AD7391 ,+3/+5 Volt Serial-Input Micropower 10-Bit DACCHARACTERISTICS (@ V = 2.5 V, 40C < T < 85C unless otherwise noted.)REF INAParameter Symbol Con ..
AD7391AN ,3 V Serial-Input Micropower 10-Bit and 12-Bit DACsCHARACTERISTICS (@ V = 2.5 V, 40C < T < 85C unless otherwise noted.)REF INAParameter Symbol Con ..
AD7391AR ,+3 Volt Serial-Input Micropower 10-Bit & 12-Bit DACsGENERAL DESCRIPTION in (SDI), clock (CLK) and load strobe (LD) pins. Addition-The AD7390/AD7391 fam ..
AD7391ARU ,+3 Volt Serial-Input Micropower 10-Bit & 12-Bit DACsCHARACTERISTICSREF INAParameter Symbol Conditions 3 V 6 10% 5 V 6 10% UnitsSTATIC PERFORMANCE1Resol ..
AD7392 ,+3/+5 V, Parallel-Input Micropower 12-Bit DACCHARACTERISTICS (@ V = 2.5 V, 2408C < T < 1858C, unless otherwise noted)REF IN AParameter Symbol Co ..
AD7392AR ,+3 V, Parallel Input Micropower 10- and 12-Bit DACsCHARACTERISTICSREF INAParameter Symbol Conditions 3 V 6 10% 5 V 6 10% UnitsSTATIC PERFORMANCE1Resol ..
ADF4001 ,200MHz Clock Generator PLLSpecifications subject to change without notice.t t3 4CLOCKt t1 2DB20 DB1 DB0 (LSB)DATA DB2DB19(MSB ..
ADF4001BRU ,200 MHz Clock Generator PLLSpecifications subject to change without notice.t t3 4CLOCKt t1 2DB20 DB1 DB0 (LSB)DATA DB2DB19(MSB ..
ADF4001BRUZ-R7 , 200 MHz Clock Generator PLL
ADF4002BRUZ , Phase Detector/Frequency Synthesizer
ADF4002BRUZ-RL7 , Phase Detector/Frequency Synthesizer
ADF4002BRUZ-RL7 , Phase Detector/Frequency Synthesizer
+3/+5 Volt Serial-Input Micropower 12-Bit DAC
3 V Serial-Input
Micropower 10-Bit and 12-Bit DACs
Micropower—100 �A
Single-Supply—2.7 V to 5.5 V Operation
Compact 1.75 mm Height SO-8 Package
and 1.1 mm Height TSSOP-8 Package
AD7390—12-Bit Resolution
AD7391—10-Bit Resolution
SPI and QSPI Serial Interface Compatible with Schmitt
Trigger Inputs
Automotive 0.5 V to 4.5 V Output Span Voltage
Portable Communications
Digitally Controlled Calibration
GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe AD7390/AD7391 family of 10-bit and 12-bit voltage-
output digital-to-analog converters is designed to operate
from a single 3 V supply. Built using a CBCMOS process,
these monolithic DACs offer the user low cost, and ease-of-use
in single-supply 3 V systems. Operation is guaranteed over the
supply voltage range of 2.7 V to 5.5 V consuming less than 100 µA
making this device ideal for battery operated applications.
The full-scale voltage output is determined by the external
reference input voltage applied. The rail-to-rail REFIN to
DACOUT allows for a full-scale voltage set equal to the positive
supply VDD or any value in between.
A doubled-buffered serial-data interface offers high-speed,
3-wire, SPI and microcontroller compatible inputs using data
in (SDI), clock (CLK) and load strobe (LD) pins. Addition-
ally, a CLR input sets the output to zero scale at power on or
upon user demand.
Both parts are offered in the same pinout to allow users to select
the amount of resolution appropriate for their application without
circuit card redesign.
The AD7390/AD7391 are specified over the extended industrial
(�40°C to �85°C) temperature range. The AD7391AR is
specified for the �40°C to �125°C automotive temperature
range. The AD7390/AD7391s are available in plastic DIP, and
low profile 1.75 mm height SO-8 surface mount packages. The
AD7391ARU is available for ultracompact applications in a thin
1.1mm TSSOP-8 package.
Figure 1.Differential Nonlinearity Error vs. Code
Figure 2.INL Error vs. Code and Temperature
1One LSB = VREF/4096 V for the 12-bit AD7390.
2The first two codes (000H, 001H) are excluded from the linearity error measurement.
3These parameters are guaranteed by design and not subject to production testing.
4Typicals represent average readings measured at 25°C.
5All input control signals are specified with tR = tF = 2 ns (10% to 90% of 3 V) and timed from a voltage level of 1.6 V.
6The settling time specification does not apply for negative going transitions within the last 3 LSBs of ground.
AD7390 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(@ VREF IN = 2.5 V, –40�C < TA < +85�C unless otherwise noted.)
NOTESOne LSB = VREF/1024 V for the 10-bit AD7391.
(@ VREF IN = 2.5 V, �40�C < TA < �85�C unless otherwise noted.)
ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS*VDD to GND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�0.3 V, �8 V
VREF to GND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�0.3 V, VDD � 0.3 V
Logic Inputs to GND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�0.3 V, �8 V
VOUT to GND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �0.3 V, VDD � 0.3 V
IOUT Short Circuit to GND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 mA
Package Power Dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . (TJ MAX � TA)/θJA
Thermal Resistance θJA
8-Lead Plastic DIP Package (N-8) . . . . . . . . . . . . .103°C/W
8-Lead SOIC Package (SO-8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .158°C/W
TSSOP-8 Package (RU-8) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .240°C/W
Maximum Junction Temperature (TJ MAX) . . . . . . . . . .150°C
Operating Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . �40°C to �85°C
AD7391AR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �40°C to �125°C
Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . . . . . . �65°C to �150°C
Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10 secs) . . . . . . . . . . . . .300°C
*Stresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause perma-nent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the
device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational
specification is not implied. Exposure to the above maximum rating conditions for
extended periods may affect device reliability.
Figure 3.Digital Control Logic
CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000V readily
NOTESThe AD7390 contains 588 transistors. The die size measures 70 mm � 68 mm.Line 1 contains ADI logo symbol and part number. Line 2 contains grade and date code YWW. Line 3 contains the letter G plus the 4-digit lot number.Line 1 contains part number. Line 2 contains grade and date code YWW. Line 3 contains the letter G plus the 4-digit lot number and the ADI logo symbol.Line 1 contains the date code YWW. Line 2 contains the 4-digit part number plus grade.
Figure 4.Timing Diagram
Table I.Control-Logic Truth Table↑ = Positive logic transition.
X = Don’t care.
Table II.AD7390 Serial Input Register Data Format, Data is Loaded in the MSB-First Format
Table III.AD7391 Serial Input Register Data Format, Data is Loaded in the MSB-First Format
AD7390/AD7391–Typical Performance CharacteristicsTPC 1.AD7390 Total Unadjusted
Error Histogram
TPC 4.AD7390 Voltage Noise
Density vs. Frequency
TPC 7.AD7390 Supply Current
vs. Temperature
TPC 2.AD7391 Total Unadjusted
Error Histogram
TPC 5.AD7390 Supply Current vs.
Logic Input Voltage
TPC 8.AD7391 Supply Current
vs. Clock Frequency
TPC 3.AD7391 Full-Scale Output
Tempco Histogram
TPC 6.AD7390 Logic Threshold
vs. Supply Voltage
TPC 9.Power Supply Rejection
vs. Frequency