ≤ T ≤ +858C, V = 10 V, V = 0 V, unless otherwise noted. See Figure 17.)A IN ..
ADP1173 ,Micropower DC-DC ConverterSpecifications subject to change without notice.REV. 0–2–ADP1173ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*PIN CONFIG ..
ADP1173AR ,Micropower DC-DC ConverterSpecifications subject to change without notice.REV. 0–2–ADP1173ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*PIN CONFIG ..
High Speed, Low Power Wide Supply Range Amplifier
8-Pin Plastic Mini-DIP (N) and
SOIC (R) PackagesREV.B
High Speed, Low Power
Wide Supply Range Amplifier
Low Cost
High Speed
50 MHz Unity Gain Bandwidth
350 V/ms Slew Rate
45 ns Settling Time to 0.1% (10 V Step)
Flexible Power Supply
Specified for Single (+5 V) and
Dual (65 V to 615 V) Power Supplies
Low Power: 7.5 mA max Supply Current
High Output Drive Capability
Drives Unlimited Capacitive Load
50 mA Minimum Output Current
Excellent Video Performance
70 MHz 0.1 dB Bandwidth (Gain = +1)
0.04% & 0.088 Differential Gain & Phase Errors
@ 3.58 MHz
Available in 8-Pin SOIC and 8-Pin Plastic Mini-DIP
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD817 is a low cost, low power, single/dual supply, high
speed op amp which is ideally suited for a broad spectrum of
signal conditioning and data acquisition applications. This
breakthrough product also features high output current drive
capability and the ability to drive an unlimited capacitive load
while still maintaining excellent signal integrity.
The 50 MHz unity gain bandwidth, 350 V/μs slew rate and set-
tling time of 45 ns (0.1%) make possible the processing of high
speed signals common to video and imaging systems. Further-
more, professional video performance is attained by offering dif-
ferential gain & phase errors of 0.04% & 0.08° @ 3.58 MHz
and 0.1 dB flatness to 70 MHz (gain = +1).
The AD817 is fully specified for operation with a single +5 V
power supply and with dual supplies from ±5 V to ±15 V. This
power supply flexibility, coupled with a very low supply current
of 7.5 mA and excellent ac characteristics under all power sup-
ply conditions, make the AD817 the ideal choice for many de-
manding yet power sensitive applications.
In applications such as ADC buffers and line drivers the AD817
simplifies the design task with its unique combination of a
50 mA minimum output current and the ability to drive
unlimited capacitive loads.
The AD817 is available in 8-pin plastic mini-DIP and SOIC
ORDERING GUIDEAD817 Driving a Large Capacitive Load
(@ TA = +258C, unless otherwise noted)
NOTESFull power bandwidth = slew rate/2 π VPEAK.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1SupplyVoltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±18V
Plastic(N) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .See Derating Curves
SmallOutline(R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .See Derating Curves
Input Voltage (Common Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±VS
DifferentialInputVoltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .±6V
Output Short Circuit Duration . . . . . . . .See Derating Curves
Storage Temperature Range N, R . . . . . . . . .–65°C to +125°C
Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . .–40°C to +85°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering10sec) . . . . . . . .+300°C
NOTESStresses above those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause
permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional
operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the
operational section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Specification is for device in free air: 8-pin plastic package: θJA = 100°C/watt;
8-pin SOIC package: θJA = 160°C/watt.
Maximum Power Dissipation vs. Temperature
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.
AD817–Typical Characteristics
SUPPLY VOLTAGE – – VoltsFigure 1.Common-Mode Voltage Range vs. Supply
Figure 2.Output Voltage Swing vs. Supply
Figure 3.Output Voltage Swing vs. Load Resistance
Figure 4.
for Various Temperatures
Figure 6.
Figure 7.Input Bias Current vs. Temperature
Figure 8.Short Circuit Current vs. Temperature
Figure 9.Unity Gain Bandwidth and Phase Margin
vs. Temperature
Figure 10.Open-Loop Gain and Phase Margin
vs. Frequency
Figure 11.Open Loop Gain vs. Load Resistance
AD817–Typical CharacteristicsFigure 13.Common-Mode Rejection vs. Frequency
Figure 14.Large Signal Frequency Response
Figure 15.Output Swing and Error vs. Settling Time