AD7626 ,16-Bit, 10 MSPS, PulSAR Differential ADCAPPLICATIONSor applied externally.Digital imaging systemsAll converted results are available on a s ..
AD7628 ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. AAD7628TERMINOLOGYABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ..
AD7628KN ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACSpecifications subject to change without notice.AC PERFORMANCE
AD7628KP ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACSPECIFICATIONSotherwise noted)T = –408CT = –558CA A1 1Parameter T = +258C to +858C to +1258C Units ..
AD7628KP ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACcharacteristics are included for Design Guidance only and are notsubject to test. V = +10.8 V to +1 ..
AD7628KP ,CMOS Dual 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACCHARACTERISTICSSee Timing DiagramChip Select to Write Set Up Time (t ) 160 160 210 ns minCSChip Sel ..
ADIS16130AMLZ , Digital Output, High-Precision Angular Rate Sensor
ADJ75012 , 1-pole/2-pole 16A polarized power relays Variety of contact arrangements
ADL5310ACPZ-REEL7 ,120dB-range (3 nAapplications, including control circuitry for lasers, optical switches, atten-Figure 1. uators, an ..
ADL5321ARKZ-R7 , 2.3 GHz to 4.0 GHz ¼ Watt RF Driver Amplifier
ADL5330ACPZ-WP ,1MHz to 3GHz VGA with 60dB Gain Control RangeAPPLICATIONS VPS2VPS1Output Power Control for Wireless Infrastructure IPBSVREF OPBS COM2 COM2 COM2 ..
ADL5356ACPZ-R7 , 1200 MHz to 2500 MHz, Dual-Balanced Mixer, LO Buffer, IF Amplifier, and RF Balun
16-Bit, 10 MSPS, PulSAR Differential ADC
16-Bit, lil MSPS, PulSAR
Differential Mil
Throughput: 10 MSPS
SNR: 91.5 dB
16-bit no missing codes
INL: 10.45 LSB
DNL: 10.35 LSB
Power dissipation: 136mW
32-lead LFCSP (5 mm x 5 mm)
SAR architecture
No latency/no pipeline delay
16-bit resolution with no missing codes
Zero error: tUSB
Differential input range: 14.096V
Serial LVDS interface
Self-clocked mode
Echoed-clock mode
LVDS or CMOS option for conversion control (CNV signal)
Reference options
Internal: 4.096 V
External (1.2 V) buffered to 4.096 V
External: 4.096 V
Digital imaging systems
Digital X-ray
Digital MRI
CCD and IR cameras
High speed data acquisition
High dynamic range telecommunications receivers
Spectrum analysis
Test equipment
Table I. Fast PulSAR' ADC Selection
1.2V VIo
IN+ fl CNV+, CNV-
Dr, D-
AD7626 CLK+, CLK- g
Figure 1.
The AD7626 is a 16-bit, 10 MSPS, charge redistribution
successive approximation register (SAR) based architecture
analog-to-digital converter (ADC). SAR architecture allows
unmatched performance both in noise (91.5 dB SNR) and in
linearity ($0.45 LSB INL). The AD7626 contains a high speed,
l6-bit sampling ADC, an internal conversion clock, and an
internal buffered reference. On the CNV edge, it samples the
voltage difference between the IN+ and IN- pins. The voltages
on these pins swing in opposite phase between 0 V and REF.
The 4.096 V reference voltage, REF, can be generated internally
or applied externally.
All converted results are available on a single LVDS self-clocked
or echoed-clock serial interface, reducing external hardware
The AD7626 is housed in a M-lead, 5 mm X 5 mm LFCSP with
operation specified from -40oC to +85°C.
Input Type Resolution (Bits) 1 MSPS to <2 MSPS 2 MSPS to 3 MSPS 6 MSPS 10 MSPS
Differential (Ground Sense) 16 AD7653
True Bipolar 16 AD7671
Differential (Antiphase) 16 AD7677 AD7621 AD7625 AD7626
AD7623 AD7622
Differential (Antiphase) 18 AD7643 AD7641
Rev. B
Inhmnathm furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be actuate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed byAnalog Devicesfor its use, norforany infringements of patents or other
rightsofthird partiesthat mayrestdthom itsuse. Spetifitathms subjecttodIange without notice. No
license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices.
Trademarks and registered trademarRs are the property toftheir respeetheovmees
One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A.
Tel: 781.329.4700
Fax: 781.461.31 1 3 ©2009-2012 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
Features _............................................................................................. 1
Applications _...................................................................................... 1
Functional Block Diagram .............................................................. 1
General Description _........................................................................ 1
Revision History ............................................................................... 2
Specifications ....................
Timing Specifications .................................................................. 5
Timing Diagrams w......................................................................... 6
Absolute Maximum Ratings W........................................................... 7
Thermal Resistance ...................................................................... 7
ESD Caution _................................................................................. 7
Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions ............................. 8
Typical Performance Characteristics ........................................... 10
Terminology .................................................................................... 14
7/ 12-Rev. A to Rev. B
Changed CP-32-2 Package to CP-32-7 Package ............. Universal
Changes to Figure 4 w......................................................................... 8
Updated Outline Dimensions w..................................................... 25
Changes to Ordering Guide w......................................................... 25
I/IO-Rev. 0 to Rev. A
Changes to Description of Pin 5 and Pin 6, Table 6 ..................... 8
Changes to Power-Up Section _..................................................... 21
9/ 09-Revision 0: Initial Version
Theory of Operation w..................................................................... 15
Circuit Information _................................................................... 15
Converter Information .............................................................. 15
Transfer Functions w.................................................................... 16
Analog Inputs F............................................................................. 16
Typical Connection Diagram .....
Driving the AD7626 F.................................................................. 18
Voltage Reference Options P....................................................... 20
Power Supply w.............................................................................. 21
Digital Interface .......................................................................... 22
Applications Information _............................................................. 24
Layout, Decoupling, and Grounding ....................................... 24
Outline Dimensions _...................................................................... 25
Ordering Guide P......................................................................... 25
Rev. B l Page 2 of 28
VDD1 = 5 V; VDD2 = 2.5 V; V10 = 2.5 V; REF = 4.096 V; all specifications TMIN to TMAX, unless otherwise noted.
Table 2.
Parameter Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Unit
Voltage Range VIM - VIN, -VREF +VREF V
Operating Input Voltage VIM, VIN, to AGND -0.1 VREF + 0.1 V
Common-Mode Input Range VREF/Z - 0.05 VREF/Z VREF/Z + 0.05 V
CMRR fIN =I MHz 68 dB
Input Current Midscale input 168 HA
Complete Cycle 100 ns
Throughput Rate 0.1 10 MSPS
Integral Linearity Error -1.5 i045 +1.5 LSB
No Missing Codes 16 Bits
Differential Linearity Error -0.5 i035 +0.5 LSB
Transition Noise 0.6 LSB
Zero Error, TMIN to TMAX -6 tl +6 LSB
Zero Error Drift 0.5 ppm/°C
Gain Error,TMIN to TMAX 8 20 LSB
Gain Error Drift 0.7 ppm/°C
Power Supply Sensitivity1 VDD1 = 5 V i 5% 0.4 LSB
VDD2 = 2.5 V i 5% 0.2 LSB
fIN = 20 kHz, -0.5 dBFS
Dynamic Range 90.5 91.5 dB
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 90 91 dB
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range 105 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion -105.5 dB
Signal-to-Noise + Distortion) 89.5 91 dB
fIN = 100 kHz, -0.5 dBFS
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 91.3 dB
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range 104.5 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion -102.5 dB
Signal-to-(Noise + Distortion) 91 dB
fIN = 2.4 MHz, -1 dBFS
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 88.5 dBFS
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range 84 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion -86 dB
Signal-to-Noise + Distortion) 85 dB
fIN = 2.4 MHz, -6 dBFS
Signal-to-Noise Ratio 89 dBFS
Spurious-Free Dynamic Range 84 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion -93 dB
Signal-to-tNoise + Distortion) 88 dB
-3 dB Input Bandwidth 95 MHz
Aperture Jitter 0.25 ps rms
Output Voltage REFIN @ 25°C 1.18 1.19 1.2 V
Temperature Drift -40oC to +85''C t15 ppm/°C
Rev. B l Page 3 of 28
Parameter Test Conditions/Comments Min Typ Max Unit
REFIN Input Voltage Range 1.18 1.2 1.22 V
REF Output Voltage Range REF © 25°C, ENO = EN1 = 1 4.076 4.096 4.116 V
Line Regulation VDD1 i 5%, VDD2 i- 5% 5 mV
Voltage Range REF 4.096 V
VCM Output REF/2
VCM Error -0.01 5 +0.015 V
Output Impedance 5 k0
LVDS l/O (ANSI-644)
Data Format Serial LVDS twos complement
Differential Output Voltage, VOD RL = 100 Q 245 290 454 mV
Common-Mode Output Voltage, VOCM RL = 100 n 9802 1130 1375 mV
Differential Input Voltage, VID 100 650 mV
Common-Mode Input Voltage, VICM 800 1575 mV
Specified Performance
VDD1 4.75 5 5.25 V
VDD2 2.37 2.5 2.63 V
VIO 2.37 2.5 2.63 V
Operating Currents
Static-Not Converting
VDD1 3.5 4.5 mA
VDD2 16.7 21.2 mA
VIO 11.6 13.5 mA
With Internal Reference 10 MSPS throughput
VDD1 10.4 11.2 mA
VDD2 23.5 27.8 mA
VIO Echoed-clock mode 15.8 17.8 mA
With External Reference 10 MSPS throughput
VDD1 7.5 8.8 mA
VDD2 23 28 mA
VIO Echoed-clock mode 16.4 18.5 mA
Power-Down EN0 = o, EN1 = 0
VDD1 0.6 4 pA
VDD2 0.8 10 pA
VIO 1 5 pA
Power Dissipation3
Static-Not Converting 88 107 mW
With Internal Reference 10 MSPS throughput 150 170 mW
With External Reference 10 MSPS throughput 136 160 mW
Power-Down 8 58 pw
Energy per Conversion 10 MSPS throughput 13.6 nJ/sample
Specified Performance TMIN to TMAX -40 +85 "C
l Using an external reference.
2 The ANSI-644 LVDS specification has a minimum output common mode (Vow) of 1 125 mV.
3 Power dissipation is for the AD7626 device only. In self-clocked interface mode, 0.9 mW is dissipated in the 100 Q terminator. In echoed-clock interface mode, 1.8 mW
is dissipated in two 100 n terminators.
Rev. B l Page 4 of 28