AD8034ART-REEL7 ,Low Cost, 80 MHz FastFET ⑩ Op AmpsSPECIFICATIONSA S LParameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitDYNAMIC PERFORMANCE–3 dB Bandwidth G = +1, ..
AD8034ARTZ-REEL7 , Low Cost, 80 MHz FastFET Op Amps
AD8036AN ,Low Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Clamp AmpsCHARACTERISTICSotherwise noted) AD8036A AD8037AParameter Conditions Min Typ Max Min Typ Ma ..
AD8036AR ,Low Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Clamp AmpsCHARACTERISTICSInput Resistance 500 500 kWInput Capacitance 1.2 1.2 pFInput Common-Mode Voltage Ran ..
AD8036AR-REEL ,Low Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Clamp AmpsAPPLICATIONStional inputs to the amplifier. As such, in addition to static dcADC Bufferclamp level ..
AD8037 ,Low Distortion, Wide Bandwidth Voltage Feedback Clamp AmpsSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. BAD8036/AD80371MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATIONAB ..
ADM809JART ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit in 3-Pin SOT-23SPECIFICATIONS for T/S, 3 V for R Models unless otherwise noted.)Parameter Min Typ Max Units Test C ..
ADM809JART-REEL7 ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits in 3-Lead SC70 and SOT-23FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMSpecified over TemperatureLow Power Consumption (17 A)ADM803Preci ..
ADM809LART ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit in 3-Pin SOT-23features built-in glitch immunity,making it immune to fast transients on V .CCFigure 1. Typical Ope ..
ADM809LART ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuit in 3-Pin SOT-23features built-in glitch immunity,making it immune to fast transients on V .CCFigure 1. Typical Ope ..
ADM809LART-REEL ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits in 3-Lead SC70 and SOT-23APPLICATIONSMicroprocessor SystemsADM809 / ADM810ComputersControllersVCCRESETRESETIntelligent Instr ..
ADM809LART-REEL ,Microprocessor Supervisory Circuits in 3-Lead SC70 and SOT-23FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMSpecified over TemperatureLow Power Consumption (17 A)ADM803Preci ..
Low Cost, 80 MHz FastFET ⑩ Op Amps
Low Cost, 80 MHz
FastFET ™ Op Amps
FET Input Amplifier
1 pA Typical Input Bias Current
Very Low Cost
High Speed
80 MHz, –3 dB Bandwidth (G = +1)
80 V/�s Slew Rate (G = +2)
Low Noise
11 nV/√Hz (f = 100 kHz)
0.6 fA/√Hz (f = 100 kHz)
Wide Supply Voltage Range
5 V to 24 V
Low Offset Voltage, 1 mV Typical
Single-Supply and Rail-to-Rail Output
High Common-Mode Rejection Ratio –100 dB
Low Power
3.3 mA/Amplifier Typical Supply Current
No Phase Reversal
Small Packaging
SOIC-8, SOT-23-8, and SC70
Level Shifting
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD8033/AD8034 FastFET amplifiers are voltage feedback
amplifiers with FET inputs, offering ease of use and excellent
performance. The AD8033 is a single amplifier and the
AD8034 is a dual amplifier. The AD8033/AD8034 FastFET
op amps in ADI’s proprietary XFCB process offer significant
performance improvements over other low cost FET amps, such as
low noise (11 nV/√Hz and 0.6 fA/√Hz) and high speed (80 MHz
bandwidth and 80 V/µs slew rate).
With a wide supply voltage range from 5 V to 24 V and fully
operational on a single supply, the AD8033/AD8034 amplifiers
will work in more applications than similarly priced FET
input amps. In addition, the AD8033/AD8034 have rail-to-rail
outputs for added versatility.
Despite their low cost, the amplifiers provide excellent overall
performance. They offer high common-mode rejection of
–100 dB, low input offset voltage of 2 mV max, and low noise
of 11 nV/√Hz.
The AD8033/AD8034 amplifiers only draw 3.3 mA/amplifier of
quiescent current while having the capability of delivering up to
40 mA of load current.
Figure 1.Small Signal Frequency Response
The AD8033 is available in small packages: SOIC-8 and SC70.
The AD8034 is also available in small packages: SOIC-8 and
SOT-23-8. They are rated to work over the industrial temperature
range of –40°C to +85°C without a premium over commercial
grade products.
SOIC-8 and SOT-23-8 (RT)
SOIC-8 (R)
SC70 (KS)
AD8033/AD8034–SPECIFICATIONS(TA = 25�C, VS = �5 V, RL = 1 k�, Gain = +2, unless otherwise noted.)Input Overdrive Recovery Time
Output Overdrive Recovery Time
Slew Rate (25% to 75%)
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(TA = 25�C, VS = 5 V, RL = 1 k�, Gain = +2, unless otherwise noted.)
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(TA = 25�C, VS = �12 V, RL = 1 k�, Gain = +2, unless otherwise noted.)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*Supply Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.4 V
Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Figure 2
Common-Mode Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26.4 V
Differential Input Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 V
Storage Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –65°C to +125°C
Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . –40°C to +85°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering 10 sec) . . . . . . . . . 300°C
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-
nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the
device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
Figure 2.Maximum Power Dissipation vs.
Temperature for a Four-Layer Board
MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATIONThe maximum safe power dissipation in the AD8033/AD8034
packages is limited by the associated rise in junction temperature
(TJ) on the die. The plastic that encapsulates the die will locally
reach the junction temperature. At approximately 150°C, which is
the glass transition temperature, the plastic will change its proper-
ties. Even temporarily exceeding this temperature limit may change
the stresses that the package exerts on the die, permanently shifting
the parametric performance of the AD8033/AD8034. Exceeding a
junction temperature of 175°C for an extended period of time can
result in changes in silicon devices, potentially causing failure.
The still-air thermal properties of the package and PCB (�JA),
ambient temperature (TA), and the total power dissipated in the
package (PD) determine the junction temperature of the die.
The junction temperature can be calculated as follows
The power dissipated in the package (PD) is the sum of the
quiescent power dissipation and the power dissipated in the package
due to the load drive for all outputs. The quiescent power is the
voltage between the supply pins (VS) times the quiescent current (IS).
Assuming the load (RL) is referenced to midsupply, then the total
drive power is VS/2 � IOUT, some of which is dissipated in the
package and some in the load (VOUT � IOUT). The difference
between the total drive power and the load power is the drive
power dissipated in the package:
RMS output voltages should be considered. If RL is referenced
to VS–, as in single-supply operation, then the total drive power
is VS � IOUT.
If the rms signal levels are indeterminate, consider the worst
case, when VOUT = VS
In single-supply operation with RL referenced to VS–, worst case
is VOUT = VS/2.
Airflow will increase heat dissipation, effectively reducing �JA.
Also, more metal directly in contact with the package leads from
metal traces, through holes, ground, and power planes will reduce
the �JA. Care must be taken to minimize parasitic capacitances at
the input leads of high speed op amps as discussed in the Layout,
Grounding, and Bypassing Considerations section.
Figure 2 shows the maximum safe power dissipation in the
package versus the ambient temperature for the SOIC-8 (125°C/W),
SC70 (210°C/W), and SOT-23-8 (160°C/W) packages on a JEDEC
standard 4-layer board. �JA values are approximations.
OUTPUT SHORT CIRCUITShorting the output to ground or drawing excessive current for
the AD8033/AD8034 will likely cause catastrophic failure.
AD8033/AD8034–Typical Performance CharacteristicsTPC 1.Small Signal Frequency Response for
Various Gains
TPC 2.Small Signal Frequency Response for
Various Supplies (See Test Circuit 1)
TPC 4.Frequency Response for Various Output
Amplitudes (See Test Circuit 2)
TPC 5.Small Signal Frequency Response for
Various Supplies (See Test Circuit 2)
Default Conditions: �5 V, CL = 5 pF, RL = 1 k�, Temperature = 25�C
TPC 7.Small Signal Frequency Response for
Various CLOAD (See Test Circuit 1)
TPC 8.Small Signal Frequency Response for
Various RF/CF (See Test Circuit 2)
TPC 9.Output Impedance vs. Frequency
TPC 10.Small Signal Frequency Response for
Various CLOAD (See Test Circuit 2)
TPC 11.Small Signal Frequency Response for
Various RLOAD (See Test Circuit 2)
AD8033/AD8034TPC 13.Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency for
Various Loads (See Test Circuit 2)
TPC 14. Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency for
Various Supply Voltages (See Test Circuit 2)
TPC 16.Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency for
Various Gains
TPC 17.Harmonic Distortion vs. Frequency for
Various Amplitudes (See Test Circuit 2), VS = 24 V
TPC 19.Small Signal Transient Response 5 V
(See Test Circuit 1)
TPC 20.Large Signal Transient Response G = +1
(See Test Circuit 1)
TPC 21.Output Overdrive Recovery (See Test Circuit 3)
TPC 22.Small Signal Transient Response ±5 V
(See Test Circuit 1)
TPC 23.Large Signal Transient Response G = +2
(See Test Circuit 2)
TPC 24.Input Overdrive Recovery (See Test Circuit 1)
AD8033/AD8034TPC 25.Long-Term Settling Time
TPC 26.Ib vs. Temperature
– pA
= TPC 27.Input Bias Current vs. Common-Mode
Voltage Range
TPC 28.0.1% Short-Term Settling Time
TPC 29.Quiescent Supply Current vs. Tempera-
ture for Various Supply Voltages
TPC 30.Input Offset Voltage vs. Common-
Mode Voltage