AD8091ART-REEL7 ,Low-Cost, High-Speed Rail-to-Rail AmplifiersCHARACTERISTICSOutput Voltage Swing R = 10 kΩ to +2.5 V 0.015 to 4.985 VLR = 2 kΩ to +2.5 V 0.100 t ..
AD8091ARTZ-R2 , Low Cost, High Speed Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers
AD8092AR ,Dual Low Cost, High-Speed Rail-to-Rail AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSA S L AD8091A/AD8092AParameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitDYNAMIC PERFORMANCE–3 ..
AD8092ARM ,Low-Cost, High-Speed Rail-to-Rail AmplifiersSPECIFICATIONS unless otherwise noted.) AD8091A/AD8092AParameter Conditions Min Typ Max U ..
AD8092ARM-REEL ,Low-Cost, High-Speed Rail-to-Rail AmplifiersSPECIFICATIONS unless otherwise noted.) AD8091A/AD8092AParameter Conditions Min Typ Max U ..
AD8092ARM-REEL7 ,Low-Cost, High-Speed Rail-to-Rail AmplifiersCHARACTERISTICSOutput Voltage Swing R = 10 kΩ to +1.5 V 0.01 to 2.99 VLR = 2 kΩ to +1.5 V 0.075 to ..
ADM8829ART ,Switched-Capacitor Voltage Inverter with ShutdownSPECIFICATIONSParameter Min Typ Max Units Test Conditions/CommentsInput Voltage, IN 1.5 5.5 V R = 1 ..
ADM8829ART-REEL ,Switched Capacitor Voltage InverterSpecifications subject to change without notice.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS* PIN FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS ..
ADM8830ACP ,Charge Pump Regulator for Color TFT PanelSPECIFICATIONS C7 = 2.2 F, C2, C3, C4, C8, C9 = 1 F, CLKIN = 1 kHz in blanking mode.)Parameter ..
ADM8830ACP-REEL7 ,Charge Pump Regulator for Color TFT Panelfeatures, including efficiency is high and provides a low ripple 5.1 V output. This low power shutd ..
ADM8839ACP ,Charge Pump Regulator for Color TFT PanelGENERAL DESCRIPTION The ADM8839 has a power save shutdown feature. The 5 VThe ADM8839 is a charge p ..
ADM8843ACPZ-REEL7 ,4 White LED Backlight DriverGENERAL DESCRIPTION Drives 4 LEDs from a 2.6 V to 5.5 V (Li-Ion) input supply The ADM8843 uses char ..
Low-Cost, High-Speed Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers
Low-Cost, High-Speed
Rail-to-Rail Amplifiers
Low-Cost Single (AD8091), Dual (AD8092)
Voltage Feedback Architecture
Fully Specified at +3 V, +5 V, and �5 V Supplies
Single-Supply Operation
Output Swings to within 25 mV of Either Rail
Input Voltage Range
–0.2 V to +4 V; VS = +5 V
High-Speed and Fast Settling on +5 V
110 MHz –3 dB Bandwidth (G = +1)
145 V/�s Slew Rate
50 ns Settling Time to 0.1%
Good Video Specifications (G = +2)
Gain Flatness of 0.1 dB to 20 MHz;RL = 150 �
0.03% Differential Gain Error;RL = 1k�
0.03� Differential Phase Error;RL = 1k�
Low Distortion
–80 dBc Total Harmonic @ 1 MHz; RL = 100�
Outstanding Load Drive Capability
Drives 45 mA, 0.5 V from Supply Rails
Drives 50 pF Capacitive Load (G = +1)
Low Power of 4.4mA/Amplifier
Coaxial Cable Driver
Active Filters
Video Switchers
Professional Cameras
CCD Imaging Systems
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD8091 (single) and AD8092 (dual) are low-cost, voltage
feedback, high-speed amplifiers designed to operate on +3 V, +5V,
or ±5 V supplies. They have true single-supply capability with
an input voltage range extending 200mV below the negative rail
and within 1V of the positive rail.
Despite their low cost, the AD8091/AD8092 provide excellent over-
all performance and versatility. The output voltage swing extends
to within 25 mV of each rail, providing the maximum output
dynamic range with excellent overdrive recovery. This makes the
AD8091/AD8092 useful for video electronics, such as cameras,
video switchers, or any high-speed portable equipment. Low distor-
tion and fast settling make them ideal for active filter applications.
The AD8091/AD8092 offer a low-power supply current and
can operate on a single +3 V power supply. These features are
ideally suited for portable and battery-powered applications
where size and power are critical.
The wide bandwidth and fast slew rate make these amplifiers
useful in many general-purpose, high-speed applications where
dual power supplies of up to ±6 V and single supplies from +3 V
to +12 V are needed.
All of this low-cost performance is offered in an 8-lead SOIC
(AD8091/AD8092), along with a tiny SOT23-5 package
(AD8091) and a µSOIC package (AD8092).
(R-8)�SOIC-8 and SOIC-8
(RM-8, R-8)
*Refer to TPC 7.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(@ TA = 25�C, VS = +5 V, RL = 2 k� to +2.5 V,
unless otherwise noted.)
(@ TA = 25�C, VS = +3 V, RL = 2 k� to +1.5 V, unless otherwise noted.)SPECIFICATIONSINPUT CHARACTERISTICS
(@ TA = 25�C, VS = �5 V, RL = 2 k� to Ground,
unless otherwise noted.)INPUT CHARACTERISTICS
Specifications subject to change without notice.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6 V
Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Figure 1
Common-Mode Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±VS
Differential Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ±2.5 V
Output Short Circuit Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Figure 1
Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +125°C
Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +85°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 10 sec) . . . . . . . . 300°C
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-
nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the
device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATIONThe maximum safe power dissipation in the AD8091/AD8092
package is limited by the associated rise in junction temperature
(TJ) on the die. The plastic encapsulating the die will locally reach
the junction temperature. At approximately 150°C, which is the
glass transition temperature, the plastic will change its properties.
Even temporarily exceeding this temperature limit may change the
stresses that the package exerts on the die, permanently shifting the
parametric performance of the AD8091/AD8092. Exceeding a
junction temperature of 175°C for an extended period of time can
result in changes in the silicon devices, potentially causing failure.
The still-air thermal properties of the package (�JA), ambient
temperature (TA), and the total power dissipated in the package
(PD) can be used to determine the junction temperature of the die.
The junction temperature can be calculated as follows:
The power dissipated in the package (PD) is the sum of the quies-
cent power dissipation and the power dissipated in the package
due to the load drive for all outputs. The quiescent power is the
voltage between the supply pins (VS) times the quiescent current
(IS). Assuming the load (RL) is referenced to midsupply, then the
total drive power is VS /2 � IOUT, some of which is dissipated in
the package and some in the load (VOUT � IOUT). The difference
between the total drive power and the load power is the drive
power dissipated in the package.
PD = quiescent power + (total drive power – load power)
RMS output voltages should be considered. (If RL is referenced
to VS–, as in single-supply operation, then the total drive power is
If the rms signal levels are indeterminate, then consider the
worst case, when VOUT = VS /4 for RL to midsupply:
(In single-supply operation with RL referenced to VS–, worst case is
VOUT = VS /2.)
Airflow will increase heat dissipation, effectively reducing �JA. Also,
more metal directly in contact with the package leads from metal
traces, through holes, ground, and power planes will reduce the �JA.
Care must be taken to minimize parasitic capacitances at the input
leads of high-speed op amps as discussed in the board layout
Figure 1 shows the maximum safe power dissipation in the package
versus the ambient temperature for the SOIC-8 (125°C/W),
SOT23-5 (180°C/W), and µSOIC-8 (150°C/W) packages on a
JEDEC standard four-layer board.
Figure 1.Maximum Power Dissipation vs. Temperature
for a Four-Layer Board
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although
the AD8091/AD8092 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur
on devices subjected to high-energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions
are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
dBTPC 1.Normalized Gain vs. Frequency; VS = +5 V
dBTPC 2.Gain vs. Frequency vs. Supply
TPC 3.Gain vs. Frequency vs. Temperature
dBTPC 4.0.1 dB Gain Flatness vs. Frequency; G = +2
TPC 5.Large Signal Frequency Response; G = +2
TPC 6.Open-Loop Gain and Phase vs. Frequency
AD8091/AD8092TPC 7.Total Harmonic Distortion
TPC 8.Worst Harmonic vs. Output Voltage
TPC 9.Low Distortion Rail-to-Rail Output Swing
DegreesTPC 10.Differential Gain and Phase Errors
TPC 11.Input Voltage Noise vs. Frequency
TPC 12.Input Current Noise vs. Frequency