AD8012AR-REEL ,Dual 350 MHz Low Power AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSDUAL SUPPLY (@ T = +258C, V = 65 V, G = +2, R = 100 V, R = R = 750 V, unless otherwis ..
AD8013 ,Single Supply, Low Power, Triple Video AmplifierAPPLICATIONSeach amplifier swing to within one volt of either supply rail toLCD Displayseasily acco ..
AD8013 ,Single Supply, Low Power, Triple Video AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSA LOADModel AD8013AConditions V Min Typ Max UnitsSDYNAMIC PERFORMANCEBandwidth (3 dB) ..
AD8013AN ,Single Supply, Low Power, Triple Video AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSA LOADModel AD8013AConditions V Min Typ Max UnitsSDYNAMIC PERFORMANCEBandwidth (3 dB) ..
AD8013AR-14 ,Single Supply, Low Power, Triple Video AmplifierSpecifications (R = 150 V)L DISABLE 1 1 14 OUT 2Gain Flatness 0.1 dB to 60 MHz0.02% Differential Ga ..
AD8013AR-14-REEL ,Single Supply, Low Power, Triple Video AmplifierSPECIFICATIONSA LOADModel AD8013AConditions V Min Typ Max UnitsSDYNAMIC PERFORMANCEBandwidth (3 dB) ..
ADM699AN ,Microprocessor Supervisory CircuitsGENERAL DESCRIPTION+5VThe ADM698/ADM699 supervisory circuits provide powersupply monitoring and wat ..
ADM699AR ,Microprocessor Supervisory CircuitsMicroprocessoraSupervisory CircuitsADM698/ADM699
ADM705 ,Low Cost 礟 Supervisor with 4.65V Threshold Voltage, Watchdog, Power Fail and Manual Reset Features and Active Low Reset OutputGENERAL DESCRIPTION ADM708POWER-FAILPOWER-FAILINPUT (PFI)The ADM705/ADM706/ADM707/ADM708 are low co ..
ADM705AN ,Low Cost uP Supervisory CircuitsSPECIFICATIONSCC A MIN MAXParameter Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions/CommentsV Operating Voltage Ra ..
ADM705AR ,Low Cost uP Supervisory CircuitsGENERAL DESCRIPTION4.65V*ADM707/The ADM705–ADM708 are low cost µ P supervisory circuits.ADM708POWER ..
Dual 350 MHz Low Power Amplifier
Dual 350 MHz
Low Power Amplifier
Low Power
1.7 mA/Amplifier Supply Current
Fully Specified for 65 V and +5 V Supplies
High Output Current, 125 mA
High Speed
350 MHz, –3 dB Bandwidth (G = +1)
150 MHz, –3 dB Bandwidth (G = +2)
2,250 V/ms Slew Rate
20 ns Settling Time to 0.1%
Low Distortion
–72dBc Worst Harmonic @ 500kHz, RL = 100V
–66dBc Worst Harmonic @ 5MHz, RL = 1kV
Good Video Specifications (RL = 1 kV, G = +2)
0.02% Differential Gain Error
0.068 Differential Phase Error
Gain Flatness 0.1 dB to 40 MHz
60 ns Overdrive Recovery
Low Offset Voltage, 1.5 mV
Low Voltage Noise, 2.5 nV/√Hz
Available in 8-Lead SOIC and 8-Lead microSOIC
XDSL, HDSL Line Driver
ADC Buffer
Professional Cameras
CCD Imaging System
Ultrasound Equipment
Digital Camera
PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe AD8012 is a dual low power current feedback amplifier
capable of providing 350 MHz bandwidth while using only
1.7 mA per amplifier. It is intended for use in high frequency,
wide dynamic range systems where low distortion, high speed
are essential and low power is critical.
With only 1.7 mA of supply current, the AD8012 also offers
exceptional ac specs such as 20 ns settling time and 2,250 V/ms
slew rate. The video specifications are 0.02% differential gain
and 0.06 degree differential phase, excellent for such a low power
amplifier. In addition, the AD8012 has a low offset of 1.5 mV.
The AD8012 is well suited for any application that requires high
performance with minimal power.
The product is available in standard 8-lead SOIC or micro-
SOIC packages and operates over the industrial temperature
range –40°C to +85°C.
Figure 1.Distortion vs. Load Resistance, VS = –5 V,
Frequency = 500 kHz
Figure 2.Differential Drive Circuit for XDSL Applications
*Protected under U.S. Patent Number 5,537,079.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
(@ TA = +258C, VS = 65V, G = +2, RL = 100 V, RF = RG = 750 V, unless otherwise noted)
(@ TA +258C, VS = +5V, G = +2, RL = 100 V, RF = RG = 750 V, unless otherwise noted)Specifications subject to change without notice.
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1Supply␣Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.6␣V
Small␣Outline␣Package (R) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.8␣W
microSOIC Package (RM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.6 W
Input Voltage (Common Mode) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –VS
Differential␣Input␣Voltage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .–2.5␣V
Output Short Circuit Duration␣ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Observe Power Derating Curves
Storage Temperature Range RM, R . . . . . . –65°C to +125°C
Operating Temperature Range (A Grade) . . –40°C to +85°C
Lead Temperature Range (Soldering␣10␣sec) . . . . . . . +300°C
1Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-
nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the
device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
section of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating
conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
2Specification is for device in free air at +25°C
8-Lead SOIC Package: qJA = 155°C/W
8-Lead microSOIC Package: qJA = 200°C/W
MAXIMUM POWER DISSIPATIONThe maximum power that can be safely dissipated by the AD8012
is limited by the associated rise in junction temperature. The maxi-
mum safe junction temperature for plastic encapsulated devices
is determined by the glass transition temperature of the plastic,
approximately +150°C. Temporarily exceeding this limit may
cause a shift in parametric performance due to a change in the
stresses exerted on the die by the package. Exceeding a junction
temperature of +175°C for an extended period can result in de-
vice failure.
The output stage of the AD8012 is designed for maximum load
current capability. As a result, shorting the output to common
can cause the AD8012 to source or sink 500 mA. To ensure
proper operation, it is necessary to observe the maximum power
derating curves. Direct connection of the output to either power
supply rail can destroy the device.
–20–10Figure 3.Plot of Maximum Power Dissipation vs.
Temperature for AD8012
␣␣␣␣CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection.
Although the AD8012 features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may
occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD
precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.
–VSFigure 4.Test Circuit; Gain = +2
Figure 5.*100 mV Step Response; G = +2, VS = –2.5 V or5 V, RL = 1kW
Figure 6.4 V Step Response; G = +2, VS = –5 V, RL = 1kW
Figure 7.Test Circuit; Gain = –1
Figure 8.*100 mV Step Response; G = –1, VS = –2.5 V or5 V, RL = 1kW
Figure 9.4 V Step Response; G = –1, VS = –5 V, RL = 1kW
AD8012Figure 10.*100 mV Step Response; G = +2, VS = –2.5 V or5 V, RL = 100 W
Figure 11.2 V Step Response; G = +2, VS = –2.5 V, RL = 100 W
Figure 12.4 V Step Response; G = +2, VS = –5 V, RL = 100 W
Figure 13.*100 mV Step Response; G = –1, VS = –2.5 V or5 V, RL = 100 W
Figure 14.2 V Step Response; G = –1, VS = –2.5 V, RL = 100 W
Figure 15.4 V Step Response; G = –1, VS = –5 V, RL = 100 W
RL – V
–50Figure 16.Distortion vs. Load Resistance; VS = –5 V,
Frequency = 500 kHz
Figure 17.Distortion vs. Frequency; VS = –5 V
Figure 18.Gain Flatness; VS = –5 V
Figure 19.Distortion vs. Load Resistance; VS = +5 V,
Frequency = 500 kHz
Figure 20.Distortion vs. Frequency; VS = +5 V
Figure 21.Gain Flatness; VS = +5 V
AD8012Figure 22.Frequency Response; VS = –5 V
Figure 23.Output Voltage vs. Frequency; VS = –5 V,
G = +2 V, RL = 100 W
Figure 24.CMRR vs. Frequency; VS = –5 V, +5 V
Figure 25.Frequency Response; VS = +5 V
Figure 26.Output Voltage vs. Frequency; VS = +5 V,
G = +2 V, RL = 100 W
Figure 27.PSRR vs. Frequency; VS = –5 V, +5 V