AD7523 ,D/A Converter, 8-Bit, Multiplying, 6.7MHzBlock DiagramTOP VIEWV 10kΩ 10kΩ 10kΩ 10kΩREF INI 1 16 ROUT1 FEEDBACK(15)I 2 15 VOUT2 REF IN20kΩ 20 ..
AD7523JN ,8-Bit/ Multiplying D/A ConvertersFeatures DescriptionThe AD7523 and AD7533 are monolithic, low cost, high• 8-Bit, 9-Bit and 10-Bit L ..
AD7523KN ,8-Bit/ Multiplying D/A ConvertersBlock DiagramAD7523, AD7533(PDIP) V 10kΩ 10kΩ 10kΩ 10kΩREF INTOP VIEW(15)20kΩ 20kΩ 20kΩ 20kΩ 20kΩ 2 ..
AD7523LN ,8-Bit/ Multiplying D/A Convertersapplications of the AD7523 and AD7533.Ordering InformationoPART NUMBER LINEARITY (INL, DNL) TEMP. R ..
AD7523LN ,8-Bit/ Multiplying D/A ConvertersAD7523, AD7533August 1997 8-Bit, Multiplying D/A Converters
AD7524 ,CMOS 8-Bit Buffered Multiplying DACSPECIFICATIONS1 Limit, T = +258C Limit, T , TA MIN MAXParameter V = +5 V V = +15 V V ..
ADG417BN ,LC2MOS Precision Mini-DIP Analog SwitchSpecifications subject to change without notice.–2– REV. AADG4171Single Supply(V = +12 V 6 10%, V = ..
ADG417BR ,LC2MOS Precision Mini-DIP Analog SwitchSPECIFICATIONS1(V = +15 V 6 10%, V = –15 V 6 10%, V = +5 V 6 10%, GND = 0 V, unless otherwise noted ..
ADG419BN ,LC2MOS Precision Mini-DIP Analog SwitchSpecifications subject to change without notice.REV. A–2–ADG419Single Supply (V = +12 V 6 10%, V = ..
ADG419BR ,LC2MOS Precision Mini-DIP Analog SwitchSpecifications subject to change without notice.REV. A–2–ADG419Single Supply (V = +12 V 6 10%, V = ..
ADG419BRM ,LC2MOS Precision Mini-DIP Analog SwitchGENERAL DESCRIPTION PRODUCT HIGHLIGHTSThe ADG419 is a monolithic CMOS SPDT switch. This 1. Extende ..
ADG419TQ ,LC2MOS Precision Mini-DIP Analog Switchapplications where the analog signal is unipolar, thetion, making the parts ideally suited for port ..